Khoma Iryna BorysivnaDoctor of Economics, Professor
Professor of the Department of finance of the Institute of Economics and Management of the Lviv Polytechnic National University
Khomenko Andriy Ihorovych
Khoma, I. B., & Khomenko, A. I. (2009). Finansovo-kredytnyy mekhanizm innovatsiynoho rozvytku ekonomiky Ukrayiny [Finance and Credit Mechanism of Innovative Development of Economy of Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 54(4), 246 p. [in Ukrainian].
Khoma, I. B. (2008). Formuvannya systemno-kompleksnoho pidkhodu v otsintsi rivnya ekonomichnoyi bezpeky pidpryyemstva [Formation of a system-complex approach in assessing the level of economic security of the enterprise]. In Visnyk NU «L’vivs’ka politekhnika». Seriya: Problemy ekonomiky ta upravlinnya [Bulletin of NU «Lviv Polytechnic». Series: Problems of economics and management]: Vol. 611 (pp. 32-41). [in Ukrainian]. {re2023.01.110.006}
Khoma, I. B. (2012). Formuvannya ta vykorystannya system diahnostyky ekonomichnoyi zakhyshchenosti promyslovoho pidpryyemstva [Formation and use of diagnostic systems for the economic security of an industrial enterprise]. Lviv: NU «Lviv Polytechnic». [in Ukrainian]. {re2023.04.074.031}