Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Regional Economy -- Year 2024, Issue 2(112)

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Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 330.341:338.2; JEL E27, O18
Davymuka, S. A. (2024). Natsional'ni imperatyvy ekonomichnoyi polityky Ukrayiny na shlyakhu rozbudovy samodostatn'oyi derzhavy [National imperatives of the economic policy of Ukraine on the way to building a self-sufficient state]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 112 (2), 5-22. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 33

The article proves that the development of national identity takes place in each state in the process of its modernization towards ensuring democratic development of society. The continuity of this dynamic process is achieved through effective interaction between the state, civil society institutions, and the national elite. The author substantiates the interrelation between ensuring the security of the state and the development of the national economy, taking into account national self-identification and the principles of economic consciousness, and clarifies the influence of the economy on the consolidation and vital activity of Ukrainian society and the formation of national and civic identity. It is in the economic sphere that the self-realization of the individual is carried out, which is manifested in economic interests and economic relations through the attitude to property and in the peculiarities of his or her economic identity. The article aims to substantiate the interrelation between ensuring the security of the state and the development of the national economy, taking into account national self-identification and the principles of economic consciousness; to clarify the impact of the economy on the consolidation and vital activity of Ukrainian society and the formation of national and civic identity. The article emphasizes the need to develop an appropriate roadmap with a vision of a realistic long-term scenario for the development of Ukraine’s economy, which corresponds to the transition of the state to a stable path of self-sufficiency based on the realization of internal capacity within the framework of fulfilling external (international) obligations, taking into account the defined and legally approved and politically conscious national interests and principles of ensuring economic security as a result of self-sufficiency. At the same time, self-sufficiency does not imply complete isolation of the country from the external environment. There is a need for a state economic policy of inclusive and innovative development aimed primarily at solving national problems to improve the wellbeing of the Ukrainian population by radically restructuring the economy, but necessarily in international cooperation. 
national identity, civic identity, national imperatives, state economic policy 

Regional Policy and Territorial Development

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 330.352/354:332.145:330.837; JEL O20, R58
Storonyanska, I. Z., & Zalutskyy, I. R. (2024). Zabezpechennya diyevosti polityky rehional'noho rozvytku na zasadakh posylennya prostorovoyi intehrovanosti v rehioni [Ensuring the efficiency of regional development policy on the basis of strengthening spatial integration in the region]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 112 (2), 23-40. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 31

The article addresses the development and implementation of tools to ensure the efficiency of spatially integrated regional development policy based on territorially oriented and security approaches. The national specifics of planning in the field of regional development in the context of coherence with sectoral policies on the balanced organization of the territory and interconnectedness with relevant national, sectoral, regional, and local development programs are revealed. The authors note that the absence of a single holistic structure of state policies, their content, and legally established implementation procedures leads to the destructive functioning of the public administration system and the multiplicity of various inconsistent regulatory legal acts and program and planning documents on regional development. The article shows that strengthening the spatial integration of economic, social, and environmental development of the country as a whole is the basis for the efficiency of regional development policy on the basis of systemic integration of economic, social, and environmental policies, as well as synchronization and coherence of sectoral, regional, and local policies at all levels of government in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine. The realization of state interests becomes a basic priority in state planning documents at the regional and local level for the rapid recovery and development of regions and territorial communities of Ukraine on the principles of transparency of the use of financial resources taking into account the potential and current interests of territorial communities, accountability, sustainability, economic feasibility, and resilience to security threats. The authors suggest creating a National Register of State Interests as part of the implementation of the territorially-oriented and security approaches. The National Register of State Interests is considered to be an information and communication system that ensures the collection, accumulation, accounting, display, processing, updating, protection, and provision of information on state interests in the context of the Codifier of Administrative and Territorial Units and Territories of Territorial Communities, sectoral policies, and state planning documents with the automated generation of the relevant excerpt from the Register in electronic form for the mandatory consideration of state interests at all levels of government. 
region, regional development policy efficiency, spatial integration of regional development 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.12:330.142.21:330.043; JEL C01, O16, O18
Maksymchuk, M. V. (2024). Modelyuvannya ta otsinyuvannya parametriv produktyvnosti kapitalu rehioniv Ukrayiny [Modeling and assessment of capital productivity parameters of Ukraine’s regions]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 112 (2), 41-51. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 19

The article proposes a methodology for determining the factors of increasing the level of capital productivity and, accordingly, increasing the importance of this criterion in the overall productive capacity of the economy of the regions of Ukraine, substantiates the theoretical model of capital productivity, and conducts empirical verification of this model. A capital productivity level matrix was constructed, which includes key parameters grouped into three main sets of factors. The results of the conducted modeling indicate a partial strengthening of the negative trends of the effect of a decrease in the level of investment activity on capital productivity in 2021 compared to 2013. The article notes that despite the fact that increasing capital productivity is one of the main goals of investment activity, the relationship between investment and capital productivity is much more complicated and even unpredictable to a certain extent. This dependence is not necessarily linear and direct, in some cases it can have a non-linear nature and lead to negative inverse results, depending on the factors of the institutional and economic environment that has developed in different regions of the state. However, despite this, investment activities and increasing the level of capital productivity will play a significant role in the post-war reconstruction of the economy of Ukraine and its regions. Ways to increase the level of capital productivity in the regions of Ukraine are proposed, in particular: more intensive use of production capacities; priority development of less capital-intensive sectors of the economy; intensive use of investment stimulation mechanisms; increasing the share of types of economic activity with high added value; promoting the development of medium-sized and small cities, and not only large urban areas, the development of which requires significant investments in infrastructure; reduction of investment expenditures related to governance. 
modeling, assessment, parameters, capital productivity, multifactor productivity 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 330:341; JEL R13, R19, P35
Kalinichenko, Z. D. (2024). Transformatsiya funktsiy derzhavy ta terytorial'noho samovryaduvannya v suchasnykh ekonomichnykh kontseptsiyakh [Transformation of state and territorial self-government functions in modern economic concepts]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 112 (2), 52-57. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 12

The article reveals the essence of the transformation of the functions and role of the state institution in modern economic concepts. The functional aspects of the state and its role in ensuring macroeconomic stability and stimulating competition in modern conditions of development and in modern economic concepts are studied. The importance of factors contributing to the redistribution of responsibility for economic development between various institutions of state regulation and territorial self-government is substantiated. New directions in economic theory related to modern forms and certain aspects of the functioning of the state institution in the context of globalization processes are considered. The need to strengthen the potential of a strong state capable of resisting the institutional challenges of the development of the modern world, which is totally dependent on the processes of globalization, is emphasized. In connection with the new realities, the article emphasizes the significance of such a state institution, which does not monopolize functions, property, and capital, does not take over control functions, and does not create unfavorable conditions for self-organization of territories and competition stimulation. Attention is focused on the fact that the international orientation of the economic paradigm of the state’s development is gaining importance. During the years of independence, the national economic system achieved certain successes in expanding international economic ties. However, membership in the EU remains the main priority of foreign economic development of the national economy of Ukraine. As a result of the transformation of the economy in Ukraine, it becomes necessary to form a new structure of economic management levels in economic theory and in practice; reshape management and regulatory bodies responsible for the development of the economic system of society; create favorable conditions for the formation of market infrastructure; determine the strategic direction of the national economy and form the institutional base of economic reforms; and create conditions for the transition of the national economy to an open-type system. 
state, functions, monopoly, society, control, conflict, managerial and organizational changes, territorial self-government 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.146:338.45; JEL O13, Q26, R58
. Competitiveness of the tourism and recreation sector in the Carpathian region of Ukraine: the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and martial law. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 112 (2), 58-66. DOI: [in English].

Sources: 17

The article presents the assessing of the competitiveness of the tourism and recreation sector of the Carpathian region of Ukraine at the national level. It addresses the consequences of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and russian military aggression on the change in the competitive position of the tourism and recreation sector in the Carpathian region. The article emphasizes a significant decrease in tourist and recreational flows and the number of functioning tourist and recreational facilities due to the pandemic and quarantine restrictions. During the pandemic, tendencies to replace the flow of foreign tourism with domestic tourism were evident, contributing to the rapid recovery of tourism and recreational activity in the Carpathian region over the next year due to the high capacity of interregional competitiveness of its tourism and recreation sector. The recovery process was interrupted by the russian military aggression. The study shows the high competitiveness of the tourism and recreation sector of the Carpathian region in the postwar period and the possibility of further consideration of this sector among the priority goals in the development strategies of its oblasts. 
tourism and recreation sector, competitiveness, Carpathian region, tourism and recreation activities, COVID-19, martial law 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 330.716:330.111; JEL O13, O18, O52, Q28, Q40
Kolodiychuk, I. A., & Kurtyak, M. B. (2024). Sotsial'no-ekonomichni peredumovy perekhodu do zelenoyi ekonomiky v rehionakh Ukrayiny [Socio-economic requirements of transition to the green economy in the regions of Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 112 (2), 67-75. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 18

The article updates the issue of the transition to a green economy. It emphasizes that the green economy policy faces a number of contradictions and problems that make its implementation a difficult task. The tools and mechanisms for implementing the transition to a green economy are substantiated, taking into account the theoretical foundations of the ecological economy. These include economic, regulatory, and informational tools and international/interregional cooperation. The interpretation of the concepts of green economy and green growth is presented. The tools and mechanisms for implementing the transition to a green economy in the context of the Green Growth Strategy are defined, namely: economic, regulatory, and informational tools, international/interregional cooperation, the development of green innovations, and raising the environmental awareness of the population. The essence and main tasks of the European Green Deal are considered. Attention is focused on the consideration of financial instruments, the use of which will make it possible to mobilize the necessary investments in order to transform various sectors of the EU economy to reduce emissions into the atmosphere. The necessity and possibilities of the transition to a green economy in Ukraine are substantiated. Directions and measures for increasing the efficiency of ecological development of the regions of Ukraine are proposed: development of new and improvement of existing tools, introduction of incentives for the use of ecological development tools, raising awareness and involvement of the public in the processes of ecological development, strengthening the institutional capacity for the implementation and monitoring of environmental policy, and minimizing threats to agriculture. The article notes that the green economy is still a relatively new phenomenon, so many researchers and political circles oppose the implementation of its initiatives, including economic liberals, conservatives, and certain industrial groups. The main reasons for non-acceptance of a number of initiatives of the European Green Course by the farmers of European countries are identified. 
green economy, ecological economy, green growth, tools, mechanisms, sustainable development 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 330.341:338.124.4; JEL O20, R13
Dubel, M. V. (2024). Problemy pidtrymky rozvytku depresyvnykh terytoriy na prykladi rehionu «Irzhavyy poyas» [Problems of supporting the development of depressed territories on the example of the Rust Belt region]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 112 (2), 76-83. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 16

The article studies the features of the unsuccessful policy of territory development on the example of the canonical depressed region from the practice of the United States of America - the Rust Belt. The study cites the genesis of the term Rust Belt, emphasizing the derogatory connotations used to describe regions of the country that used to be manufacturing centers and are now suffering from deindustrialization. The difference between the terms Rust Bowl and Rust Belt is emphasized. The Rust Belt more often refers to specific formerly prosperous manufacturing centers in cities in the Midwest and Northeast, such as Detroit and Toledo, Ohio, Pittsburgh, and Buffalo, New York. The Rust Bowl in turn characterizes the once prosperous agricultural regions of Oklahoma, Kansas and parts of Texas that have suffered years of drought and are literally filled with dust. The article highlights the chronology of decline - from the 30s to the 70s of the previous century. It all started in the 1930s in Pennsylvania and New Jersey as a result of the Great Depression. In the 1950s, the decline spread north into Upstate New York. In the 1960s, the spread of the Rust Belt moved westward, capturing the ferrous metallurgy of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, western Ohio, and northern Indiana; Akron, the “tire capital” and Cincinnati, a machine-tool maker. The 1970s marked the beginning of the decline in the American automobile industry. The reason for this was the oil crisis of 1973. The Rust Belt extended from Detroit northwest along the Warren-Pontiac-Flint-Saginaw line and south to Lyme. The statistics of the decline of the population of the Rust Belt are given - a comparison of the peak indicators in 2000 and 2020. It should be noted that, despite the gradual slowdown of negative trends in the 21st century, the COVID-19 pandemic contributed to another wave of decline in the region. Despite all of the above, the states of the Lake District, Pennsylvania and New York still retain a huge innovation potential characterized by the concentration of a significant number of universities and research laboratories. 
depressed region, Rust Belt, territorial development management, territorial development policy, regional economy 

Social Policy

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 331.5:311.219.1[377.111.1]; JEL J44, O18, I20
Mulska, O. P., Vasyltsiv, T. H., & Pykus, I. O. (2024). Instrumenty zbalansuvannya popytu ta propozytsiyi na pratsyu vypusknykiv zakladiv profesiynoyi (profesiyno-tekhnichnoyi) osvity [Measures for balancing the supply and demand for work of graduates of vocational educational institutions]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 112 (2), 84-93. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 20

Based on the data of the sociological study (through a survey of employers in the Lviv region) on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the supply and demand for the work of graduates of vocational (and technical) educational institutions (hereinafter referred to as VEI), the needs of employers for qualified workers – VEI graduates are identified. There is a significant shortage of workers in the region; the level of professional training of VEI graduates is average, which requires enterprises to create conditions for additional training directly at the workplace or to give preference to specialists with work experience due to the lack of practical work skills of VEI graduates. There is a low level of cooperation between VEIs and business entities in the region or the one of a purely formal nature, which affects the degree of staffing of enterprises with workers. There is a need to establish cooperation between businesses and VEIs to harmonize the scope and structure of professions and specific professional and qualification characteristics (skills) of graduates. The main obstacles to the spread of dual education include the lack of full, including digital, communication, respectively, coordination of activities between VEIs and businesses in these matters, as well as the unwillingness of businesses to spend time and resources on this. The article substantiates that effective tools for balancing supply and demand for the work of VEI graduates include the development of partnerships with businesses, involvement of employers in the learning process, establishment of an effective dialogue with VEIs; creation of appropriate conditions for practical training, provision of workplaces and laboratories with modern equipment and technologies; introduction of monitoring of the quality of vocational education; formation of regional orders for the training of specialists in VEIs based on the results of longitudinal studies of the state and trends in the development of the labor market, foresight of structural indicators of the employment sector. 
labor market, balancing, workers, imbalances, vocational education, dual education, institutional cooperation, partnership 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 005.95:331.103:004.057.8; JEL J24, R58
Lozynskyy, V. Ya. (2024). Tendentsiyi rozvytku kadrovoyi polityky v orhanakh mistsevoho samovryaduvannya v umovakh zabezpechennya vidkrytosti danykh [Trends in the development of personnel policy of local governments in the context of data transparency]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 112 (2), 94-102. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 13

The relevance of the research topic is conditioned by the rapid development of information and communication technologies, which transforms the methods and tools of public administration. Implementing the principles of openness and transparency in the work of local governments is a key factor for the development of democracy and government accountability. Introduction of the open data concept is one of the vectors of this transformation, which opens up new opportunities for the development of civil society and strengthening of citizens’ participation in public decision-making. The article aims to study the problems and prospects of training personnel to work with open data in local governments in the context of civil society development. The state of publication of datasets on the open data portal after a full-scale invasion is analyzed, which shows a significant decrease in the quantity and quality of published data. The article examines the existing problems that affect the preparation of high-quality datasets by local governments through the prism of recruitment and training of personnel to work with open data. The author suggests particular steps that can be taken by the community to efficiently build an open data ecosystem. The article proves that the efficient implementation of the open data policy in local governments requires qualified personnel. This implies having responsible persons who will qualitatively organize the collection and work with open data, as well as ensuring a basic understanding of the principles and practices of working with open data for all employees. Open data specialists should have a solid background in information technology and public administration and undergo regular training. Local governments should cooperate with civil society organizations to promote the use of open data, which will ultimately help ensure that open data is used efficiently to address community needs. 
open data, personnel training, local governance, civil society, civic participation, public administration decisions 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 314.72; JEL F22, О15, R23
Pityulych, M. M., Fedak, Yu. Yu., Hembyk, M. V., & Tyrpak, S. B. (2024). Suchasni tendentsiyi ta pidkhody do rehulyuvannya mihratsiynoyi mobil'nosti naselennya v umovakh viyny [Current trends and approaches to regulating migration mobility in times of war]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 112 (2), 103-113. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 16

For developed countries with relatively stable environments, migration mobility is a condition for socio-economic development. Many states practice using the migration factor to solve demographic problems associated with depopulation. In recent years, however, migration mobility has continued to grow not only because of the realization of the right of modern people to choose a place of residence with better conditions. Increasingly, natural disasters and environmental crises are becoming factors of growing migration mobility. For Ukraine, the impact of security factors is particularly noticeable – first in 2014, and then from 2022. The security factors of migration mobility are usually determined by military conflicts, which not only cause massive forced displacement but also have long-term consequences for donor and recipient states. Migration mobility in such circumstances is a personal life catastrophe, the consequences of which depend on the policy of the host state and the return policy of the donor state. The article aims to reveal the current trends and types of migration in Ukraine during the war and to outline its regional peculiarities. The authors analyze the current trends in the migration processes that have been taking place in Ukraine over the last years with a special focus on migration mobility in the context of war. The article substantiates that the population migrates in two directions – internally and externally. The dynamics of internally displaced persons and refugees from Ukraine to European countries under the influence of hostilities is examined. Special attention is paid to the problems of forced migration, re-emigration of the Ukrainian population, and adaptation and integration of refugees from Ukraine abroad. Regional peculiarities of migration processes in Zakarpatska oblast are outlined. Considerable attention is paid to specifying the challenges and threats posed by migration mobility in times of war both at the national and regional levels. The article proposes specific tools for the development of a regional policy on regulating migration mobility for the rear regions, including Zakarpatska oblast. 
migration, threats, war, region, internally displaced persons, refugees, regional policy 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.146.2:338.124.4:336:330.16; JEL G50, G51
Voznyak, H. V., & Kaspshyshak, A. V. (2024). Determinanty formuvannya finansovoyi povedinky domohospodarstv rehionu v umovakh suchasnykh vyklykiv [Determinants of the formation of financial behavior of households in the region in the conditions of modern challenges]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 112 (2), 114-126. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 17

The purpose of the article is to study the factors that determine the financial behavior of households in the region in conditions of economic and social instability, as well as to develop recommendations for managing financial resources in conditions of unpredictability and instability. The article aims to highlight the main influencing factors that determine decisions regarding the management of financial resources, in particular, the formation of the level of savings, investment, and consumption. This article examines the main factors shaping the financial behavior of households in the region in the face of modern challenges. Models of the financial behavior of households are formed and the key factors influencing their spending, savings, and financial management are identified. The influence of modern economic and social challenges on consumer behavior is analyzed. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on financial behavior is analyzed and financial management strategies in conditions of economic uncertainty are identified. The importance of the response of households to economic instability is emphasized and the main trends in changes in spending and consumer strategies are described. The impact of changes in the population’s income on consumption is analyzed in detail, and practical recommendations for managing finances in the face of modern challenges are formulated. The importance of responding to economic and social changes for the formation of stable financial strategies is indicated. Prospects for further research in the field of financial behavior and the need to improve financial management methods are highlighted. As a result of the research, conclusions are made regarding the key factors of the financial behavior of the population in the conditions of modern challenges, and the importance of understanding and analyzing the financial behavior of households in the modern economic environment is emphasized. The article argues that improving financial management strategies can contribute to more stable economic development and reduce risks for the population in conditions of instability. 
household, household finance, household income, household expenditure, household financial behavior, instability, financial strategies, financial risks, region 

Economics and National Economy Management

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC [630*6:[33.021.8:336.221]](477); JEL E62, H21, Q23, L73
Deyneka, A. M., & Kysil, B. V. (2024). Reformuvannya systemy opodatkuvannya u lisovomu hospodarstvi Ukrayiny [Reforming the taxation system in the forestry sector of Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 112 (2), 127-132. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 9

The challenges faced by Ukraine’s forestry sector due to global climate change, the need to adapt the current legislation to the requirements of the European Union, as well as the unforeseen consequences of the negative impact of russia’s full-scale aggression on the industry, dictate the need for a comprehensive review of forestry legislation and regulations, including a radical change in approaches to forestry taxation as one of the major and defining areas. The article aims to develop a new model of taxation in the forestry sector of Ukraine based on a single forest tax. The impact of the current taxation system in the forestry sector of Ukraine on forest management processes is assessed. The shortcomings of the existing taxation system are identified. Two existing taxes (rent for special use of forest resources and forest land tax) are suggested to be replaced by a single forest tax. The authors substantiate the establishment of norms and procedures for calculating the single forest tax. The formula for calculating the single forest tax and the use of the electronic timber accounting system to automate the processes of its administration are proposed. The principles of distribution of revenues from the single forest tax between the budgets of different levels are offered. The article proves that the improvement of rent collection in terms of a single forest tax has a fiscal and reproductive nature for financing forestry activities, including reimbursement of costs for the protection, conservation, use, and reproduction of forests. The tax is also intended to increase local budget revenues by redistributing revenues from the single forest tax to local communities, given the difficult socio-economic situation in rural areas during the war and in the post-war period. 
taxation system, rent payment, special use of forest resources, forest land tax, single forest tax, electronic timber accounting system 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 338.48; JEL Z32
Slipetskyy, M. I., Marhita, M. V., & Danylo, Ya. I. (2024). Sutnist' ta osoblyvosti klasternoho pidkhodu v upravlinni turystychnoyu sferoyu [The nature and features of the cluster approach to tourism industry management]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 112 (2), 133-139. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 21

In today’s tourism market, it is necessary to consider the efficiency of using the cluster approach to the development of tourism industries at the regional level. While the concept of territorial community development usually includes missions, goals, and a general vision, the purpose of the concept, i.e. the strategic activity direction of the management object, is not always defined. This may lead to insufficient attention to the use of the cluster approach in the tourism industry, which may prevent the maximum use of the region’s tourism development capacity. Thus, the definition of the concept of territorial community development with the inclusion of the cluster approach is becoming an urgent problem that needs to be researched and addressed. The article aims to examine the nature and features of the cluster approach to the management of the tourism industry. The authors address the topical issue of implementing a cluster approach to the development of tourism industries at the regional level. Analysis of recent studies reveals that it is necessary to study the concept of clustering in more detail in the context of the tourism industry, as it can help optimize resources and increase tourist flow. Further research suggests applying the theoretical foundations of the cluster approach to determine strategies for the development of tourist regions. The article emphasizes the importance of forming clusters that include different components of the tourism industry and preparing regional strategies that integrate clusters into the overall development plan. Based on the analysis of modern scientific sources and studies, the capacity and challenges of applying the cluster approach in the management of tourism industries are revealed. Another important aspect of the study is the identification of the main stages of cluster formation and evaluation of their efficiency in the context of global tourism development trends. The article contributes to a deeper understanding of the mechanisms for optimizing the tourism industry through clustering, which is of great importance for the strategic development of tourism at the local and national levels. 
development of clusters, innovation potential, management, tourism sphere, regional development, strategy, strategic planning, competitive advantages 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 35.07:352:005.334; JEL H70, H83, R50, D81
Handoha, Yu. V., & Hryhoruk, I. I. (2024). Mizhnarodnyy dosvid upravlinnya ryzykamy v umovakh detsentralizatsiyi [International experience of risk management in the context of decentralization]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 112 (2), 140-147. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 16

The relevance of the study of international experience of risk management in the context of decentralization lies in the need to adapt international best practices to optimize and strengthen local government systems in the context of strengthening their autonomy and responsibility. The article aims to study the nature, structure, and features of risk management in the context of decentralization. The authors examine the implementation of new paradigms in the establishment of the Ukrainian state, which is facing challenges, including the incompatibility of organizational and socio-economic aspects with modern requirements. Special attention is paid to the lack of reforms in the governance sector, which reflects the neglect of the needs of local communities and the ineffectiveness of regional development programs. The article analyzes the European experience of administrative-territorial division and its role in ensuring access to public services and integrating cultural and social aspects into regional policy, which is key to democratic reforms and sustainable development. The NUTS standards as a tool for socio-economic assessment and their impact on risk management in the decentralization of public authorities are discussed. The article highlights the importance of integrated risk management in the strategic and tactical aspects of local governance development to optimize management decisions and reduce potential risks. Trends and challenges in the standardization of risk management processes at the local level are examined. The article highlights the importance of risk management for local governance, where risk management is an integral part of management processes at all levels, from strategic to project. The key categories of risks that exist in the local governance system are identified, including regulatory, organizational, managerial, financial, economic, and social risks. Measures to minimize risks in the context of decentralization are suggested. 
risk, management, local governance system, decentralization, public administration, international experience 

Economics and Business Management

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 658.7; JEL G32, D24
Popadynets, N. M., & Kormushyn, Ya. K. (2024). Finansovi potoky v lohistychniy diyal'nosti pidpryyemstva [Financial flows in enterprise logistics]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 112 (2), 148-154. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 11

In contemporary market economy conditions, effective management of financial flows within an enterprise’s logistical system becomes crucial for enhancing overall efficiency, processing speed of orders, and execution of investment projects. The rise of e-commerce and digitalization introduces new demands for the speed and quality of goods delivery, necessitating the integration of advanced technological solutions into logistical processes. Research analysis in this field highlights the need for deeper theoretical understanding of financial logistics, as well as the importance of developing and implementing effective mechanisms to manage financial flows to optimize logistical operations. The article emphasizes the strategic significance of integrated management of financial, material, and informational resources, enabling a comprehensive approach to addressing the challenges of logistical and financial management in a multi-dimensional business environment. This analysis underscores the importance of financial flows in managing enterprise logistical processes, identifying key challenges and prospects associated with digitalization and the growth of e-commerce. It characterizes the strategic importance of integrating financial flows with core logistical operations as a critical aspect for ensuring business efficiency and responsiveness. Special attention is given to the development and implementation of effective mechanisms for optimizing the management of these flows, enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises in complex market conditions. The article proposes a set of methods and tools for optimizing the management of financial flows in enterprise logistics. An integrated approach is suggested, incorporating process digitalization, refinement of pricing strategies, and utilization of modern information technologies for more effective planning, control, and analysis of financial flows. It also recommends expanding cooperation with trading agents and optimizing logistical routes to increase delivery speeds, responding to the growing needs of the e-commerce market. 
logistics, logistical flows, logistical activities, finance, financial flows, digitalization, e-commerce, enterprises, management 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 657.11.01; JEL D20, M11
Sikach, N. S. (2024). Sutnist' i struktura oblikovo-analitychnoho zabezpechennya systemy upravlinnya pidpryyemnyts'koyi diyal'nosti [The nature and structure of accounting and analytical framework for the business management system]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 112 (2), 155-165. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 21

In the current economic environment, the efficiency of the functioning and development of Ukrainian enterprises largely depends on the availability of an effective and coordinated information support system. Information is a crucial driver of business development as it defines its long-term goals and objectives and assesses the existing business environment, risks, and security level. The article aims to study the nature, structure, and features of the accounting and analytical framework for the business management system. The article examines the main directions of accounting and analytical activities and their content and role in preparing information used for making managerial decisions related to ensuring the stable functioning and development of business activities. The author analyzes three main stages that precede the process of forming the necessary accounting and analytical information, namely: identification, accumulation, and registration of accounting information in primary documents; generalization of the array of primary accounting information by drawing up internal and external reporting of an enterprise; analytical processing of the set of accounting data. The article highlights the main criteria that accounting and analytical information should meet for making timely and effective management decisions, including quality, reliability, accuracy, accessibility, completeness, usefulness, relevance, timeliness, comparability, truthfulness, targeting, adequacy, adaptability, significance, clarity, continuity, etc. Different approaches to the definition of the concept of accounting and analytical framework in the context of both process and system approaches are considered and its essential characteristics are analyzed. The role, place, and requirements for the main components of the accounting and analytical framework are assessed. The main methods of collecting and obtaining information used in the accounting and analytical framework of business activities are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the fact that the modern system of managing the efficiency and risks of business activity directly depends on the availability of proper accounting and information framework, which allows making scientifically sound and reliable decisions. 
accounting and analytical framework, information, information support, business activity, management system, accounting 


Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research (2024). Doktoru ekonomichnykh nauk, profesoru Ye. M. Palyzi – 80 rokiv [80th anniversary of the Doctor of Economics, Professor Ye. M. Palyha]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 112 (2), 166-168. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research (2024). Pro zhurnal «Rehional'na ekonomika» [About the journal «Regional Economy»]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 112 (2), 169-170. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research (2024). Pravyla dlya avtoriv [Guidelines for authors]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 112 (2), 171-176. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

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