Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Kazmir Lyubomyr Pavlovych

Kazmir Lyubomyr Pavlovych

Ph.D. of Economics

Researcher of the Department of problems of the real sector of regions' economy of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine




Kortselli-Oleynichak Yeva Karolina


Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 338.45:330.341, JEL L16, L50, O32
Korcelli-Olejniczak, E. K., & Kazmir, L. P. (2021). Tsyfrovizatsiya promyslovykh system: kontseptual'na sutnist' ta klyuchovi chynnyky [Digitalization of industrial systems: conceptual essence and key factors]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 102 (4), 57-66. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 30

The progress of digital technologies opens new opportunities for economic growth in general and the intensification of industrial production in particular. Issues directly related to the digitalization of industry are now on the agenda of reputable international organizations, national governments, and business representatives, and are at the center of attention of the scientific community. Studies of the phenomenon of industry digitalization are especially important for Ukraine, whose industrial sector has been in decline for a long time. The paper within the framework of a multilevel structural-functional approach highlights the essence, main advantages and problematic aspects of digitalization of industrial systems at local, regional and national levels, as well as highlights the key factors of successful modernization of the processes of design, production and consumption of industrial products under the influence of the involvement of information and digital technologies. The paper argues that the speed and success of the “digital transition” of industrial enterprises depend not only on the existing conditions for accelerated development of technological innovations or the formation of “road maps” of digitalization of certain industries or regions but also on the behavior of companies, their competitors and consumers of their products. The directions of modernization of the management system of industrial development in the conditions of the Ukrainian realities are considered. A matrix structure of program tasks to support the digitalization of the region’s industrial system is proposed. It will allow coordination of the activities of public authorities, local governments, research and educational institutions, businesses and NGOs to support measures for the digitalization of the region’s industrial system, and generate and adsorb relevant innovations. Widespread use of benchmarking methods is proposed for the successful digitalization of industrial systems at the local level. 
industrial systems, digitalization, Industry 4.0, multilevel structural-functional approach, management levels, regional programs 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 338.45:[330.341.1+316.422](477); JEL L16, L50, O32
Kazmir, L. P. (2020). Kontseptual'ni aspekty modernizatsiyi systemy upravlinnya rozvytkom promyslovosti v Ukrayini [Conceptual aspects of modernization of the industrial development management system in Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 98 (4), 115-124. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 25

Globalization of the economy, revolutionary technological changes in production processes, and trade liberalization necessitate the deepening of research on theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of new models to manage industrial development. The paper highlights a number of theoretical provisions that can serve as conceptual guidelines for the modernization of the industrial management system in Ukraine in the context of modern globalization and technological challenges. In particular, the paper emphasizes that the intellectualization of industrial production necessitates the intellectualization of management processes. The specifics of strategizing the innovative development of the industry are considered. Recommendations for the formation of a "scientific and information shell" of the management system based on the coordination of government, business, educational and scientific institutions, NGOs in the modernization of industrial policy and implementation of a new model of industrial development management are suggested. The basic functions of modernization of the industrial management system (worldview, epistemological, genetic, adaptive, social, economic, ecological, and political) are highlighted. The fundamental schemes to implement the new model of management of industrial development and its intellectualization at the macro level are offered. The importance of the regional level of modernization of industrial development management is noted. In this context, the concept of «smart specialization» based on the idea of taking full account of the benefits and capacity of a particular region, and «good governance» concept is emphasized to deserve special attention. 
fourth industrial revolution, Industry 4.0, strategizing, new industrial policy, intellectualization of management, scientific and educational support 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.1:338.439:005; JEL O13, Q13, Q18, R10, R58
Kazmir, L. P. (2019). Suchasni paradyhmy rozvytku rehional'nykh ahroprodovol'chykh system [Modern development paradigms of regional agrifood systems]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 94 (4), 94-103. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 24

Increasing demand for food products, globalization of markets, trade liberalization, technological changes in the methods of production and storage of food products require the deepening of research of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the development of agrifood systems at different levels. Taking into account the clearly expressed regional heterogeneity of development of agrifood sector of Ukrainian economy, as well as increasing role and importance of regional level of management in the modern economy, the characteristic features of agriindustrial, territorial and hybrid paradigms of regional systems development are considered in the paper in the context of post-nonclassical methodology. Significant extension of the concept of “development of regional agrifood systems”, which in modern interpretation covers not only traditional issues of organization of production, processing and marketing of agrifood products, but also such subject areas as food security, social inclusivity, nature protection and rural development is outlined. Bortis’s scheme reflecting the ordering of individual elements of reality according to their stability over time was used to analyze the selected paradigms. Particular attention is paid to highlighting the institutional aspects of the development of regional agrifood systems and the role of civil society in this process. It is also noted that the hybrid paradigm, which combines elements of agriindustrial and territorial paradigms and takes into account the incompleteness of transitional processes, is the most suitable for implementation in Ukraine, where during the years of post-socialist transformations the dualistic model of the agrifood sector functioning has been established. Priority directions of research of prospects of development of regional agrifood systems under conditions of strategic rapprochement of Ukraine with the European Union are highlighted. 
regional agrifood systems, alternative food networks, development paradigm, post-nonclassical methodology, institutional approach, civil society 


Kazmir, L. P. (2010). Instytutsional’nyy pidkhid v teoriyi upravlinnya zemlekorystuvannyam [Institutional approach in land management theory]. Zemleustriy i kadastr – Land system and cadastre, 2, 24-34. [in Ukrainian]. {re2019.04.094.021}

Kazmir, L. P. (2019). Suchasni paradyhmy rozvytku rehional’nykh ahroprodovol’chykh system [Modern paradigms of development of regional agri-food systems]. Rehional’na ekonomika – Regional economy, 4, 94-103. [in Ukrainian]. {re2020.03.014.005}

Kazmir, L. P. (2020). Kontseptual’ni aspekty modernizatsiyi systemy upravlinnya rozvytkom promyslovosti v Ukrayini [Conceptual aspects of modernization of industrial development management system in Ukraine]. Rehional’na ekonomika – Regional economy, 4, 115-124. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {re2021.04.057.010}

Kazmir, L. P. (2021). Intelektual’nyy kapital yak chynnyk strukturnoyi transformatsiyi ekonomiky rehionu [Intellectual capital as a factor in the structural transformation of the region’s economy]. In Aktual’ni problemy, priorytetni napryamky ta stratehiyi rozvytku Ukrayiny [Current issues, priority areas and strategies of Ukraine’s development]: Abstracts of the II International scientific-practical online conference (pp. 116-118). Kyiv: ITTA. [in Ukrainian]. {re2021.04.057.030}

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