Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Lyakhovska (Skaletska) Olena Vasylivna

Lyakhovska (Skaletska) Olena Vasylivna

Ph.D. of Economics

Senior Researcher of the Department of problems of the real sector of regions' economy of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine




Ishchuk Svitlana Oleksiyivna

Sozans'kyy Lyubomyr Yosypovych


Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 338.43.01(477); JEL Q10, O18
Ishchuk, S. O., & Lyakhovska, O. V. (2024). Tendentsiyi rozvytku ekonomiky sil's'koho hospodarstva Ukrayiny v umovakh viyny: rehional'nyy vymir [Trends in the development of the agricultural economy of Ukraine in war conditions: the regional dimension]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 113 (3), 96-105. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 14

The trends of the share of the main types of economic activity in the gross domestic product of Ukraine during 2010-2023 have been verified. Information is given on the losses caused by the full-scale armed aggression of Russia to the Ukrainian agriculture in terms of main assets and items of indirect losses. The results of research on the availability of personnel and the impact of its shortage on the activities of enterprises in 2021 and 2023 by type of activity are highlighted. The value of the index of agricultural production of crops and livestock in Ukraine in a regional section is analyzed. A structural and dynamic assessment of the cultivated areas of agricultural crops in the regions of Ukraine during the period of the great war was carried out. The change in the volume of production (gross harvest) of agricultural crops in natural terms is diagnosed in correlation with the change in sown areas and productivity. A steady trend towards an increase in the share of enterprises in the production of livestock products was revealed. It was established that despite the generally negative dynamics of the cow population in Ukraine, the vast majority (2/3) of the regions demonstrated an increase in industrial milk production due to increased productivity. It is analytically proved that the problems of the development of Ukrainian agriculture (direct and indirect losses due to the war, reduction of cultivated areas, unstable dynamics of yield and specialization of agricultural production) over the past two years have somewhat changed the spatial architecture of this sector of the national economy. The effectiveness of state stimulation tools for the development of the domestic agricultural sector, in particular, subsidies, guarantees, loans, etc., is shown. in the conditions of martial law and in the perspective of post-war recovery. The effectiveness of state stimulation tools for the development of the domestic agricultural sector, in particular, subsidy, guarantee, credit, etc., is shown. in the conditions of martial law and in the perspective of post-war recovery. 
agriculture, economy, regions, production, development, plant breeding, livestock breeding 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 338:332.1(477); JEL L50, O18
Ishchuk, S. O., Sozanskyy, L. Y., & Lyakhovska, O. V. (2023). Transformatsiyi u promyslovomu sektori ekonomiky Ukrayiny: rehional'nyy vymir [Transformations in the industrial sector of Ukraine’s economy: regional dimension]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 107 (1), 88-101. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 15

Industry forms the basis of the economy of all developed European countries and Ukraine in particular, as it makes the largest contribution to commodity exports and innovations, ensuring the reproduction of all other sectors and the social sphere due to the mass production of means of production and consumer goods. The purpose of the article is to identify transformations in the industrial sector of the economy of the regions of Ukraine based on a comprehensive assessment of the activity and effectiveness of its functioning in the current period and in dynamics. The results of the calculations prove that industrial production is mainly concentrated in industrial regions, which also demonstrate the highest current level of product innovation and the greatest return on investment in innovation. These regions are characterized by the highest level of production and labor activity in terms of the volume of industrial products sold and labor productivity. At the same time, during 2011-2021, the industrial potential of Ivano-Frankivska, Kyivska, and Lvivska oblasts significantly increased. Vinnytska, Volynska, Donetska, and Ternopilska oblasts demonstrate the highest dynamics of capital investments in industry during this period, while the leaders in foreign direct investments are Kirovohradska, Poltavska, and Chernihivska oblasts. Lvivska, Kyivska, Odeska, Rivnenska, and Khmelnytska oblasts have achieved a noticeable increase in the values of product innovation indicators. However, in general, innovative activity in the industrial sector of Ukraine’s economy is very low. The majority of innovations were produced in Donetska oblast. The full-scale Russian armed aggression has accelerated the transformation processes that have been taking place in the industrial sector of the national economy over the last 10 years, namely the formation of new industrial centers in Ukraine, still small in scale, but with higher (compared to traditionally industrial regions) values and higher positive dynamics of individual indicators of production, labor, and investment activity of industrial enterprises. Such “new industrial” centers are located in the western and central regions, where the largest number of enterprises from the east have relocated. 
industrial sector of the economy, regions, industrial potential, production and labor activity, investments, innovations, sold products 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 338.43:637.1(477); JEL F14, L66, Q13
Ishchuk, S. O., & Lyahovska, O. V. (2020). Rozvytok molokopererobnykh vyrobnytstv u rehionakh Ukrayiny: syrovynnyy aspekt [Development of dairy productions in the regions of Ukraine: raw material aspect]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 95 (1), 42-51. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 7

The production of milk and dairy products is a significant segment of the domestic food industry with a share of 14% in its structure. During 2014-2019, the volume of dairy production in Ukraine decreased by 15.68%, which caused the loss of 5 positions in the world ranking by this indicator. The purpose of the article is to determine the development potential of dairy production in Ukraine in the regional context based on the raw material supply. According to the results of the research, higher efficiency of agricultural enterprises (the share of which in the structure of raw milk production in Ukraine was less than 30%) as compared to households was found. Comparative estimates show that the regional structure of dairy products is more geographically concentrated than the structure of raw milk production. According to the results of grouping of regions of Ukraine by the volume of production of raw milk and its industrial processing products, only four regions had high complex potential in this segment in 2019, two – milk processing potential, six – raw milk potential, while the potential of the remaining 12 regions was insignificant. The transformation of commodity and geographic structures of export-import operations with dairy products in Ukraine was investigated. The main problems of the dairy processing segment of the domestic food industry were identified, namely: insufficient potential and poor quality of the raw material base for industrial dairy processing; interaction imbalance between suppliers of raw milk and industrial producers; the presence of a shadow segment and a high degree of falsification in the domestic dairy market; etc. A number of mechanisms were proposed to further enhance the dairy sector development in Ukraine. The basic directions of state support for agricultural enterprises producing raw milk and industrial enterprises producing dairy products were outlined. 
raw milk production, industrial processing, dairy products, regions, export, import 


Ishchuk, S. O., & Lyakhovska, O. V. (2020). Rozvytok ahropererobnykh vyrobnytstv u rehionakh Ukrayiny: syrovynni aspekty [Development of agro-processing industries in the regions of Ukraine: raw material aspects]: Scientific publication. Lviv: Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine. (Seriya «Rehiony: monitorynh, prohnozy, modeli») [(Series of Regions: monitoring, forecasts, models)] [in Ukrainian]. {re2021.01.020.006}

Ishchuk, S. O., & Lyakhovska, O. V. (2020). Rozvytok ahropererobnykh vyrobnytstv u rehionakh Ukrayiny: syrovynni aspekty [Development of agro-processing industries in the regions of Ukraine: raw material aspects]: Scientific Report. Lviv: Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine. (Seriya «Rehiony: monitorynh, prohnozy, modeli») [(Series of Regions: monitoring, forecasts, models)]. [in Ukrainian]. {re2021.03.046.010}

Ishchuk, S. O. (Ed.), & Lyakhovska, O. V. (2020). Rozvytok ahropererobnykh vyrobnytstv u rehionakh Ukrayiny: syrovynni aspekty [Development of agro-processing industries in the regions of Ukraine: raw materials aspects]. Lviv: Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian]. {re2024.03.096.001}

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