Senior Researcher of the Department of problems of social and humanitarian development of the regions of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine
The article focuses on the problems of destabilization of the Ukrainian national economy and its regional markets in the context of the full-scale war. The key challenges of regional development in the short term as a result of their growing imbalances are identified, in particular the functioning of labor markets. The authors point out the long-term challenges to the development of regional labor markets and prove that the policy of their leveling should be based on strengthening competitiveness and enhancing convergence with the EU labor markets. The most critical trends in social stability in the regions of Ukraine during the war are characterized. The article presents statistical parameters of the registered labor market in the regions of Ukraine separately in terms of labor supply and separately in terms of labor demand in the pre-war period and during the war. The reasons for the low level of registered unemployment in the regions of Ukraine during the war are highlighted. The authors analyze the level of balance of regional labor markets and identify the main risks and threats to their functioning and development in the context of modern destabilization processes. Based on the analysis of regional aggregate demand (vacant and employed jobs) and aggregate supply (economically active population) in 2008, 2014, and 2021, the level of balance of the domestic labor market is calculated and assessed. Three types of labor-surplus regions are identified: (1) regions with a lag in socio-economic development and intensive demographic growth; (2) depressed regions, where the number of jobs stabilizes or decreases due to stagnation in the areas of specialization due to the exhaustion of raw materials or poor competitiveness of manufactured products; (3) regions with a deformed economic structure or monopoly position of enterprises and individual industries in the labor market, which leads to an imbalance of demographic or qualification nature. The prospects and priorities of the state policy of stabilizing the functioning and ensuring the development of regional labor markets in Ukraine are outlined.
The purpose of the study is to analyze current trends in the evolution of forms of employment under the influence of the economy digitalization, as well as to substantiate the directions and means of public policy to regulate the conditions of effective employment in the new realities. Methods of synthesis and system analysis, groupings, logical analysis, strategic management, and system analysis were used in the research. The most significant characteristics of the sphere of employment in the conditions of the economy digitalization, in particular quantitative flexibility, functional flexibility, and space-time flexibility, are defined. The spheres of economy in which new professions are most in demand in Ukraine in the conditions of development of digitalization processes of the national economy are identified, in particular information and communication technologies, biotechnologies, medicine, energy, and its accumulation, power networks and energy consumption management, transport, especially water and air transport, education, and ecology. The directions, spheres, branches, and concrete sub-branches where new professions are in demand in the conditions of the economy digitalization are defined. The paper emphasizes the leading role of the information and communication technology sector, the development of which largely determines the emergence of new professions. The paper provides the conclusion that in this situation the new forms of employment cover great innovative potential, as well as shadow aspects (informal agreements), which exacerbate the problem of insufficient filling of social funds and reduction of tax revenues to the state budget. The priorities of effective employment policy in Ukraine in the global digitalization of economic relations are outlined based on the principles of flexicurity, best practices, and implementation of innovative solutions in building mutually beneficial and socially responsible relations between employer and employee.
employment, innovative forms, digitalization of the economy, public policy
The aim of the article is to study the existing and find new approaches to the analysis of creative, information and knowledge-based factors that determine social transformations and economic growth of the EU regions based on smart specialization. The methodological approaches to the assessment of the implementation of creative, information and knowledge-based factors in the economy are studied. A comparative analysis of international and regional systems for evaluating creative, information and knowledge-based factors of economic growth is made. A system of indicators of the authors’ three-vector approach (by the directions: (1) intellectualization of economy, (2) digitalization of economy and society, (3) technological modernization) to the analysis of creative, information and knowledge-based factors in the realization of the smart specialization model at a regional level are developed. The developed authors’ technique allows providing a comprehensive approach to the analysis of creative, information and knowledge-based factors in terms of the smart specialization model at the regional level. The methodology involves three groups of indicators in the areas of intellectualization, digitalization, and technological modernization. The calculation of the integral index is carried out based on the method of multidimensional weighted value taking into account the degree of the weight of indicators and sub-indices (subgroups and groups of indicators). The scientific novelty of the study is that the integral index allows making important analytical conclusions about the level of development of creative, information and knowledge-based economy, as well as the correlation of these processes with the socio-economic development of regions. The methodological approach can be implemented in domestic practice for evaluating the impact of the use of creative, information and knowledge-based factors on the development of regional economies and, accordingly, for achieving the objectives of regional smart specialization strategies.
regional policy, socio-economic development of regions, smart specialization, creative, information and knowledge-based factors
In terms of the current crisis trends in Ukraine’s development, stagnation of the national economy, aggravation of the armed conflict, a considerable decrease in the level and quality of public life, there is a constant raise of migration that makes a substantial threat for the labor force disposal and loss of a significant part of human potential of the country. For this reason there is an objective need in a continual monitoring of migratory movements not only within large territorial systems but also within small, including border, ones. Evaluation of the consequences of an impact of population migration on a socio-economic development of cross-border regions is also important. It refers to a complex research in regional and local terms. It is shown that the most dynamic population movements are observed in the western border regions of our country. The prerequisites for such trends are growing social and economic disparities in comparison with EU countries, poor conditions for self-realization in Ukraine, a deficit of decent work, low level of personal security, economic and civil liberties. The object of the study is the determination of peculiarities of Ukrainian-Polish relations in the context of migration. The main attention is focused on the most important trends in the asymmetrical development of border areas by the example of Lviv Oblast and Podkarpackie Voivodeship. In the course of a comparative analysis, the points of regions’ convergence (demographic) and the asymmetry points of their development (by socio-economic parameters) are revealed on the basis of which key push- and pull-factors of border migration are formulated. The value of inter-regional disproportions (maximum coefficient gap – 5.5) is estimated and the influence of the international migration on the level of development asymmetry of border territories is approved. This especially concerns the group of economic indicators (average monthly wages of the population and per capita gross regional product). It is also proved that the studied trans-border space, featured with two border regions, is more responsive to migration movements in Lviv Oblast than in Podkarpackie Voivodeship. Evaluation of intensity of territorial population movements within Lviv Oblast and Podkarpackie Voivodeship by types of migration (labor, educational and tourist) is provided. The main migration orientations in these regions are defined. The role and requirements to the trans-border cooperation policy in solving the problems of asymmetry of inter-regional development and enhancement of socio-economic potential of border territories of Ukraine and Poland are grounded.
migration of population, inter-regional convergence, development asymmetry, border region, trans-border cooperation
On June 17, 2016 was held All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference "Social transformation and security: human, the state, society", which co-organizers were Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine and Lviv Institute of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (IAPM). This conference was a continuation of work of Branch of Organizations management department of the Lviv Institute IAPM that operating in the Department of social and humanitarian development of the region under the direction of Doctor of Economics, Professor U. Ya. Sadova and showed long tradition of cooperation of Lviv Institute IAPM with representatives of academic science.
The scientific search for optimal methods to be used for evaluation of the environment of migrant-active population’s socio-economic security is essential because of the lack of specific materials and experience in terms of this type of research in Ukraine. The necessity for continuous monitoring of such processes on the basis of sufficient information support is noted. For this purpose, scientific and methodical bases for construction of the integral index, estimating the environment of migrant’s socio-economic security in Ukraine, have been elaborated and substantiated. Five indicator groups have been established. They are: the reproduction security (risks and favourable conditions for children’s upbringing, good health maintenance, family creation and support); the living standards security (sufficient level of the gross income and consumption, good housing conditions); development security (opportunities of having access to basic secondary, vocational and higher education, to historical and cultural sights, to physical culture and sports); work security (opportunities for employment, professional skills application and reproduction, professional growth, getting wages in accordance with the labour contributed and level of qualification, labour security and safety); the environment and social security (environmental risks and threats to humans, as well as the level of crime and other forms of antisocial (deviant) behaviour). The method of the multidimensional mean value indexes weighting relative to the base period (the Index-Numbers method) has been used in the current research. In terms of the base multidimensional mean value indexes, calculated for the integral indicator, the impact of socio-economic security factors on external migration growth in the country from 2005 to 2014 has been defined and the dynamics of the environment of migrant’s security, as particularly vulnerable social group in Ukraine, have been estimated. It is shown that during the period analysed, the integral index of the environment of migrant-active population’s socio-economic security has a rising tendency. There are some positive changes observed in Ukraine along the lines of improvement of socio-economic security conditions for migrants. However, the range of changes (the integral index level increased in 1,51 times) does not correspond to expectations of most of the migrants (both current and potential). Noted positive developments are considered to be insufficient to curb migratory intentions in the country because of not meeting public needs and demands. The methodology proposed can serve as a basis for further modelling of the level of socio-economic security of migrants in Ukraine, for change forecasting of the integral index of the socio-economic security environment and for scientific substantiation of migration policy.
migration, migrant-active population, socio-economic security, integral index of security environment
The improvement of public health and bringing in all necessary facilities for this purpose must become a strategic priority in state and regional policy on the way of demographic crisis overcoming in Ukraine. The method of public health integral index forming, which enables carrying out grounded comparison of health level not only in temporal but also spatial vectors, is offered. The method will serve as a basis for determination of key problems in public health and directions of its improvement both in a region and in a country on the whole.
public health, health level, health integral index
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