Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Ilyash Olha Ihorivna

Ilyash Olha Ihorivna

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Leading Researcher of the Regional Branch of the National Institute for Strategic Studies in Lviv; Professor of the Department of enterprise economics of the Lviv University of Trade and Economics; Rector of the International University of Finance; Professor of the Department of theoretical and applied economics of the Faculty of Management and Marketing of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"




Vasyl'tsiv Taras Hryhorovych

Dzhadan Iryna Mykolayivna

Smolyar Lyubov Havrylivna

Trofymenko Olena Oleksiyivna


Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 330.31:332.142.6:[330.341.1:330]; JEL O11, O32, O44
Smolyar, L. H., Ilyash, O. I., Trofymenko, O. O., & Dzhadan, I. M. (2021). Ekolohichnyy skladnyk zabezpechennya innovatsiynoho rozvytku natsional'noyi ekonomiky v umovakh Industriyi 4.0 [An environmental component of securing the national economy’s innovative development in the Industry 4.0]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 99 (1), 61-71. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 14

With the development of Industry 4.0, the transformation processes are taking place at the level of the national economy. The needs for energy supply, renewal of fixed assets, expansion of production, and ensuring innovative development are growing. These transformations require the introduction of additional mechanisms to ensure environmental safety. The article investigates the principles of development and functioning of the environmental component of securing the innovative development of the national economy in Industry 4.0. The system of environmental indicators of innovative support of the economy’s industrial and technological development is monitored, namely capital investments in environmental protection, the share of publications in ecology and environment, the share of renewable energy consumption, emissions of pollutants and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. A relatively high emission rate of 0.57 tons of CO2 per $ 1,000 of GDP is set and this figure is graphically visualized in Ukraine and other countries. The distribution of administrative territories according to the level of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere from stationary sources is presented. The highest values of pollutant emissions from stationary sources are observed in Donetsk and Dnipropetrovsk regions - 31.4% and 23.4%, respectively. The positive dynamics of the growth of renewable energy capacities is determined. The positive preconditions for the introduction of ecological innovations are identified, namely a new procedure for establishing and distributing the ecological tax, a new state environmental policy, bringing Ukrainian environmental policy in line with the standards of leading countries. Ukraine’s position on the Environmental Efficiency Index is determined. The main measures for the development of the environmental component of the economy in the leading countries are analyzed. Recommendations for improving the state policy of industrial and technological development in the framework of activating the environmental component are provided. 
innovations, ecological component, Industry 4.0, national economy 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 331.5:351.84:339.92:330.837
Ilyash, O. I., & Vasyltsiv, T. G. (2011). Napryamy udoskonalennya instytutsional'noho zabezpechennya rozvytku ta lehalizatsiyi rynku pratsi v systemi sotsial'noyi bezpeky rehioniv [Directions of Institutional Maintenace Improvement of Labour Market Development and Legalization in the System of Regional Social Security]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 62(4), 184-191. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 12

The features of labour market institutes functioning in the system of regional social security are outlined. The shortcomings of labour market institutional maintenance are defined. Legal, administrative, organizational and economic directions of labour market and employment legalization are offered. 
social security of region, labour market, institutionalization, legalization, employment, social threats, dangers of social sphere 


Ilyash, O. I. (2011). Systemna paradygma sotsial’noyi bezpeky na riznykh rivniakh suspil’noyi ierarhiyi [System paradigm of social security at different levels of social hierarchy]. Mekhanizm rehulyuvannya ekonomiky – Mechanism of Economic Regulation, 2, 23-32. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian]. {re2017.02.062.002}

Ilyash, O., Trofymenko, O., & Kolishenko, R. (2020). Providni praktyky zaprovadzhennya mekhanizmiv ekolohichnoho prohresu natsional’noyi ekonomiky [Leading practices of introduction of mechanisms of ecological progress of national economy]. In Ekonomichnyy analiz [Economic analysis]: Vol. 30(4) (pp. 42-50). DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {re2021.01.061.006}

Ilyash, O. I., Kleptsova, Yu. B., & Cherhava, K. Yu. (2009). Investytsiyno-innovatsiyna aktyvnist’ malykh pidpryyemstv [Investment and innovation activity of small enterprises]. In Naukovyy visnyk NLTU Ukrayiny [Scientific Bulletin of NLTU of Ukraine]: Vol. 19(3) (pp. 139-142). [in Ukrainian]. {re2021.01.061.009}

Hrynkevych, S. S., & Ilyash, O. I. (2015). Teoretyko-prykladni aspekty stanovlennya informatsiynoyi ekonomiky v Ukrayini [Theoretical and applied aspects of the formation of the information economy in Ukraine]. In Stratehichni priorytety [Strategic priorities]: Vol. 1(34) (pp. 56-62). [in Ukrainian]. {re2021.01.061.014}

Vasyltsiv, T. H., Ilyash, O. I., & Lupak, R. L. (2018). Problemy ta zasoby konverhentsiyi sotsial’noyi bezpeky v Ukrayini ta YeS [Problems and means of social security convergence in Ukraine and the EU]. Biznes Inform – Business Inform, 12, 8-14. [in Ukrainian]. {re2022.04.050.009}

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