Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Regional Economy -- Year 2022, Issue 3(105)

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Regional Policy and Territorial Development

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC [332.122:338.43]:330.34:005; JEL O10, Q15, R52
Storonyanska, I. Z., Zalutskyy, I. R., & Patytska, Kh. O. (2022). Metodychni osnovy identyfikatsiyi zemel'nykh aktyviv u konteksti staloho rozvytku funktsional'nykh typiv terytoriy [Methodological foundations of land asset identification in the context of sustainable development of functional types of territories]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 105 (3), 5-23. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 27

The article addresses the problems of land asset identification in the context of sustainable development of functional types of territories. Efficient regulation of land and property relations appears to be an essential condition for the comprehensive development of a territorial community based on reliable and systematic information on land resources within its territory. The article substantiates that in conditions of transition to territory-oriented development policy based on the capacity stimulation in the territories of various functional types, the conceptual foundations of the territorial community’s land asset identification include the methodological unity of legal regulation in land valuation and systemic comprehensiveness of the data in the State Land Cadaster. The retrospective analysis of the nature of legal settlement of the assets concept shows various options of modern interpretation of the category in Ukrainian legal documents and the bottlenecks in the regulation of land asset definition as an economic-legal standard. The article proves the lack of administrative and/or statistical information on the quantitative and qualitative land accounting at the level of territorial communities as the main entities of comprehensive development of territories of various functional types. The land asset nature and types are determined. The article offers the recording of the following definitions in national legislation: “land assets”, “tangible land asset”, and “intangible land asset”. The methodological approach to comprehensive actualization of normative and export monetary assessment of land assets in the course of the introduction of online services in the State Land Cadaster based on Blockchain technology is substantiated. The automatic formation of the monetary valuation of land assets on the current date by the software of the State Land Cadaster without the development and approval of the respective technical documents must secure the accessibility of land asset identification in monetary terms at the level of a territorial community or fair land asset cost in accounting, financial, and other records. 
land asset, land asset identification, monetary valuation of land assets, functional types of territories 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 711.4+364.122.5:352.001.11; JEL R10
Lysyak, N. M., Habrel, M. M., & Khromyak, Yo. Ya. (2022). Skhema planuvannya terytoriyi oblasti yak stratehichna osnova obgruntuvannya kontseptsiyi intehrovanoho rozvytku terytorial'noyi hromady [The planning scheme of the oblast territory as a strategic basis for substantiating the Territorial Community’s Integrated Development Concept]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 105 (3), 24-36. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 20

The purpose of this publication is to analyze the current Lvivska Oblast Territory Planning Scheme and determine the main scientific and practical principles of its implementation. The current Lvivska Oblast Territorial Planning Scheme was developed in 2016 and is valid until 2031. It defines and contains core decisions on the functional zoning of the territory according to the types of predominant use, planning organization of the territory, interrelated complex placement of the main objects of production, transport and engineering infrastructure, development of investment attractive territories, restructuring of the economic complex (industry, agriculture and forestry, social sphere, recreation and health, and tourism), and protection of the natural environment and cultural heritage. The changes in the space of Lvivska oblast during the period of the Scheme operation are disclosed. They are directly related to the need to conduct a rational policy for the development of the territory both in the conditions of martial law (in order to ensure a humanitarian policy for internally displaced persons, humanitarian logistics and transportation of vital goods to the affected population, as well as the preservation of economic potential), as well as the development of strategic goals for the comprehensive social and economic recovery of Lvivska Oblast for the post-war period, taking into account the possibilities of post-war reconstruction and rapid European integration. A SWOT analysis of the existing spatial situation in the context of new realities and tasks of spatial planning is carried out. The main aspects of using the Lvivska Oblast Territory Planning Scheme to substantiate the conceptual provisions and practical recommendations of spatial planning at lower hierarchical levels are outlined. The recommendations for the use of the provisions of the Grabovetsko-Dulibivska Territorial Community Integrated Development Planning Scheme located in Stryiskyi district of Lvivska Oblast are substantiated, and the mechanisms of its use to justify project decisions are revealed. 
Oblast Territory Planning Scheme, spatial planning, territorial community, integrated community development concept 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 338.48:332.1:338.245(477.8); JEL L83, O18, R58
Zhuk, P. V. (2022). Turystychno-rekreatsiyna sfera Karpats'koho rehionu Ukrayiny v umovakh voyennoho stanu [Travel and recreation industry in the Carpathian region of Ukraine in martial law]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 105 (3), 37-45. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 8

The article emphasizes one of the leading places of travel and recreation industry among the strategic development goals for the oblasts of the Carpathian region of Ukraine. It provides data concerning the established network of the collective and individual accommodation facilities of tourism and recreation profile in the region. The impact of the large-scale Russian aggression in Ukraine on the tourism and recreation industry of the region is analyzed, and the nature and dynamics of qualitative changes in the use of the collective and individual accommodation facilities and financial-economic results of the activity of the tourism and recreation facilities in the region are defined based on the survey of the tourism and recreation activity entities in Zakarpatska, Ivano-Frankivska, Lvivska, and Chernivetska oblasts. The change in their functioning regime in martial law is characterized. The article indicates the landslide drop in traditional tourism and recreation activity of the population since the beginning of the large-scale hostilities, which was compensated with the accommodation of tens of thousands of forcibly displaced persons in the tourism and recreation facilities of the region in the first months. But their number was continuously decreasing in summer 2022. The author specifies a consistent trend towards the deterioration of financial results of the activity of accommodation facilities and threats and socio-economic consequences of the shutdown of the tourism and recreation industry strategically important for the region. The extensive use of the tools for public support of the tourism and recreation industry entities is offered. The opportunities and scales of their recovery in the post-war period are predicted. 
tourism and recreation industry, Carpathian region, accommodation facilities, tourism activity entities, martial law 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.055:331.526; JEL O11, O18, R11, R12, F63
Synyura-Rostun, N. R. (2022). Ryzyky endohennoho rozvytku rehioniv Ukrayiny v umovakh viyny [Endogenous development risks for Ukrainian regions in war]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 105 (3), 46-53. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 17

The article identifies the main endogenous development risks for Ukrainian regions in war. The article specifies that the projected loss of GDP will depend on the amount of territory lost and the intensity of hostilities. Blocking the ways of commodity export became one of the means of waging war. The reasons for the reduction in export volumes, which increases the risk of losing the export potential of the regions, are revealed. The article emphasizes that the export of agricultural products and metallurgy experiences the highest rate of reduction. The increase in the duration of the war is proven to increase the risk of loss of export markets for Ukraine. The logistics problems are among the main reasons for export losses in the first half of 2022. The lack of the export routes diversification policy has become one of the biggest economic problems in the war. Obstacles to the involvement of railway transport in the export of commodity products and the preservation of the endogenous potential of the regions are outlined. The article determines that the border regions receive a significant potential for endogenous development due to the activation of transit and international railway transportation. The blockade of export routes for agricultural products increases the tension in the international food market. African and Asian countries are most dependent on the export of Ukrainian grain. Alternative directions for the development of logistic ways of product transportation are determined. The raw material nature of Ukrainian commodity exports remains a problem. The directions for the integration of Ukrainian products into international chains of added value are outlined. The industries most dependent on Ukrainian exports are identified. Strengthening the endogenous potential of the regions requires diversification of the export structure with an increase in the share of high-tech products. The further integration of Ukrainian enterprises into European and global value chains is necessary for the strategic development of the economy. 
endogenous development, export, regions, diversification, logistics 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC [332.122:911.375]; JEL O18, O30, O38, R10
Pityulych, M. M., Kudak, K. M., & Veresh, Ye. S. (2022). Stratehichni priorytety rozvytku malykh mist rehionu v umovakh detsentralizatsiyi [Development of regional markets of consumer goods: state and assessment of factors]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 105 (3), 54-59. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 12

In the conditions of administrative and territorial reform, the development of small towns becomes more relevant, because according to the methodology of forming capable territorial communities, it is determined that communities should be formed around the cities-district centers, most of which are the small towns. In such conditions, one of the primary tasks of the local self-government bodies is the development of the strategy for territorial communities and small towns, which primarily involves determining the priority directions of their development and is a systematic process aimed at solving the most urgent local problems, realizing the socio-economic potential, increasing the efficiency of the use of available resources, which will ultimately contribute to the development of small towns and the growth of their role in the development of the regional economy. The purpose of the article is to determine the strategic priorities of the development of small towns in the conditions of administrative and territorial reform and decentralization. The analysis proved that in the conditions of administrative and territorial reform, small cities, acting as the centers of newly formed territorial communities, are in the focus of increased attention of scientists and experts that require the development of an effective strategy for their development and the determination of priority areas of their functioning. Due to the fact that the most of the small towns are characterized by a monofunctional type of development, in the long-term period, the strengthening of the industrial potential of these towns and the restructuring of the economy should be expected; accordingly, the social development of small towns will depend on the levels and directions of their economic growth. In the conditions of the military crisis and post-war recovery in our country, experts consider the improvement of the system of tax administration in communities to be one of the effective tools for the recovery and modernization of the country. Along with this, one of the integral conditions of the development of small towns is the deepening of intersectoral partnership between the government, business and the public sector, and the development of innovative entrepreneurship. In the conditions of decentralization the small cities are an important component of the socio-economic development of communities and regions, which requires increased attention to the development of an effective strategy for their operation, the determination of priorities for their development in the long term period, which involves strengthening of the potential of small cities, deepening partnership relations between various entities management, improvement of the local tax administration system, reorientation of industrial production to an innovative type of development. 
small cities, strategic management, strategic development, innovative entrepreneurship, region, decentralization, local community 

Social Policy

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 331.522.4:[330.342.146:330.31]; JEL O15, J24
Karpyak, M. O., Herman, L. T., & Kostyshyna, A. I. (2022). Lyuds'kyy potentsial yak osnovna komponenta sotsial'no-ekonomichnoho rozvytku v systemi suspil'noho vidtvorennya [Human potential as the main component of socio-economic development in the system of social reproduction]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 105 (3), 60-66. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 13

Human potential is the defining strategic resource of any state and the nation’s greatest wealth. Today, it is the basis for the growth of the state’s capacity both in the domestic and international markets and, in general, the basis for the socio-economic progress of society. The importance of human potential as the highest value of society requires awareness of the need for its preservation, rational use, and effective reproduction, which is the key to the harmonious development of socio-economic systems. Since the problem of the development of human potential has long been the subject of discussions by many leading domestic and foreign researchers and today, there is no single approach to the interpretation of this category, it is appropriate to consider the results of major scientific studies related to this issue. The available interpretations of the “human potential” category are extremely diverse but usually, they take into account two aspects: the resource component of human potential - a set of certain resources that can be used to achieve certain goals and the presence of certain circumstances and opportunities. Thus, the content of the category of human potential and the process of evolution of this concept in the plane of scientific research are investigated in the article as a result of the analysis of the major scientific studies related to this issue. The article substantiates that this concept is broader than the category of labor resources or human capital and, as a result, includes the latter. The problems of preservation and development of human potential as the main strategic resource of the state and the greatest wealth of the nation are outlined. The author’s interpretation of the content of the human potential category, as well as the concept of human potential capitalization, is argued. The main approaches to the formation of the structure of human potential are considered, and the vision of its main components is proposed based on the experience of leading scientists-researchers. 
human potential, labor potential, human capital, socio-economic development, human potential capitalization, human potential structure 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 3330.34:[35.08:658]:[338.346:37](477); JEL I28, M12, M10
. Strategic perspectives of the development of the personnel management system in Ukraine’s modern educational institutions. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 105 (3), 67-75. DOI: [in English].

Sources: 15

The article deals with the study of current issues regarding the development of the modern education system in Ukraine. The process of defining and substantiating strategic prospects for the development of the personnel management system in educational institutions of Ukraine is complex, as it requires a comprehensive analysis of modern trends and various influencing factors. In order to substantiate the strategic perspectives of the development of the personnel management system in educational institutions of Ukraine, we have developed a comprehensive research methodology. The methodology for determining the strategic prospects for the development of the personnel management system in Ukraine’s educational institutions involves the implementation of a system of important tasks within 4 main stages. These 4 stages include 1) quantitative analysis of modern trends in the formation of educational institutions of various types; 2) comparative analysis of the qualitative characteristics of the formation of educational institutions of different types; 3) strategic analysis of trends in the development of educational institutions of Ukraine according to the methodology of the Boston Consulting Group; 4) determination of strategic prospects for the development of various educational institutions of Ukraine. According to the results of the quantitative analysis of trends in the development of educational institutions, it was established that over the past 10 years, ambiguous trends have been observed, in particular, regarding the decrease in the number of educational institutions and the demand for educational services of most educational institutions. A comparative analysis of the qualitative characteristics of the formation of educational institutions of different types showed that each of the above types of educational institutions has its strengths and weaknesses, its advantages and disadvantages of functioning. The results of the strategic analysis of the market of educational institutions in Ukraine based on the matrix of the Boston Consulting Group made it possible to divide all public and private educational institutions into 4 groups: «Dogs», «Problem children», «Stars», «Cash Cows». According to the results of the study, the strategic directions and priorities of the improvement and development of the personnel management system in the educational institutions of Ukraine at the current stage are substantiated. 
strategy, personnel management, management system, educational institutions, education systems 

Economics and National Economy Management

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 338.432:336.221(477); JEL E62, H22, H25, Q14, Q18
Alieksieiev, I. V., Synyutka, N. H., & Kurylo, O. B. (2022). Opodatkuvannya ahrarnoho sektoru v Ukrayini [Taxation of agricultural sector in Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 105 (3), 76-83. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 11

Effective development of the agricultural sector of the Ukrainian economy is possible only under the condition of stability and optimal tax legislation. Transparent and equal conditions for all entities in the industry will allow the agro-industrial complex to become a highly efficient and competitive sector. The article addresses the research and analysis of transformational changes in the taxation of agricultural producers in Ukraine during 2015-2017 and their fiscal manifestations. Special tax regimes for agricultural producers until 2015 are analyzed. The positive and negative consequences of the implementation of tax reforms are studied, in particular, the results of the introduction of a separate group of individual taxpayers for the taxation of agricultural enterprises are considered, and the dynamics of the volume of its receipts to local budgets are analyzed. The main problems that arose in the agrarian sector as a result of the reform carried out by the state regarding the value-added tax (VAT) levying on agricultural enterprises are highlighted, and the impact of this reform on the profitability of these enterprises is revealed. The volumes of VAT revenues and amounts of budget compensation for agricultural enterprises are analyzed. Since the support of the agrarian sector belongs to the strategic priorities of the development of the national economy, the main aspects of further reforms in the system of taxation of agricultural enterprises are outlined. It will contribute to their activities’ efficiency growth, improvement of the financial condition, and development of agricultural production in Ukraine. The authors highlight the advantages and disadvantages of implemented tax reforms, including in the context of increasing/decreasing the tax burden on the sector during 2011-2021. Conclusions are made regarding the validity of the 2015 tax reform in the conditions of fiscal transformation. 
agricultural producers, tax burden, tax reform, single tax group 4, value added tax, budgetary refund 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 339.5:[338.2:002.54]:338.43.01:[336:351.863](477); JEL E20, E62, Q14, Q18
Vasyltsiv, T. H., & Kunytska-Ilyash, M. V. (2022). Instrumentariy derzhavnoyi polityky realizatsiyi eksportnoho potentsialu ta zmitsnennya finansovoyi bezpeky APK Ukrayiny [Public policy tools for Ukraine’s export capacity realization and agricultural financial capacity reinforcement]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 105 (3), 84-94. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 15

At the current stage of Ukraine’s socio-economic development, agriculture is the priority industry in the national economy that constitutes a substantial share of GDP, secures the growing volumes of exports and foreign currency inflow, and improves the export-import balance and the country’s position in international labor division. Ukraine’s export capacity is developed and the financial security of agriculture is maintained in conditions of significant problems and obstacles related to the loss of commodities shipment channels and commodities exports in war, consistent low value-added and depth of agricultural processing, high concentration of raw materials, unformed consistent systems of commodities shipment and promotion of the domestic agriculture on external sales markets, limited investment in technical and technological modernization of export-oriented agricultural entities’ capacity, the need to standardize and certify agriculture following international standards of security, quality, quotas, and customs-tariffs restrictions on domestic agricultural exports to external markets. Therefore, to overcome them, it is necessary to introduce a set of tools that includes the diversification of commodities shipment channels and entry of agricultural exporters to the new external food markets, establishment of new manufacturing of high value-added agriculture and expansion of processing, creation of agricultural and processing clusters, the establishment of distribution-logistics chains of domestic products promotion on external markets, improvement of accessibility of investment framework of agricultural companies’ production capacity and export activity development, minimization of transaction costs of agricultural manufacturing and exports, improvement of the system of information and consulting services provided to agricultural exporters, diversification of external markets, and optimal-rational distribution of domestic agriculture on the global market. 
agriculture, export capacity, financial security, threats, problems, obstacles, goals, tools 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 338.48(477); JEL L83
Oleksyuk, H. V., & Podolskyy, O. S. (2022). Problemy ta perspektyvy turystychnoyi industriyi Ukrayiny v umovakh suchasnykh vyklykiv [Problems and perspectives of Ukraine’s tourism industry in current challenges]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 105 (3), 95-105. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 10

ourism is among the business directions sustaining huge losses in the war. The approaches to the organization of the tourism business have changed completely since the beginning of the large-scale russian troops’ invasion of Ukraine as it is much dependent on the security component of visitors both during the transfer and when visiting tourist attractions, routes, and other locations that provide certain services of the common tourist basket. Currently, a significant share of travel companies is closed, and some of them have reoriented their activities or act as volunteers. Some requests for recreation began emerging with the onset of the summer season, namely in the cities of safer parts of the country – western regions and Carpathians. So tourism industry continues to function even in martial law since traveling and moving around the country are not forbidden. The article addresses the problems of Ukraine’s tourism industry in martial law and analyzes the dynamics of tourism load on the tourist product producers (travel operators and travel agents) in the 2000-2019 period, which is characterized for Ukraine by hostilities, the annexation of Crimea, occupation of some parts of Donetska and Luhanska oblasts, and introduction of visa-free regimen with European countries. The need to develop new marketing tools to improve the tourism industry competitiveness in regions and territorial communities that should be stipulated at the stage of their spatial and economic planning is emphasized. The article offers the tourism cluster scheme based on a regional (territorial) approach using the entities’ functional integrated links (authorities, businesses, individuals) that consolidate and coordinate the complex systemic management of the tourism industry in the region. Some aspects of Ukraine’s Recovery Plan offered by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine at the Ukraine Recovery Conference held on July 4, 2022, in Lugano (Switzerland) regarding the tourism industry development projects are addressed. 
tourism industry, tourism, tourist product, tourism cluster, marketing tool, regional approach 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 330.322:330(477); JEL E22, E62
Bilyk, R. S., & Havrylyuk, O. V. (2022). Suchasni problemy zaluchennya investytsiynykh resursiv v ekonomiku Ukrayiny [Modern problems of attracting the investment resources in the economy of Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 105 (3), 106-111. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 14

The large-scale war between Ukraine and Russia has generated an economic crisis that won’t be overcome without the attraction of external donor funds. The threat caused by the severe bombing of cities and destruction of infrastructure and many companies forced a lot of foreign investors to partially stop investment. These steps had to be taken since a range of companies lost their resources, and there was nothing to invest in. Indeed, the interpretation of the nature of investment resources provides that they include all types of monetary and other assets involved in investment in investment objects. The investment process stops with the loss of the investment object. Therefore, such a short-term period of investment suspension is totally reasonable and logical. The article aims to identify the main problems of attracting investment resources and substantiate the directions of their minimization and elimination. The main features of the current development stage of the Ukrainian economy are characterized in the context of changing principles and directions of their further functioning. The features of the impact of present hostilities on the development of some economic sectors are analyzed. The main attention is focused on the interest of foreign business in the stabilization of the situation in Ukraine since the conflicts lead to significant losses for investors who establish companies here and put lots of money. The article reveals the threats caused by active hostilities and growing international saturation of the domestic market with different food products. It describes the stages directed at the creation of investment resources for both the companies and the country as a whole. The authors characterize modern challenges and specify the measures related to the change of additional opportunities to improve the investment climate in Ukraine and attract foreign direct investment in the priority sectors of the national economy more actively. 
investment, war, economic resources, companies, infrastructure 

Economics and Business Management

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 338.47:658.7"313"; JEL R40, L91
Siryk, Z. O., & Siryk, O. Z. (2022). Upravlinnya transportnoyu lohistykoyu pidpryyemstv: suchasni vyklyky ta perspektyvy rozvytku [Managing a company’s transport logistics: current challenges and development perspectives]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 105 (3), 112-117. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 13

The current stage of development of society requires new ways of solving the problems arising in conditions of political, economic, or social instability in the country. The challenges faced by domestic companies first during the COVID-2019 pandemic and later during the large-scale russian invasion of Ukraine are no exception. It has become a kind of challenge for the country’s population, as well as for the activity of economic entities, creating unpredictable decisions for most entrepreneurs. Geographically, Ukraine has a very advantageous position. Being in the center of Europe, it can provide extended transport and transit services to the countries of Asia. Therefore, the issues of the development of the transport logistic infrastructure are very relevant nowadays. In fact, it is worth paying attention to the managerial decisions of a number of companies regarding the revision of the functioning and development directions of transport logistics, which were caused by the russian war against Ukraine and the belarusian support of this barbaric act against Ukraine. The article aims to examine the peculiarities of the companies’ transport logistics in conditions of modern challenges. The article analyzes theoretical-methodological approaches that are the basis for the research idea and outlines the main directions of the management of the companies’ transport logistics. The retrospective and current state of transportation in Ukraine is explained. The main problems emerging in the companies’ transport logistics in conditions of war are characterized. The nature and features of support for the development of the companies’ transport logistics and its integration into the logistics system of the EU countries are substantiated. The article offers a number of measures directed at creating a qualitative investment framework for the development of the companies’ transport logistics, which are particularly important in times of war. 
investment, war, logistics, companies, transport infrastructure 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 658:330.341.1:338.26"405"; JEL F17, M20, O32
Harasymlyuk, M. V., & Zapyshna, A. S. (2022). Formuvannya innovatsiynoyi stratehiyi rozvytku pidpryyemstva [Formation of the innovative strategy for the development of the enterprise]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 105 (3), 118-125. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 12

The article examines the topical issue of effective elaboration of an innovative strategy for an operating trade enterprise and provides recommendations for its improvement. The efficiency of marketing research on the market of construction and finishing materials is analyzed, the goal of innovative renewal of the enterprise is determined, and the stages of elaboration, implementation, and analysis of relevant strategies are studied. Strategic management of innovative development is a dynamic response to the growth of market uncertainty. It allows choosing the best areas of activity and obtaining additional profits due to the disclosure of one’s own material resources and human capital. In this case, innovative strategies can be considered a perfect tool for business development, which indicates the importance of researching the chosen issue. The article shows that the Lviv trade enterprise TzOV “Kolir Bud” specialized in the wholesale trade of wood, building materials, and sanitary equipment, which positions itself as a company prioritizing an individual approach to each customer, successfully elaborates innovative strategies, effectively uses the results of market research, and analyzes the latest developments of manufacturers. The strategy chosen by the enterprise is proven to ensure its sustainable development when strategic management of innovations is oriented towards the achieving of future market advantages. Innovative strategies are elaborated at the enterprise with the aim to improve products, expand the range of services, and develop new models for end-users service using a personal approach to their requests. The planning of innovative strategies includes calculations of economic efficiency and generally aims to map an effective assortment policy, ensuring the proper level of customer service, maximizing profit, minimizing the level of risks, and ensuring sustainable growth of the enterprise’s capitalization. The selected innovative strategy can be considered a defensive one because it is primarily aimed at preserving the company’s stable market position. At the same time, the article reveals the problems related to innovative strategy elaboration, including the lack of feedback on the personnel development strategy and contradictions with operational needs regarding resource-saving. 
trade enterprise, market, strategy, innovation, competition, resources, sustainable development 

Foreign Experience

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC [338.246.025.2:06.07]:[002.54:[339.923:061.1]](477); JEL H76, O18, R58
. European experience as a tool for solving problems of public control in Ukraine. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 105 (3), 126-134. DOI: [in English].

Sources: 18

Nowadays, society is increasingly interested in the work of local authorities and administration. Decentralization reform in Ukraine has not solved significant problems that hinder the strengthening of community control over local self-government. This article aims to find analogues of EU decisions to solve Ukrainian problems in terms of implementing public control. To address this goal, a comparative analysis of the experience of the EU and Ukraine, and the object of study are examples of the application of public control in the EU and Ukraine. Solving problems with data openness can be implemented through open meetings, maximum disclosure of information, and active use of the community website. The problem of fraud and inefficient use of budget funds can be solved by involving public organizations in inspections of government agencies. Making a mandatory conclusion from the community (for management decisions at the strategic level) will take into account their interests in the future. Especially the communities of Ukraine should pay attention to compliance with the requirements for web pages and reliability, completeness of information on them, which will allow the community to control the activities of local governments including financial control. 
local community, public control, amalgamated hromadas, local governments 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research (2022). Pro zhurnal «Rehional'na ekonomika» [About the journal «Regional Economy»]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 105 (3), 135-136. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research (2022). Pravyla dlya avtoriv [Guidelines for authors]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 105 (3), 137-142. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

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