UDC 314.72; JEL F02, J18, J48 Voznyak, H. V., Savchuk, N. V., & Kaspshyshak, A. V. (2023). Vymushena mihratsiya v umovakh viyny v Ukrayini: instytutsiyni problemy intehratsiyi do zhyttya v novykh hromadakh [Forced migration in the conditions of war in Ukraine: institutional problems of the integration into life in new communities]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 107 (1), 45-54. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36818/1562-0905-2023-1-5 [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 18
Voznyak Halyna VasylivnaDoctor of Economics, Professor
Leading Researcher of the Department of regional financial policy of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine
Contacts: gvoznyak@gmail.com
Savchuk Nataliya VolodymyrivnaDoctor of Economics
Professor of the Department of international finance of the Kyiv National Economic University n.a. Vadym Hetman
Contacts: : nvsavchuk@ukr.net
Kaspshyshak Andriy VolodymyrovychPostgraduate of the Department of regional financial policy of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine
Contacts: andriyy111@gmail.com
ResumeThe war, along with the need to strengthen the resilience of communities and support the affected population, has actualized the problem of protecting the rights and guarantees of internally displaced persons and fulfilling the proper obligations of the state in the conditions of intensified hostilities in Ukraine. Therefore, the gaps in the current legislation regarding the support of IDPs’ integration into life in new communities should be analyzed and identified. The article aims to analyze the institutional foundations of the protection of the rights and guarantees of internally displaced persons and to identify the legislative “gaps” in support of the integration of internally displaced persons into new communities in the conditions of war in Ukraine. The institutional principles of protecting the rights and guarantees of internally displaced persons are analyzed. Legislative conflicts/gaps, which slow down the pace of adaptation, and thus the integration of displaced persons into the life of host communities, are identified. The study reveals that the procedure for registration/re-registration of internally displaced persons is not fully standardized; the mechanisms for obtaining financial assistance are imperfect; there is a shortage of affordable housing; it is difficult to ensure unhindered access to medical services; there are problems with the employment of internally displaced persons due to the lack of vacancies and the mismatch of their qualifications with the requirements of the labor market. The Strategy for the Integration of Internally Displaced Persons until 2024 and the plan for its implementation are analyzed. Benefits and risks are emphasized. The article argues that information activities and popularization of entrepreneurship among IDPs by conducting various educational trainings will contribute to the birth of an idea and own businesses, but financing, introduction of benefits and incentives, or material support are more effective factors in the integration of IDPs by increasing their employment. The timely introduction of a tool for monitoring the problems and needs of internally displaced persons was emphasized, given the need to improve the integration of residents into host communities.
Keywords:internally displaced persons, war, territorial communities, migration, integration
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