Concept of the synergy effect in the context of mergers and acquisitions of companies is extended. The interdependence between net present value of the synergy effect and efficiency of mergers and acquisitions of companies is investigated. The approaches and the methods of estimation of synergy effect of mergers and acquisitions are described. Description and scientific substantiation of procedure of mergers and acquisitions deals selection, which allows avoiding inefficient deals of companies restructuring, is presented.
merger, acquisition, synergy effect, net present value of the synergy effect, restructuring of companies, approaches and methods of estimation, efficiency
The social and economic essence of modern corporations in terms of institutional theory is outlined; the basic aims of corporative structures with the account of different social groups’ interests are formulated. On the base of value-oriented concept of corporation growth the importance of growth strategy use through consumption rent introduction is substantiated and the methodology of forming and control of consumption value creation chain as a base of modern business organization is developed.
By means of new institutional economic theory instruments the specific problems of corporate governance in transitional economy are considered taking into account the features of privatization in Ukraine. It is shown that the model of corporate governance formed in Ukraine creates essential restrictions to innovative economic development. The conclusions over the economic policy guidelines, which should provide more convicting contribution of corporate governance into sustainable economic development, are formulated.
corporation, corporate governance, institutions, rights, ownership, control
Essence, problems and priorities of corporate management by economic security of enterprises are examined. Preconditions and principles of creation of the system of corporate management by economic security on the enterprises of publishing-polygraphic industry of Ukraine are grounded.
corporate management, economic security of enterprises