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Problem: swift modern development of social and economic processes, stipulated by powerful advance of the fourth industrial revolution and unstable geopolitical situation, causes the range of challenges that the regional political initiatives on innovative activity stimulation have to answer to. It significantly influences the forming of the methodology of modern regional economic policy directed at innovative development and requires additional research of the peculiarities of strategic initiatives’ regional aspects. Objective: to define and explain the peculiarities of modern technical and methodological foundations of regional innovative development and to substantiate their influence on forming of regional innovative policy. Research methods – the provisions of regionalism and institutionalism are used as the basis for analysis and synthesis methods application in order to characterize modern scientific concepts of regional innovative development. The principles of modern concepts’ implementation are generalized on the basis of system approach and suggestions over forming of regional innovative policy are made. Research results – the peculiarities of new implementation stages of the concepts of sustainable development, regional innovative ecosystems and «triple spiral» and their influence on forming of regional innovative ecosystems are outlined. Among the most prominent modern developments on the abovementioned issues the most significant are the following: the general methodological aspects of creative economy, mechanisms of creative economy and environment interrelation, employment and dynamics of creative industries’ spatial location, dependence of life quality on creative professions; implementation of inclusive development concept. The fact that nowadays reforming of innovative processes in Ukraine on the regional level in conditions of integration processes strengthening have to be based on positive experience of developed European countries and implementation of European standards of decentralization taking into account domestic specifics («smart specializations») is proven. It will contribute to avoidance of many mistakes, reduction of material expenses and time as well as optimization of the own algorithm of reforms implementation. Conclusions and suggestions – the problem of creation of foundations for new region’s paradigm emerges taking into account the provisions of modern theories of modernization and regional economic activity development (sustainable development concept, theory of regional product life circle and some technological theories) and peculiarities of transition from market model, in particular foreign trade, of regional development to the management one on the basis of innovations. While developing the modern innovative business-model on the level of regional economy, it is necessary to: form additional instruments of professional competences development and optimize the available ones, provide public assistance in order to strengthen the connections between operative links of innovative process and creation of “soft infrastructure” of regional innovative ecosystem (it regards the elements, which are the basis for establishment of cooperation relations), as well as create other stimuli to encourage companies’ cooperation in terms of innovative endeavors.
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Problem: solution of social and economic problems through attraction and realization of intellectual capacity requires active regional policy to create stimuli and conditions, when the representatives of creative entrepreneurship will be able to become legitimate agents of economic system and will contribute to territorial sustainable development. For this reason it is necessary to conduct more efficient activity towards establishment of horizontal links between the participants of creative process in the framework of creation of the relevant space on the basis of network interrelation, which requires the development of specific methodology. Purpose: definition of theoretical and methodological basis of forming of creative economy innovative ecosystem in the region and development of its conceptual model and grounding of its use conditions while managing the regional development. Research methods: the authors used the provisions of regionalism and institutionalism theories in terms of the principles of creative economy concept and network management of regional development. On the basis of system approach the conceptual model of creative economy innovative ecosystem forming in the region was developed and peculiarities of interrelations between its components were explained. Results of the research: the nature of interrelation between social and economic development and forming of regional innovative ecosystems is outlined. Capacity of Ukraine in terms of implementation of creative programs and projects is defined. Conditions of regional economic policy implementation mechanism application are determined in terms of establishment of regional innovative ecosystem and strengthening of institutional relations’ role between the agents of economic system in order to form creative sector of economy in a region. The following conditions of efficiency maintenance for management of creative economy ecosystem development are stipulated as following: broad spectrum of political, economic, cultural processes in a region, which manifest themselves in authorities and governance decentralization, strengthening of economic independence, preserving and development of cultural traditions; improvement of regional authorities’ responsibility for the conditions and development of creative capacity in a region. Peculiarities of production of creative product in interrelation with participants of regional market are defined. Conceptual model of creative economy innovative ecosystem forming in the region is developed and basic elements (institutions) of such system are defined. Their role and functions in terms of creation of creative eco environment are characterized in order to maintain efficient use and development of innovative capacity in a region. Conclusions and recommendations: introduction of institutional mechanisms of regional innovative ecosystems forming is a complex scientific-theoretical and practical task of strategic nature and its solution requires development of methodology to define peculiarities of cooperation of creative process participants that takes place at regional level. In terms of expansion of economy network organization we can talk about interactivity that requires information exchange between the agents of relevant institutional environment and therefore stipulates application of modern means of innovative infrastructure, development and realization of program goals in the form of creative projects within the scale of a certain region as well as the necessity to create spaces for creativity and organization of cluster structures. This will allow the creative community of relevant territory to implement opportunities for personal fulfillment and obtaining of additional income.
creative economy, innovative ecosystem of a region, spatial development, innovative ecosystem of region
In the article the issues of entrepreneurial activity conducting are investigated, in particular, the analysis of its reliability. The topicality of this issue is determined by the current special role of entrepreneurship in forming of the financial, economic and social development indicators of both the state as a whole and of its individual regions. The generalized analysis of the main statistical indicators of enterprises in Ukraine and Lviv oblast was performed for 2010 and 2016, and it showed that small and medium entrepreneurship is dominant in it. Reliability of conducting business activity is one of the most important characteristics, therefore it is necessary to have an objective assessment of it. The author’s study of reliability as the ability of objects (processes) to maintain the necessary properties for a long period of time has shown that it is not sufficiently studied in relation to economic systems, and especially at the macro level – the level of region or of state. In the paper the methodology for analyzing the reliability of entrepreneurial activity is proposed and tested on the example of statistics of small enterprises of Lviv region. The value of partial and integral index-coefficients of performance reliability estimation for the activity of small enterprises in Lviv region is received. The scale of assessing the degree of reliability of entrepreneurial activity is recommended, depending on the value of the reliability index. Conclusions regarding the directions of increasing the reliability of entrepreneurial activity at the regional level and the necessity of its analytical research are made. It is determined that the prospects of further investigation of this problem should concern certain types of activities, subjects of entrepreneurial activity, etc., using new qualitative methods of analysis and economic and mathematical methods.
entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial activity, reliability, small enterprises, analysis
The modern approaches to solving the problem of mountain areas in European countries are considered. The decisive role of agriculture in their development is emphasized. The analysis confirms that the problems of economic, ecological and social kind within mountainous areas of European countries are solved either by means of active agrarian policy or within the framework of regional mountain policy realization aimed at compensation of negative influence of natural and climatic resource properties of mountains territories, through providing of investment support for the development of priority types and spheres of economic activity, in particular agriculture. The Common Agricultural Policy costs of 2007-2013 for improving the rural conditions and agriculture in Austria and the integrated approach of Switzerland to rural development and mountain regions are considered in detail. The conclusions are that the majority of mountainous countries form a mountainous development policy strategy aimed at compensating for the negative impact of the natural and climatic resource properties of the mountain areas, providing investment support for the development of priority types and spheres of economic activity, in particular agriculture. We position the implementation of comprehensive accounting and monitoring of the land resources condition as a determining, driving and stimulating precondition for achieving progress in socio-economic development of mountain areas. This will allow changing the character of economic activity and improving the investment climate in mountainous regions. Considerable attention is paid to the issue of agricultural manufactures stimulation in the mountainous areas. The main disadvantages of the national system of the mountain agriculture stimulation, which do not allow disclosing the possibilities of these territories to the fullest extent, are identified. The directions of agricultural producers’ economic support in the mountainous regions of Ukraine were suggested in order to prevent the decline of the agrarian sphere of local population employment, which is traditionally leading for such territories. We are convinced that the policy of mountain farming in Ukraine should be guided by the principles and fundamentals of the updated Common Agricultural Policy of the EU, and that by granting the state support to the agrarian sector of the mountain regions economy it is possible to approach the resolution of the extremely important problems of compliance with the environmental requirements in agricultural production. The directions of agriculture ecologization in the mountainous areas were suggested.
Investment-innovative processes have a considerable influence on the economy of Ukrainian-Polish cross-border region. They define the ability of adjacent border regions of Ukraine and Poland to accumulate enough human and financial capital in order to form and increase their own investment and innovative capacity. Meanwhile, under current social and economic conditions, social and psychological environment has increasing influence on the efficiency of this capacity exploitation. It includes major social groups attracted into cross-border cooperation process as well as the established forms of business relations between them and cultural norms, which define their features and application efficiency in cross-border goods exchange and in terms of cross-border investment-innovative projects’ implementation. Opportunistic behaviour, which has the most significant destructive influence on the efficiency of exploitation of investment-innovative capacity of Ukrainian-Polish cross-border region’s development, is emphasized. In particular, principal defining factors and major extension mechanisms of main types of opportunistic behaviour in Ukrainian-Polish cross-border region are outlined. These include information asymmetries, corruption and smuggling, illegal cross-border operations peculiar to modern forms of border trade and small border movement, cross-border circular migration as well as activity of cross-border institutions in Ukrainian-Polish cross-border region. The means of opportunistic behaviour elimination in the context of social-psychological environment improvement in Ukrainian-Polish cross-border region and increase of its investment-innovative capacity are suggested. Special attention is paid to improvement of the capacity of human and social capital, elimination of corruption, adaptation of modern organization-economic means and institutional leverages of investment-innovative capacity increase in the regions of Ukraine adjacent to Poland, in particular cross-border clusters, cross-border educational, training and scientific centers, cross-border networks of technologies transfer and knowledge exchange and cross-border business incubators, etc. Particular attention is paid to the necessity to conclude the administrative-territorial and educational reform in Ukraine. The author proves the fact that these reforms are intended to lay institutional foundations for the development of social-psychological environment in Ukrainian-Polish cross-border cooperation and therefore to bring the state’s border regions closer to the requirements and standards of the EU in order to give new impetus for activation of investment-innovative processes and to increase investment-innovative capacity of Ukrainian-Polish cross-border region’s development.
The article examines strategic and program tools of EU innovative policy forming and implementation. EU innovative development strategic priorities are defined. The reasons of EU lag in the intensity of innovative processes conducting from the countries (i.e. USA, Japan, North Korea and China) successful in innovative policy implementation are analyzed. Condition and tendencies of EU innovative development are outlined. In particular, the author emphasizes the fact that according to Innovation Union Scoreboard, which provides comparison of scientific and innovative activity of EU member states by compound indicator, the EU has become more innovative last years. In 28 EU member countries (EU-28) innovative index grew from 0,519 in 2007 to 0,555 in 2014. Peculiarities of innovative processes’ dynamics in EU member countries in 2007 – 2014 are analyzed. The reasons that stipulate certain positive changes in the sphere are defined. Increase of transparency and attractiveness of EU scientific research system, improvement of human capital quality and growth of intellectual assets are among them. Strategies and Programs of EU innovative development maintenance are analyzed. Their major priorities and implementation directions are outlined. European experience of innovative activity management is generalized and systematized and major directions of EU innovative processes accomplishment are examined. The role and place of innovative cooperation in strengthening of enterprises’ innovative activity in the EU and its certain member countries are outlined. The most efficient instruments of innovative activity stimulation in the EU are evaluated. Major advantages of 8th framework program compared to the previous ones are defined. Key principle, major objectives and strategic priorities of the program are examined. Main EU investment development maintenance directions indicated by Horizon 2020 are analyzed. The range of new positive points of the program compared to the previous 7 is emphasized. Financial maintenance of Horizon 2020 implementation is analyzed. Horizon 2020 funding budget allocations by EU economic activity priority directions is examined. The author emphasizes the constant activities monitoring in order to evaluate the level of innovative policy long-term goals achievement, define strong and weak points of its implementation and adjust innovative course on the basis of modern methods and parameters of innovative activity monitoring as the distinctive feature of EU innovative policy. Peculiarities of innovative policy implementation in certain EU member countries are analyzed, in particular Polish innovative policy implementation features, German innovative policy key directions and implementation instruments, British key national priorities of science and technologies development. Directions of Ukrainian innovative policy improvement on the basis of European experience are defined.
innovative policy, strategies, program maintenance, program documents, innovative activity, innovative processes
The article deals with the approaches to the definition of the essence of entrepreneurial potential of the region and the theoretical and practical importance of determining the effectiveness of realization of the region’s entrepreneurial potential in the conditions of modernization of the economy spatial organization. The methodical approach and algorithm of estimation of efficiency of the region’s entrepreneurial potential realization are based on the choice of adequate methods and indicators. The advantages and disadvantages of the most common methods of assessing the entrepreneurial potential are identified in accordance with the objectives and existing information data. It is determined that the change of the economy spatial organization involves the formation of new conditions of the business environment, which is characterized by economic freedom, high level of risk of entrepreneurial activity, competition, change of motivation that affects the possibilities of realization of entrepreneurial potential. Changing strategic priorities in the spatial organization of the Ukrainian economy has created a number of challenges for the region’s entrepreneurial activity. The proposed algorithm for assessing the effectiveness of the entrepreneurial potential of the region involves the implementation of certain stages of the study: 1. Determination of the goals and objectives of the assessment of the entrepreneurial potential of the region in the conditions of changes in the spatial organization of the economy. 2. The choice of methods for assessing the effectiveness of the entrepreneurial potential of the region, taking into account changes in the spatial organization of the economy. 3. Rationalization of the system of indicators for assessing the efficiency of the entrepreneurial potential of the region. 4. Calculation of efficiency of the region’s entrepreneurial potential exploitation and ranking of regions by integral values. 5. Development of measures to optimize the entrepreneurial potential of the region. The importance of taking into account the peculiarities of the spatial organization of the economy in the form of certain network forms of business organization in assessing the efficiency of entrepreneurial potential has allowed substantiating expediency of the inclusion of a separate component of the potential – spatial integration and development of indicators of its determination. The proposed approach to assessing the effectiveness of the entrepreneurial potential of the region will help formulate a rational policy of spatial development of business in the regions and create a reserve for business activity growth, optimize the localization of entrepreneurial activity, and substantiate the mechanisms of regulation of the spatial organization of business to support certain types of business or change the directions and priorities of the development strategy for improving the economic management of the region.
entrepreneurial potential of the region, estimation of efficiency, spatial organization of economy, forms of spatial organization of the economy
The article observes the main approaches of scientists who were engaged in determining the list and characteristics of the factors of development of network business structures. The influence of factors on the development of network pharmacies’ entrepreneurial structures is analyzed. The classification of factors of influence of exogenous (at macro and micro levels) and endogenous character is developed. Also, the study of the main factors influencing the development of pharmacy networks in the current conditions of functioning. Systematization of the basic scientific approaches has allowed to develop a universal approach to grouping of factors of development of these structures. It is proposed to use the existing approach to the division into exogenous (at macro, micro levels) endogenous factors with the definition of branch features and conditions of network activity for analyzing the state of pharmacy networks.
factors of development of network pharmacies of entrepreneurial structures, factors of influence of network business structures
The conceptual contour of social infrastructure as a catalyst for the modernization of the socio-humanitarian space of Ukrainian regions has been explored. The own definition of the social infrastructure has been suggested. Approaches to classification of social infrastructure in regions of Ukraine have been substantiated. It was determined that education is the main element of the social infrastructure, which provides qualitative human development. It was established that the availability of education depends on the material base of educational institutions, the number of educational institutions, their equipment, the level of qualifications of staff, the possibility of using educational institutions and the quality of services they provide. The main barriers of equal access of the population of Ukrainian regions to education and the reasons of their occurrence have been considered. It was proved that the comprehensive human development through creating of a complex of vital goods necessary for expanded reproduction is the determinant of social infrastructure functioning.
social infrastructure, social policy, social and humanitarian space, education, access to education
Despite the tendentious decline in the share of industry in total output, the national economy as a whole has a high level of industrialization, compared to the member states of the European Union. Given the globalization of world economic processes and, as a consequence, increased competition in commodity markets, the industrial sector of the national economy needs relevant assessments, the results of which will provide an analytical basis for the formation of trends in state industrial policy, in particular at the regional level. The purpose of the article is to conduct a structural and dynamic assessment of the industrial sector of Ukrainian regions economy. The key indicators that characterize the structure of the industrial sector of the economy and the effectiveness of its functioning are: the share of industry in the release of all types of economic activity, the share of industry in gross value added (GVA) of all types of economic activity, the share of the GVA industry in its output. The results of the calculation of these indicators have shown that during 2013-2015 the structure of the national economy’s industrial sector (by output) and the structure of the industry have undergone some changes in the direction of increasing their share of the processing industry while reducing the share of other types of industrial activity. The most significant of these changes were in the Vinnytsia region. The results of the integrated assessment of the dynamics of structural indicators of the industrial regions of Ukraine revealed in general the most effective functioning of the industrial sector of Poltava region economy, which is explained by the largest (among the regions) share of extractive industry in it and the development of quarries (in particular, gas extraction). The latter is characterized by the highest share of airborne emissions in production (>50 per cent) among industrial activities. A similar situation was observed in the Kirovohrad and Luhansk regions. Instead, Zaporizhzhya region having occupied the 1-st place among the regions of Ukraine by the level of industrialization in the economy in 2015, was an outsider by the indicator of the industry efficiency. This situation is due to a large share of the processing industry (79.57 per cent) in the structure of the industrial sector of the economy of this region. In general, the smallest part of the industrial activity in the production of processing industry is due to their specificity, which is usually in the presence of significant raw material and energy costs in the cost of products of the processing industry. The lowest share of vehicles in the production is peculiar to the production of chemicals and chemical products (10.92 per cent), while the highest is taken by textiles, clothing, leather and other materials (50.82 per cent). However, the share of highly efficient types of processing industries in the structure of the industrial sector of the economy of the Ukrainian regions is relatively small (<15 per cent). The results of the conducted research confirmed the need for further restructuring of the industrial sector of the economy of the Ukrainian regions. Gradual optimization of the structure of domestic industry should take place simultaneously in four directions, that is, to cover all types of industrial activities and their subspecies. A key criterion for such an optimization is the increase in socioeconomic efficiency, which means improvement of the airborne security and its structure, in particular, increasing the share of gross operating profit, mixed income. As the implementation of state industrial policy takes place at the regional level, each oblast needs to form the specialized (in accordance with the needs and opportunities of its economy) strategic directions of industrial restructuring and to develop current programs for their practical implementation.
efficiency, gross value added, industry, output, structure, types of industrial activity