Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2018.01.102

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC [338.47:004]:330.837(477); JEL K30, L86
Melnyk, M. I. (2018). Instytutsiyne zabezpechennya rozvytku IT-sektoru v Ukrayini: osnovni problemy ta priorytetni napryamy udoskonalennya [Institutional maintenance of ІТ-sector development in Ukraine: major problems and priority directions of improvement]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 87 (1), 102-110. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 8



Development of information space and information technologies becomes the powerful factor of economic growth stimulation, higher quality of social processes’ integration and improvement of competitive level of national economy in general. Information technologies’ development encompasses broad activity spheres, influences the functioning of many institutions and creates environment for efficient production development and providing of services.
Regulative acts of Ukrainian legislation in the IT sphere are analyzed and the fact that they correspond to main principles and strategic priorities of global information development and to the European Union legislation is proven. However, the level of information society development in conditions of European integration course doesn’t agree with the capacity and opportunities of Ukraine due to various problems of real application of existing legislation (inefficient procedures of implementation, permanent lack of sphere’s funding, dispersion of regulative functions and budget resources) as well as crisis tendencies of social and economic development in general.
The issue of forming of the system of harmonized and favourable institutional maintenance of IT-sector development under current conditions of global competitiveness requires improvement in the context of forming of more flexible system quickly reacting to the influences of institutional (including informal), political, economic, social and global factors on the business activity of IT-companies in the process of coordination of strategic priorities of information technologies development.
Institutional maintenance of forming of IT-sector development public policy in Ukraine is analyzed, in particular legislative and regulative maintenance in the sphere of national informatization program, strategic view of information society and informatization development, electronic document management and governance, legalization of software, etc. The fact that institutional environment is also formed by informal relations and institutional traps, which impact the business activity of IT-companies, is proven.
Suggestions over improvement of domestic system of legislative and regulative maintenance of IT sector development in the context of creation of favourable conditions for conducting of ICT-business are made. Organizational and economic priorities of public policy of IT-sector development in the context of its competitiveness improvement and IT-innovations commercialization are defined. Recommendations on forming of favourable conditions for efficient cluster cooperation between the IT-sector entities on domestic and international markets are suggested.
Priority measures of forming of favourable organizational and institutional environment of IT-sphere development are defined on the basis of analysis of IT development priorities, which will have high success capacity (profitability) in the nearest future, contributing to national innovation ecosystem development and being the basis for the country’s leadership in the It sphere. Foresight technology is applied as the instrument of priority forming and mobilization of numerous participants in order to achieve qualitatively new results in the sphere of science and technologies.


information technologies, ІТ-sector, ІТ-cluster, institutional maintenance of IT-sector development, country’s innovative ecosystem, public policy of IT-sector development


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  2. Melnyk, M. I. (2014). Conceptual approaches and applied aspects of spatial and functional analysis of metropolisation processes in the region. Ekonomichnyy chasopys-XXI – Economic Annals-XXI, 11-12, 80-84.
  3. Melnyk, M. I., Synyutka, O., & Kushniretska, O. (2016). Spatial policy of regional metropolis development in Ukraine: conceptual principles of formation. Ekonomichnyy chasopys-XXI – Economic Annals-XXI, 159(5-6), 43-47.
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Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC [332.122:339.9]:[330.322+330.341.1](477)(438):615.12; JEL I10, M21
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Sources: 22

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