Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Regional Economy -- Year 2024, Issue 1(111)

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Regional Policy and Territorial Development

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.12:330.34:339.9; JEL O18, О20, R11
Zablodska, I. V., & Zablodska, I. V. (2024). Metodychnyy patern z otsinyuvannya ekonomichnykh ta sotsial'nykh rezul'tativ rozbudovy terytoriy vidnovlennya (na prykladi terytorial'nykh hromad Donets'koho rehionu) [Methodological pattern for assessing economic and social results of the development of recovery areas (the case of territorial communities of Donetska oblast)]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 111 (1), 5-15. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 15

The article is devoted to the substantiation of the methodological pattern for assessing the economic and social results of the development of recovery areas and its testing on the example of territorial communities of Donetska oblast. The authors propose a pool of indicators reflecting the key economic and social results of the development of these territories in the context of the war, which either have a normative value or are compared with the average indicator calculated on the basis of determining the maximum and minimum values. Publicly available economic indicators of the methodological pattern for assessing the economic and social results of the development of recovery areas include revenues, expenditures, communities, budget deficit/surplus, general fund revenues, the share of local taxes and fees, and land fees. Social indicators include: the number of people permanently residing in the territory of the territorial community, the number of internally displaced persons in the territory of the territorial community, and the number of pupils in general secondary education institutions. According to the current regulatory legal acts, the following indicators have a normative value: the number of population permanently residing on the territory of a territorial community, the number of pupils of general secondary education institutions, the number of internally displaced persons on the territory of a territorial community, and the share of local taxes and fees in the community’s income. The article presents a decomposition of the share of local taxes and fees in the total budget revenues in the context of territorial communities of Donetska oblast. Based on the results of the assessment of the socio-economic results of the development of territorial communities in Donetska oblast, the article emphasizes that in the conditions of war, some areas of recovery manage to revive their socio-economic potential faster. Kramatorsk city territorial community, the regional centre of Donetska oblast, is singled out as the undisputed leader. Andriyivka, Kryvorizhzhya, Shahove, and Komar communities are among the outsiders of socio-economic recovery, which necessitates increased attention to them by the state and local authorities, and the development of effective proposals to improve the results of the development of these territories in wartime and peacetime. 
economic and social results, pattern, assessment, recovery areas, development, territorial communities, Donetska oblast 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.12:330.142.21:330.341.1; JEL С00, О18, О31
Lutskiv, O. M., Habrel, M. S., & Popadynets, N. M. (2024). Modelyuvannya vplyvu innovatsiynoyi diyal'nosti na produktyvnu spromozhnist' ekonomiky rehioniv Ukrayiny [Modeling the impact of innovation activity on the productive capacity of the economy of Ukrainian regions]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 111 (1), 16-24. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 10

Active innovation activity is the key to achieving long-term social and economic development of the country and its regions, which will facilitate the introduction of new technologies and processes that increase productivity and reduce the cost of the economy and ensure the production of new or improved goods and services that are in demand in the market. The article considers the role of innovations in increasing the productive capacity of the economy of Ukrainian regions. Ukraine’s position in the rankings of the Global Innovation Index is assessed. The article analyzes the changes in Ukraine’s ranking across the subindices in the Bloomberg Innovation Index over the past seven years. The article aims to model the impact of innovation activity on the productive capacity of the economy of Ukrainian regions. The authors build a matrix of the level of productivity of innovation activity, which includes key parameters of innovation activity in the context of its six components. Based on the construction of a linear model of 14-factor multiple regression, the relationship between multifactor productivity and innovation activity of regions is assessed, in particular, the degree of influence of innovation activity of enterprises, technological efficiency of production, self-sufficiency in innovative developments, productivity of research and development, innovation cooperation and the level of financing of innovation activity on regional productivity is determined. The modeling results indicate an increase in the trends of the negative impact of innovation on multifactor productivity in 2021 compared to 2013. The article emphasizes that the intensification of innovation processes leads to an increase in the productive capacity of the regional economy up to a certain time, while not all innovation processes have a direct or significant impact on the growth of the multifactor productivity of Ukrainian regions, and some of the considered factors, on the contrary, have the opposite effect on its development since they lead to its reduction. Special attention is paid to the main points of the existing “innovation paradox and productivity”, the essence of which is that the economic development of regions is not always determined and depends on the intensification of innovation processes and the introduction of technological developments. The article shows that the main goal of innovation is to promote productivity growth, but productivity growth is not always observed in the most innovatively developed regions as the direct relationship between innovation and productivity is much more complex and unpredictable. These linkages are not necessarily direct and linear, and in some cases may even be negative, depending on the various constraints that hinder and limit innovation. 
productive capacity, economic capacity, regions, multifactor productivity, innovative activity, modeling, new technology, innovation paradox 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 330.3:332.1(477.8); JEL O44, Q56, R11, R58
Kovalyshyn, V. R. (2024). Vplyv relokatsiyi biznesu na sotsial'no-ekonomichnyy rozvytok Karpats'koho rehionu [Impact of business relocation on the socio-economic development of Carpathian region]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 111 (1), 25-33. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 13

Relocation (movement) of enterprises has become a reality of conducting Ukrainian business in recent years. This process especially intensified with the beginning of full-scale military operations on the territory of Ukraine and the forced relocation of many enterprises to regions that are conditionally safe for doing business. At the state level, a support program for relocated enterprises has been developed, and at the regional level, local self-government bodies are implementing measures to assist relocated enterprises. The relocation process has both positive and negative consequences for the regions to which the relocated enterprises move. The scientific works devoted to this topic mainly address the issues of legal regulation and the economic and organizational influence of the relocated enterprises on the financial results of regional development. At the same time, insufficient attention is paid to social aspects and the impact of relocated enterprises on the environment. The article aims to analyze the impact of the relocated enterprises on the socio-economic development of the western oblasts of Ukraine and evaluate the possibility of the negative impact of the growing number of enterprises on the condition and quality of the environment. The article deals with the current issues of the relocation of enterprises caused by the conduct of military operations on the territory of Ukraine. The regions to which enterprises are most actively moving and the structures of relocated enterprises are analyzed. The impact of the process of enterprise relocation on the socio-economic development of Carpathian region is evaluated and determined to be insignificant. The probability of a negative impact on the environment as a result of additional anthropogenic and technogenic load on the regional ecosystem is also assessed. The advantages and disadvantages of business relocation for the development of Carpathian region are determined. The need to consider the dynamics of business relocation in the strategic planning of regional development is substantiated. 
development strategy, program of business relocation, Carpathian region, SWOT analysis, ecological and economic impact 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC [330.34:332.14]:[338.23:911.37]; JEL O18, R58
Melnyk, M. I., & Zalutskyy, I. R. (2024). Problemni aspekty instytutsiyno-pravovoho zabezpechennya rozvytku ahlomeratsiy yak ob’yekta rehional'noyi polityky [Problematic aspects of the institutional and legal framework of the development of agglomerations as an object of regional policy]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 111 (1), 34-48. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 28

The article addresses the problem of the institutional and legal framework for the development of agglomerations as an object of regional policy in the context of war and the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine. The article examines the content and features of the international practice of agglomerations and outlines the main models of governance in modern agglomerations. Based on a retrospective analysis of national legislation, it reveals the specifics and fragmentation of changes in the institutional and legal framework for the identification, functioning, and development of agglomerations. The authors prove that even under martial law, no legal provision regulates the functioning of agglomeration as a real object of state regional policy and a catalyst for innovative development and cohesion of territories. A list of topical issues of institutional and legal support for the development of agglomerations as a subject of real regulation exclusively by law in the context of the development of sustainable regional policy is identified, in particular: uncertainty of the legal status of the agglomeration; the absence of a regulated procedure for the formation of an agglomeration and criteria for including territorial communities and/or territories in the agglomeration; the unregulated mechanism for determining, establishing, and documenting the boundaries of the agglomeration and their coordinates with proper mapping in the electronic geographic information systems of the state, in particular in the national geospatial data infrastructure; lack of an institutional and legal mechanism for regulating topical issues of agglomeration development for the joint solution of which territorial communities lack consensus; uncertainty of the forms of state support for agglomerations and stimulation of their development; disregard of the development and implementation of a unified infrastructure for statistical measurement and availability of statistical data on socioeconomic development and functioning of agglomerations; stagnation of the creation of an integrated electronic information system of urban planning cadaster at the state level, as well as the unification of the functioning of the urban planning cadaster system at the regional and local levels, as a basis for ensuring a balanced urban planning justification for the integrated spatial development of the agglomeration. 
agglomerations, agglomeration development, institutional and legal framework, regional policy 

Social Policy

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 31.101.6(477); JEL J24
Karpyak, M. O., Bondarenko, V. M., Nazarkevych, O. B., & Shykula, O. P. (2024). Produktyvnist' pratsi v Ukrayini: rehional'ni vidminnosti, problemy ta perspektyvy zrostannya [Labor productivity in Ukraine: regional differences, problems, and growth prospects]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 111 (1), 49-58. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 10

The unfolding of a full-scale war on the territory of Ukraine, which led to immediate changes in the demographic situation of the state and the loss of a significant part of its human potential, also had devastating consequences for the economy, which will be felt for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to search for various levers of economic growth and preservation of human capital, which today should become a priority task of the state on the way out of the economic and demographic crisis, and the possibilities of its integration into the European and world economy. In Ukraine, low labor productivity is one of the defining problems hindering the development of its economy, along with the issues of inefficient use of labor resources and the policy of remuneration. The problem lies not only in the low level of labor productivity but also in the rather low growth rates of this indicator. The article assesses disparities in labor productivity levels across regions of Ukraine. The study shows that low labor productivity is one of the defining problems inhibiting the development of the economy of Ukraine, along with the issues of inefficient use of labor resources and labor remuneration policy. The authors emphasize that the problem lies not only in the low level of labor productivity but also in the low growth rates of this indicator. The dynamics of GRP and the employed population in 2014-2020 is calculated, and the regions are ranked by the level of employment concentration. A comparative analysis of the levels of employment concentration during the research period is carried out and changes in regional employment disparities are revealed. Based on the analysis of employment indicators and GRP. The article identifies the regions demonstrating the efficiency of the use of labor resources in Ukraine. The predominance of regions in the country with inefficient use of labor resources is revealed. The most important reasons for maintaining a low level of labor productivity in Ukraine and its regions are substantiated, and relevant recommendations for solving these problems are proposed. 
labor productivity, region, employment, regional disparities, labor resources, human potential, economic growth 

Finance and Banking

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 336.7; JEL G10, G15
Ahres, O. H., & Tomashevskyy, Yu. M. (2024). Vplyv heopolitychnykh faktoriv na fondovyy rynok [Influence of geopolitical factors on the stock market]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 111 (1), 59-64. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 9

The article notes that geopolitical factors are considered important in influencing the global economy and international stock markets. They can cause significant fluctuations in securities prices and trigger financial crises. The globalization of the economy has made companies more dependent on the external environment, including the political situation in other countries. The article outlines the main geopolitical factors that influence stock markets, namely war and conflicts, political changes, economic sanctions, and global crises. The expediency of diversifying an investment portfolio in order to reduce the possible risk of investing in certain countries or regions is substantiated, and recommendations regarding the investment in assets that are less sensitive to geopolitical factors are offered. The authors identify the consequences of the impact of economic sanctions and trade wars on global stock markets and the investment climate, in particular, falling security prices, increased uncertainty, and rising risks. Attempts to minimize risks by the US and EU governments are considered. The main legislative acts regulating the stock market are studied. The article reveals that US and EU legislation have many common features aimed at protecting investors and ensuring transparency in the stock market. The authors recommend that the experience of these and other countries in the stock market should be applied in Ukraine, which will provide additional protection and equalize the differences in the development of the Ukrainian securities market. The article identifies the advantages of implementing foreign experience: attracting foreign investment; creating a transparent and efficient stock market; and protecting investors’ rights. The authors analyze the performance of the Ukrainian stock market in 2021-2023. To develop the stock market of Ukraine, it is necessary to solve the existing problems, in particular, to increase the financial literacy of the population, develop the institutional framework, and improve legislation. It is extremely important to conduct a thorough analysis of Ukrainian legislation and US and EU legislation to determine which provisions can be adapted to the domestic market, to ensure broad public discussion of draft laws that will be developed to adapt US and EU legislation to Ukrainian realities, and to conduct effective monitoring of the implementation of the new legislation. 
stock market, investments, securities, investment portfolio, investment climate 

Economics and National Economy Management

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 330.341; JEL H56, O32
Davymuka, S. A. (2024). Innovatsiyna ekosystema oboronnoyi promyslovosti Ukrayiny: kontseptual'ni zasady ta praktyka formuvannya [Innovation ecosystem of the defense industry of Ukraine: conceptual foundations and practice of establishment]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 111 (1), 65-80. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 26

Ukraine’s military-industrial complex has suffered serious losses, but recently programs have been implemented to revive its innovative capacity and the results of accelerated production of modern weapons and unique automated systems are becoming visible. The work of many Ukrainian public and private companies in the field of defense tech, which develop innovative solutions for combat operations, is intensifying. According to all projections, defense technology will become one of the main and most profitable industries and high-tech businesses in Ukraine, specializing in the development and production of high-tech products and solutions for the needs of the armed forces and the defense industry. To achieve this strategic goal, it is necessary to form a multi-level innovation ecosystem with appropriate institutional mechanisms for realizing the interests of key participants (actors) in the interactive innovation process. The article aims to characterize the state of development of the technological component of the defense industry of Ukraine, develop a conceptual model of the innovation ecosystem, and determine the directions of its functioning for the purpose of ensuring military victory and further development of the national economy and security. The article actualizes the issue of the importance of the military-industrial complex in Ukraine’s economy and national security both during the war period and in the period of post-war reconstruction. The author analyzes the innovation and technological development of the defense industry and identifies the factors that have a systemic impact on this process. The article substantiates the need to apply the conceptual foundations of innovation ecosystems to form a modern model of development of the defense industry of Ukraine in the direction of increasing its technological level and identifies and characterizes the key participants in the innovation ecosystem that are directly related to the defense tech sector today. Proposals for the application of real institutional mechanisms for solving the priority tasks of forming an innovative defense industry ecosystem are developed. 
defense industry, innovation ecosystem, institutional mechanism, innovative and technological development, defense tech 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 339.565+339.562; JEL F14
Ishchuk, S. O., & Sozanskyy, L. Y. (2024). Ukrayins'kyy tovarnyy eksport: vyklyky v umovakh viyny ta povoyennoho vidnovlennya [Ukrainian commodity export: challenges in the conditions of war and post-war reconstruction]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 111 (1), 81-94. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 12

Commodity export is one of the most important sources of foreign currency income, the sufficiency of which significantly depends on the socio-economic stability of Ukraine, especially in the face of Russian military aggression. In addition, Ukrainian commodity exports play an important role in the global market of agricultural products, in particular in the markets of Africa and Asia. The purpose of the article is to verify the challenges for Ukrainian commodity exports in the conditions of war and post-war recovery and to justify the scenarios of its further development. The transformations of the dynamics and structure of domestic commodity exports under the influence of full-scale Russian aggression are assessed. Emphasis is placed on the deterioration of the commodity structure of Ukrainian exports in the direction of increasing the share of raw materials in it. The reasons and the range of discrepancies between the value and the physical volume of exports from Ukraine in terms of product groups and individual (most important) goods over a 20-year period (during 2002-2022) are revealed. Challenges and threats to the growth of Ukrainian commodity exports are analytically substantiated, given the country’s raw material orientation, in particular: high dependence on the situation on the global raw materials markets; sale of raw materials (grain, oil, ores, and metals) at low prices; deterioration of foreign trade conditions for Ukraine; a significant component of imports and tolling in exports. Three scenarios of the development of domestic export potential in the war and post-war periods are substantiated. Emphasis is placed on the socio-economic risks from the implementation of an export-oriented development model in Ukraine. Prospects of increasing the export potential in the conditions of the formation of the newest model of national economic development oriented on the expansion of the domestic market, the support of domestic producers, and the strengthening of the state’s participation in stimulating the development of strategic sectors, primarily the defense-industrial complex, machine-building, and the chemical industry, are theoretically justified. 
export, product groups, import, raw products, foreign trade conditions, economic development models 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 339.137.2; JEL В22, F01, O10
Bilyk, R. S., Bilyk, D. R., & Havrylyuk, O. V. (2024). Ekonomichna sutnist' ta chynnyky formuvannya mizhnarodnoyi konkurentospromozhnosti natsional'noyi ekonomiky [Economic nature and factors of shaping the international competitiveness of the national economy]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 111 (1), 95-101. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 13

It is increasingly important to understand the fundamentals of international competitiveness in today’s globalized world, when economic borders between countries are becoming increasingly transparent. Countries that can compete effectively in the global market have better opportunities for stable economic growth, investment attraction, and improvement of the living standards of their citizens. The article aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the theoretical and practical aspects determining the international competitiveness of a country and to identify the main internal and external factors influencing its level. The article analyzes the internal and external factors that shape the international competitiveness of the national economy. The focus is on the impact of economic, political, technological, socio-cultural, natural, and geographical factors. The article examines how global market conditions, global competition, and economic integration influence the country’s economy. The importance of political stability and international norms in the context of economic growth is considered. Special attention is paid to the role of the latest technologies and global innovations that determine the country’s ability to adapt and influence the international arena. The authors also reveal how cultural compatibility and international labor migration influence the competitive advantages of the national economy. The article proves the necessity of using an integrated approach to analysis and strategic planning, which will lead to an increase in the country’s international competitiveness. The authors define the international competitiveness of the national economy as the ability of a country to ensure a high standard of living for its citizens and to maintain and expand its position in world markets based on resource productivity and resilience to external disturbances. The economic nature of international competitiveness covers a number of key elements, including production efficiency, innovation, quality of goods and services, technological development, and the ability to adapt to the changing conditions of the global economic environment. 
competitiveness, international economy, internal factors, national economy, external factors, efficiency, investment 

Economics and Business Management

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 330.341.1:637.1:658.821; JEL О31, О32, М11, М39
Harasymlyuk, M. V., & Kistochka, Yu. V. (2024). Osoblyvosti innovatsiynoyi diyal'nosti pidpryyemstv molochnoyi produktsiyi [Features of innovative activity of dairy enterprises]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 111 (1), 102-111. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 11

The article is devoted to the current problem of researching the peculiarities of the innovative activity of Ukrainian dairy enterprises. Strategic planning of innovative development, features of products, and organizational and technological innovations are analyzed using methods of analysis and synthesis. The article reveals that the main goal of the innovative development of LLC “MK Halychyna” is to achieve and maintain the leadership in the Ukrainian market of dairy products, especially in the segment of fermented milk food products. The enterprise works efficiently, profitability is growing steadily. The enterprise uses a quality management system for innovative products and highly efficient equipment manufactured in Europe. Raw materials for production are purchased from Ukrainian farms. The environmental problem lies in the lack of a full-fledged substitute for plastic that would ensure the storage standards for dairy products. Product innovations are mostly improving, appeal to ethnographic motives, and are aimed at a young audience. The management of the enterprise carefully approaches the issues of organizational support for strategic planning of innovative development. The organizational structure provides a clear division of tasks and responsibilities of specialists at all stages of development and implementation of an innovative strategy. Sufficient attention is paid to the implementation of appropriate management decisions and consideration and prevention of possible risks of innovative activity. To increase the relevance of marketing information, the article offers recommendations on the involvement of sales specialists and independent consulting companies. The authors suggest that the investment plans should be detailed and clarified in quarterly, monthly, and weekly plans. The article shows that human resources support for innovative development is mostly formalized, and the relevant policy is not based on modern personnel development management methods. To increase the innovative potential of the staff, the article recommends the introduction of an organizational and personnel audit, which will allow the alignment of the innovative potential with the goals of the innovative development of the enterprise. More attention should be paid to the identification, assessment, and prevention of innovation risks. Further research should be focused on analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the innovative policy of the enterprise in the conditions of the war and the post-war recovery of the domestic economy. 
organizational innovations, product innovations, technological innovations, strategic planning, marketing, dairy products 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 338.24:005.35; JEL М14
Varvus, A. I. (2024). Zarubizhnyy dosvid sotsial'noyi vidpovidal'nosti biznesu [Best practices of socially responsible business]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 111 (1), 112-118. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 11

Recently, increasing attention has been paid to the importance of the social responsibility of enterprises, and their impact on society is growing. Ukrainian legislation already recognizes this role and emphasizes the need to develop key areas in this area, taking into account foreign experience. In particular, social responsibility is being integrated into the core business operations of companies. The Ukrainian business community is increasingly aware of the need to move to more responsible business practices, so the choice of strategic directions in the field of social responsibility based on international experience is relevant. The article aims to study the best international practices in the field of corporate social responsibility with a view to implementing them in the specifics of doing business in Ukraine. The article highlights the theoretical foundations and methods of studying the concept of corporate social responsibility in business. The authors highlight the key areas and methods of implementing social responsibility in practice. The strengths and weaknesses of corporate social responsibility practices are analyzed. Three models of social responsibility are described: American, European, and Asian. Global approaches that can be adapted in Ukraine are highlighted. Recommendations on the main areas of social responsibility development for Ukrainian companies are presented. The article emphasizes the importance of the active role of the state in clarifying the criteria, improving existing, and developing new programs in the field of corporate social responsibility, as well as stimulating scientific and practical initiatives to create a socially responsible community. Areas of social activity of companies with a high level of corporate social responsibility are identified. 
corporate social responsibility, business, competitiveness, social projects, social investment 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research (2024). Pro zhurnal «Rehional'na ekonomika» [About the journal «Regional Economy»]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 111 (1), 119-120. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research (2024). Pravyla dlya avtoriv [Guidelines for authors]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 111 (1), 121-126. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

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