Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Pyshchulina Olha Mykolayivna

Pyshchulina Olha Mykolayivna


Pyshchulina, O. M., Koval, O. P., Kochemyrovska, O. O. (2010). Systemni vady rynku pratsi ta priorytety yoho reformuvannya [Systemic flaws of labor market and priorities for its reforming] (Analytical report). Kyiv: National Institute of Strategic Studies in Ukraine. [in Ukrainian]. {re2016.04.045.008}

Pyshchulina, O. (Ed.) (2020). Tsyfrova ekonomika: trendy, ryzyky ta sotsial’ni determinanty [Digital economy: trends, risks and social determinants]. Kyiv: Testament. [in Ukrainian]. {re2021.04.057.019}

Pyshchulina, O., & Markevych, K. (2022). Rynok pratsi v umovakh viyny: osnovni tendentsiyi ta napryamy stabilizatsiyi [The labor market in the conditions of war: main trends and directions of stabilization]: Analytical note. K.: Razumkov Center. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian]. {re2023.04.035.003}

Pyshchulina, O., Yurchyshyn, V., Stetsyuk, P., & Mishchenko, M. (2023). Vplyv mihratsiynykh protsesiv na perebih povoyennoho vidnovlennya Ukrayiny, mihratsiynu polityku YeS ta krayin Skhidnoho partnerstva [The influence of migration processes on the course of post-war reconstruction of Ukraine, the migration policy of the EU and the countries of the Eastern Partnership]. Kyiv: Razumkov Center. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian]. {re2024.02.103.012}

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