Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Stehnei Marianna Ivanivna

Stehnei Marianna Ivanivna

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Dean, Professor of the Department of economics and finance of the Faculty of Economics, Management and Engineering of the Mukachevo State University




Karp’yak (Husyeva) Mariya Oleksandrivna


Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 316(477); JEL I30, I31
Karpyak, M. O., & Stehnei, M. I. (2021). Otsinyuvannya sotsial'noyi eksklyuziyi v Ukrayini ta yiyi vplyvu na sotsial'no-ekonomichnyy rozvytok derzhavy na natsional'nomu ta rehional'nomu rivnyakh [Assessment of social exclusion in Ukraine and its impact on the socio-economic development of the state at the national and regional levels]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 100 (2), 72-82. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 12

Constant transformation of socio-economic processes in society leads to social mobility of the population. It also automatically generates changes in its social structure. In turn, this process leads to the gradual spread of the phenomenon. In scientific and social circles it is called social exclusion. The concept of social exclusion began to take shape in the process of dynamic development of society. It requires new approaches to identifying and measuring negative social phenomena. Today it is considered as a social phenomenon based on inequality of relations between social groups. It is most often understood as the partial or complete removal of individuals or groups from the social structure of society and social processes. As well as the creation of conditions that do not allow these individuals or groups to play a significant role in society. If we analyze approaches to understanding and explaining the phenomenon of social exclusion, we can conclude that it should be most fully considered from the standpoint of inequality and access to social opportunities (especially the social services system). It is also understood as the lack of necessary socio-economic conditions for functioning of individuals. Therefore, the article assesses the phenomenon of social exclusion in Ukraine at the national and regional levels. As a result of the assessment, the article determines the impact of social exclusion on the main domains of socio-economic life of society, in particular employment and wages, which in turn belong to the institution of the labor market and are its direct components, social standards and guarantees, and social services. The consequences of social exclusion for the state and society are identified and ways to minimize its manifestations are specified. The methodical approach to measuring the phenomenon of social exclusion in Ukraine and its regions is substantiated in order to find efficient mechanisms for regulating their socio-economic development. 
social exclusion, socio-economic development of regions, regulatory mechanisms, polarization, labor market, availability of social services 


Irtyshcheva, I., Stegney, M., Boiko, Y., Voit, D., Hryshyna N. (2019), Theoretical-methodical approaches to monitoring of the level of socio-economic development of territorial units and national economy in conditions of decentralization. Рerspectives, 2, 83-92. {re2020.01.014.015}

Irtyshcheva, I., Stehnei, M., Popadynets, N., Danylo, S., Rogatina, L., Bogatyrev, K., Boiko, Y., Hryshyna, N., Ishchenko, O., & Voit, O. (2020). Business process management in the food industry under the conditions of economic transformations. Management Science Letters, 10(14), 3243-3252. DOI: {re2022.04.061.005}

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