UDC 658.012.4; JEL M10, L21, D21, M19 Nosach, N. M., Yehiozaryan, A. H., & Polyakova, Ye. S. (2024). Rol' monitorynhu ta kontrolinhu v systemi menedzhmentu sub’yektiv ekonomichnykh vidnosyn [The role of monitoring and controlling in the management system of economic relationship entities]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 113 (3), 131-139. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36818/1562-0905-2024-3-12 [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 15
Authors Nosach Nataliya MykhaylivnaPh.D. of Economics
Doctoral Postgraduate of the Department of management, business and administration of the State Biotechnological University
Contacts: red.edit.10@gmail.com
Yehiozaryan Artur HenrikhovychPh.D. of Economics
Deputy Head of Office of the Northeast Office of the State Audit Service of Ukraine
Contacts: yehiozarian.art@gmail.com
Polyakova Yevheniya SerhiyivnaPh.D. of Economics, Associate Professor
Vice-rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work of the International Technological University "Mykolayiv Polytechnics"
Contacts: riske2074@gmail.com
ResumeThis article examines the strategic role of monitoring and controlling in the management of economic relationship entities in the context of the modern economy. The aim of the current research is to systematize, generalize, and improve the theoretical and methodological foundations regarding the role of monitoring and controlling in the management system of economic relationship entities. The study presents the significance of these tools for timely responses to market changes, controlling financial indicators, and ensuring the achievement of the strategic goals of the enterprise. It is substantiated that monitoring provides systematic tracking of the organization’s performance and forecasting of potential risks, contributing to the optimization of management decisions. It has been identified that controlling serves as an important element of integrating management processes, including planning, analysis, and control, which enhances the competitiveness of enterprises in the market. The article presents a classification of the main types of monitoring and controlling, illustrating their interconnection and the possibility of simultaneous application for a comprehensive approach to management. The study also reveals that monitoring and controlling are essential components of management activities aimed at continuously tracking the state of affairs in the enterprise and adjusting management decisions based on the data obtained. The study shows that the integration of monitoring and controlling forms a cyclical management process consisting of data collection, analysis, planning, execution, and control stages. This, in turn, ensures continuity in management and supports feedback, which is critical for the long-term success of the enterprise amid dynamic changes in the external environment. Based on the analysis of the results of managing the enterprise as a production system, the importance of monitoring and controlling at all stages of strategic management is justified. The study justifies the need for the implementation of integrated monitoring and controlling systems that will enable enterprises to enhance their efficiency, adaptability, and resilience in the market.
Keywords:monitoring, controlling, management processes, strategic goals, enterprise competitiveness
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