UDC 336.71:005.95; JEL E52, G21, J30, J33 Harasymlyuk, M. V., Levytska, O. M., & Sayets, I. A. (2023). Motyvatsiya personalu yak element upravlinnya diyal'nistyu banku [Staff motіvatіon as an element of bank actіvіty management]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 107 (1), 55-62. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36818/1562-0905-2023-1-6 [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 13
Harasymlyuk Mariya VolodymyrivnaPh.D. of Economics
Associate Professor of the Department of management and goods expertise of the Faculty of Economics of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Contacts: marysoltys@ukr.net
Levytska Olha MykolayivnaPh.D. of Economics
Associate Professor of the Department of management and goods expertise of the Faculty of Economics of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Contacts: olgalevytska70@gmail.com
Sayets Illya AntonovychStudent of the Faculty of Economics of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Contacts: saetc02082001@gmaіl.com
ResumeThe article examines the topical issue of increasing the effectiveness of managing the motivation of bank employees. The issue of improving the work organization of bank specialists is especially relevant in view of the systemic challenges of the financial sector of Ukraine caused by the long-term negative impact of quarantine restrictions and the war. The practice of motivating personnel in the commercial bank “Idea Bank” JSC, which has been operating on the domestic market since 1991, is analyzed. The article shows that qualified employees are the main resource of the bank, and the priority of personnel management is to increase the qualification level of specialists. It also emphasizes that the achievement of the planned efficiency requires the personal interest of the specialists in the achievement of the set goals, therefore the motivational systems should be coordinated with the bank’s development strategy and the motivational expectations of the staff. Recommendations on motivation management and the implementation of adequate motivation systems are developed to ensure an increase in the efficiency of staff work. A motivation technology based on a comprehensive assessment of key performance indicators is proposed, which allows for rational distribution of labor costs depending on the contribution of each specialist. The largest contribution to the bank’s financial result belongs to the branches of corporate and retail service. To identify the contribution of each specialist to the financial result, the centers of responsibility for income and profit are recommended to be allocated, and an indicative analysis within each position using transparent mechanisms for differentiating the evaluated indicators should be carried out. Classification of specialists into the groups “best employee”, “key employee”, “needs improvement”, and “candidate for dismissal” will allow to determine the level of material remuneration of specialists according to objective criteria and will contribute to the development of personnel. The application of the proposed methodology in the system of motivation of specialists in the retail sector of the bank will contribute to the prompt adjustment of the practice of managing personnel development and optimization of business processes.
Keywords:motіvatіonal system, key performance іndіcators, labor remuneratіon, center of responsіbіlіty, personalіzatіon of results
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