Shevchuk Tetyana VitaliyivnaPh.D. of Economics, Associate Professor
Associate Professor of the Department of information technologies and higher mathematics of the Lviv Academic Institute of University of Banking
Korkuna Ivan Ivanovych
UDC [332.83]:330.341.4:336.71 Shevchuk, T. V., & Korkuna, I. I. (2014). Udoskonalennya struktury fondiv finansuvannya budivnytstva zhytla u skladi bankivs'kykh ustanov [Improving the structure building financial funds as a part of banking institutions]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 71(1), 104-110. [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 5
Shevchuk, T. V. (2009). Osoblyvosti ryzykiv ta metody yikh minimizatsiyi u zhytlovomu budivnytstvi [Peculіarіtіes of Rіsks and Methods of its Mіnіmіzatіon іn residential building]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 54(4), 246 p. [in Ukrainian].
UDC 336.763.34:332.8(477) Shevchuk, T. V. (2008). Banky yak finansovi poserednyky na rynku budivnytstva zhytla v Ukrayini [The Banks as Financial Intermediaries in Dwelling Construction Market in Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 48(2), 168-175. [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 12