UDC 330.341(477); JEL O15 Davymuka, S. A., & Paska, O. V. (2024). Tendentsiyi ta perspektyvy rozvytku osvity yak skladovoyi innovatsiynoho potentsialu Ukrayiny [Tendencies and prospects for the development of education as a component of the innovation potential of Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 114 (4), 63-78. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36818/1562-0905-2024-4-7 [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 26
Davymuka Stepan AntonovychDoctor of Economics, Professor, Honored Economist of Ukraine
Leading Researcher of the Department of regional financial policy of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine
Contacts: davymuka.s@gmail.com, ird_kozoriz@i.ua
Paska Oleh VolodymyrovychPh.D. of Public Administration
Director of the Department of Education and Science of the Lviv Regional State Administration
Contacts: paskaoleh@gmail.com
ResumeToday, the issues of the special role of the innovative potential of the economy and society are not only relevant, but also require a systematic rethinking, due to the strategic tasks of choosing effective means of Ukraine’s victory in the war against the Russian aggressor and post-war reconstruction of the country. In the innovative development of society in terms of the formation, realization and reproduction of its innovative potential, everything begins with education. In the conditions of war, systemic issues related to the study of the impact of socio-economic and technological problems of different levels on the development of the State’s education sector in the direction of forming its innovative orientation and the basis of the latest knowledge remain poorly researched. The purpose of the article is to actualize the role of education in socio-economic processes and to identify and substantiate the trends and possible directions for improving the efficiency of its development as a component of the innovative potential of Ukrainian society. The author proves that building an independent and self-sufficient state and defending its national interests involves, first of all, recognizing the priority of education. Its development is based on the principles of democracy and humanistic values and requires the use of advanced teaching and management technologies to ensure, first of all, self-development of the individual and the formation of an innovative culture. Based on a comparative analysis of international indices, the article identifies general trends in the development of education and training in Ukraine, which demonstrate a number of positive results in certain areas that shape its innovative potential. In particular, Ukraine belongs to the category of countries where the development of the country’s innovations is faster than its economy, ranks third in the world in terms of the ratio of the number of teachers to the number of students, and has a high impact of talents on economic development.
Keywords:education, trends, innovation potential, innovativeness, post-war reconstruction
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