Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2020.03.057

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.1; JEL R50
Khymynets, V. V., & Tsimbolynets, H. I. (2020). Istoryko-kul'turna spadshchyna yak chynnyk stymulyuvannya ekonomichnoho rozvytku rehionu [Historical and cultural heritage as factor of stimulation of regional economic development]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 97 (3), 57-64. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 6


Khymynets Volodymyr Vasylyovych

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor

Head of Sector of the Sector of research of the Western region in Uzhgorod of the National Institute for Strategic Studies in Ukraine



Tsimbolynets Hanna Ivanivna

Assistant of the Department of international economic relations of the Uzhhorod National University




The role of cultural heritage in the socio-economic development of regions and communities is shown in the paper, namely, its importance for potential development opportunities of the tourism and recreational industry. The model of using cultural heritage at the regional and local levels with the purpose of creation of tourist and recreational cluster "Nevitsky Castle" is proposed. The methodology of attracting internal investments in the form of remittances of migrant workers, budget assignments of all levels, and small business resources for the development of the territory has been elaborated. The current state and features of the territorial organization of Zakarpatska Oblast tourist potential are analyzed. Tourism is proven to be one of the most profitable sectors of the world economy, which is developing most dynamically and is among the most important factors of socio-cultural development that contribute to improving the level and quality of life of the population. That is why attention is paid to the priority of the tourism and recreational industry in the economy of the region. Specific proposals for the implementation of public-private partnership based on the example of the tourist and recreational cluster "Nevitsky Castle" are developed in such a way that everyone gets their own benefit – an investor does not need to buy the land, the state guarantees the permitting and documentary support, creates an infrastructure component, and participates in the restoration of a cultural heritage object, while a private partner invests his own money and entrepreneurial experience, effectively manages his own project, involves modern technology, creates jobs and fills the budget. The creation of appropriate conditions in the real sector of the economy for the return of migrant workers and productive use of their savings and for the implementation of the President of Ukraine initiative "Come back and stay" and the Government Program of micro and small business lending is scientifically substantiated. The systemic use of cultural heritage as an important factor for the social, economic, and cultural development of territories of different administrative levels is recommended.


tourist and recreational cluster, cultural heritage, public-private partnership, regional development


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