Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Karpyak (Husyeva) Mariya Oleksandrivna

Karpyak (Husyeva) Mariya Oleksandrivna

Ph.D. of Economics

Senior Researcher of the Department of regional economic policy of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine




Bondarenko Viktoriya Mykhaylivna

Herman Lyudmyla Tarasivna

Horbova Khrystyna Volodymyrivna

Kostyshyna Anna Ihorivna

Mikula Nadiya Anatoliyivna

Nazarkevych Oksana Bohdanivna

Pasternak (Deyneka) Olena Ivanivna

Popadynets' Nazariy Mykolayovych

Stehney Marianna Ivanivna

Tymechko Iryna Romanivna

Tsybul's'ka Yuliya Orestivna

Tsisins'ka Oksana Bohdanivna

Shykula Oleksandra Petrivna

Shul'ts Svitlana Leonidivna


Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 31.101.6(477); JEL J24
Karpyak, M. O., Bondarenko, V. M., Nazarkevych, O. B., & Shykula, O. P. (2024). Produktyvnist' pratsi v Ukrayini: rehional'ni vidminnosti, problemy ta perspektyvy zrostannya [Labor productivity in Ukraine: regional differences, problems, and growth prospects]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 111 (1), 49-58. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 10

The unfolding of a full-scale war on the territory of Ukraine, which led to immediate changes in the demographic situation of the state and the loss of a significant part of its human potential, also had devastating consequences for the economy, which will be felt for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to search for various levers of economic growth and preservation of human capital, which today should become a priority task of the state on the way out of the economic and demographic crisis, and the possibilities of its integration into the European and world economy. In Ukraine, low labor productivity is one of the defining problems hindering the development of its economy, along with the issues of inefficient use of labor resources and the policy of remuneration. The problem lies not only in the low level of labor productivity but also in the rather low growth rates of this indicator. The article assesses disparities in labor productivity levels across regions of Ukraine. The study shows that low labor productivity is one of the defining problems inhibiting the development of the economy of Ukraine, along with the issues of inefficient use of labor resources and labor remuneration policy. The authors emphasize that the problem lies not only in the low level of labor productivity but also in the low growth rates of this indicator. The dynamics of GRP and the employed population in 2014-2020 is calculated, and the regions are ranked by the level of employment concentration. A comparative analysis of the levels of employment concentration during the research period is carried out and changes in regional employment disparities are revealed. Based on the analysis of employment indicators and GRP. The article identifies the regions demonstrating the efficiency of the use of labor resources in Ukraine. The predominance of regions in the country with inefficient use of labor resources is revealed. The most important reasons for maintaining a low level of labor productivity in Ukraine and its regions are substantiated, and relevant recommendations for solving these problems are proposed. 
labor productivity, region, employment, regional disparities, labor resources, human potential, economic growth 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 331.522.4:[330.342.146:330.31]; JEL O15, J24
Karpyak, M. O., Herman, L. T., & Kostyshyna, A. I. (2022). Lyuds'kyy potentsial yak osnovna komponenta sotsial'no-ekonomichnoho rozvytku v systemi suspil'noho vidtvorennya [Human potential as the main component of socio-economic development in the system of social reproduction]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 105 (3), 60-66. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 13

Human potential is the defining strategic resource of any state and the nation’s greatest wealth. Today, it is the basis for the growth of the state’s capacity both in the domestic and international markets and, in general, the basis for the socio-economic progress of society. The importance of human potential as the highest value of society requires awareness of the need for its preservation, rational use, and effective reproduction, which is the key to the harmonious development of socio-economic systems. Since the problem of the development of human potential has long been the subject of discussions by many leading domestic and foreign researchers and today, there is no single approach to the interpretation of this category, it is appropriate to consider the results of major scientific studies related to this issue. The available interpretations of the “human potential” category are extremely diverse but usually, they take into account two aspects: the resource component of human potential - a set of certain resources that can be used to achieve certain goals and the presence of certain circumstances and opportunities. Thus, the content of the category of human potential and the process of evolution of this concept in the plane of scientific research are investigated in the article as a result of the analysis of the major scientific studies related to this issue. The article substantiates that this concept is broader than the category of labor resources or human capital and, as a result, includes the latter. The problems of preservation and development of human potential as the main strategic resource of the state and the greatest wealth of the nation are outlined. The author’s interpretation of the content of the human potential category, as well as the concept of human potential capitalization, is argued. The main approaches to the formation of the structure of human potential are considered, and the vision of its main components is proposed based on the experience of leading scientists-researchers. 
human potential, labor potential, human capital, socio-economic development, human potential capitalization, human potential structure 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 331.104(477); JEL J18, O15, R23
Karpyak, M. O., & Horbova, Kh. V. (2022). Zberezhennya lyuds'koho potentsialu yak osnovnoho stratehichnoho resursu rozvytku rehioniv Ukrayiny v umovakh rosiys'koyi ahresiyi [Preservation of human potential as the main strategic resource for the development of the regions of Ukraine in the conditions of Russian aggression]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 104 (2), 57-62. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 10

Today, human potential is the basis for the growth of the state’s capacity both on the domestic and international markets and as a whole, the basis for the socio-economic progress of society. Russia’s unprecedented invasion of Ukraine and the deployment of a full-scale war on the territory of our country led to immediate changes in the demographic situation of the country, which in turn caused corresponding consequences for the economy, which will be felt for a long time. Since the beginning of the war, more than 6 million people have left the territory of Ukraine; approximately 7.7 million have been forced to leave their homes and become internally displaced persons. Despite a considerable amount of research, today, the issue of preserving the human potential of Ukraine remains especially relevant in the conditions of Russian aggression. Thus, the purpose of this article is to outline the current problems of the loss of human potential as a result of Russian aggression, identify the opportunities, and search for ways to preserve and reproduce it, as well as implement an effective scenario for the management of human potential both at the national and regional levels. The article examines the essence of the human potential category and defines the author’s interpretation of the content of this category. Certain assumptions are also made regarding the economic prospects and the determining role of the demographic factor for the further economic future of Ukraine. The main ways to preserve the human potential of the state, as well as further reproduce it in the conditions of post-war economic recovery, are outlined. The article substantiates that in the future, human capital will play a decisive role. In the long-term perspective, the demographic factor may become decisive for the development of Ukraine’s economy. Today, in Ukraine, the categories of human potential and human development as interdependent and complementary categories are forced to function in the coordinate system of military-economic relations. Therefore, the modern economic policy of the state requires the strengthening of measures not only of the military-economic but also primarily of social-cultural and moral-ethical development of human potential within the country. 
human potential, demographic factor, economic capacity, regional development, Russian aggression 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 316(477); JEL I30, I31
Karpyak, M. O. (2021). Sotsial'na eksklyuziya v Ukrayini ta yiyi vplyv na rozvytok lyuds'koho potentsialu derzhavy ta yiyi rehioniv [Social exclusion in Ukraine and its impact on the development of human potential of the state and its regions]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 101 (3), 110-118. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 12

Modern socio-economic transformations and the development of ideas of individual rights and needs universalization emphasize the urgency of overcoming the new forms of inequality and finding effective mechanisms for consolidation and integration of social systems to avoid negative social phenomena that threaten national security, preventing the exclusion of certain groups from public life, forming the stable social ties and interpersonal cooperation. The changes taking place in Ukraine today are marked by the ambivalence of their impact: on the one hand, there are positive changes towards the necessary reforms, on the other – the aggravation of social tensions due to instability, bottlenecks, or imperfections of the reform process itself, increasing income gaps and limiting the access of large sections of the population to resources, etc. Despite the significant number of scientific papers on the phenomenon of social exclusion, the issue of substantiation of the forms and features of social exclusion, as well as the dynamics of its spread in Ukrainian society, remains insufficiently elaborated. The purpose of this article is to assess social exclusion in Ukraine in the context of studying its impact on the development of the human potential of the state and its regions. In the context of the study, the reasons underlying the formation of the phenomenon of social exclusion in Ukraine in the early stages of statehood are substantiated, the problems that determine its spread in modern Ukrainian society, and the consequences of the impact on society are highlighted. Particular attention is paid to the impact of the phenomenon on the development of the human potential of Ukraine and its regions. The reasons underlying the formation of the phenomenon of social exclusion in Ukraine in the early stages of state formation are substantiated, the problems that determine its spread in modern Ukrainian society and the consequences of the impact on the human potential of the state and its regions are highlighted. 
social exclusion, human potential, labor potential, human capital, socio-economic development, labor market 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 316(477); JEL I30, I31
Karpyak, M. O., & Stehnei, M. I. (2021). Otsinyuvannya sotsial'noyi eksklyuziyi v Ukrayini ta yiyi vplyvu na sotsial'no-ekonomichnyy rozvytok derzhavy na natsional'nomu ta rehional'nomu rivnyakh [Assessment of social exclusion in Ukraine and its impact on the socio-economic development of the state at the national and regional levels]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 100 (2), 72-82. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 12

Constant transformation of socio-economic processes in society leads to social mobility of the population. It also automatically generates changes in its social structure. In turn, this process leads to the gradual spread of the phenomenon. In scientific and social circles it is called social exclusion. The concept of social exclusion began to take shape in the process of dynamic development of society. It requires new approaches to identifying and measuring negative social phenomena. Today it is considered as a social phenomenon based on inequality of relations between social groups. It is most often understood as the partial or complete removal of individuals or groups from the social structure of society and social processes. As well as the creation of conditions that do not allow these individuals or groups to play a significant role in society. If we analyze approaches to understanding and explaining the phenomenon of social exclusion, we can conclude that it should be most fully considered from the standpoint of inequality and access to social opportunities (especially the social services system). It is also understood as the lack of necessary socio-economic conditions for functioning of individuals. Therefore, the article assesses the phenomenon of social exclusion in Ukraine at the national and regional levels. As a result of the assessment, the article determines the impact of social exclusion on the main domains of socio-economic life of society, in particular employment and wages, which in turn belong to the institution of the labor market and are its direct components, social standards and guarantees, and social services. The consequences of social exclusion for the state and society are identified and ways to minimize its manifestations are specified. The methodical approach to measuring the phenomenon of social exclusion in Ukraine and its regions is substantiated in order to find efficient mechanisms for regulating their socio-economic development. 
social exclusion, socio-economic development of regions, regulatory mechanisms, polarization, labor market, availability of social services 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 316(477); JEL I30, I31
Karpyak, M. O. (2020). Sotsial'na eksklyuziya v Ukrayini: oznaky ta formy proyavu v suchasnomu suspil'stvi [Social exclusion in Ukraine: features and forms of manifestation in modern society]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 96 (2), 144-152. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 7

Modern socio-economic transformations and the development of ideas of universalization of individual rights and needs emphasize the urgency of overcoming the new forms of inequality and finding effective mechanisms for consolidation and integration of social systems to avoid negative social phenomena that threaten national security, preventing the exclusion of certain groups from public life, forming the stable social ties and interpersonal cooperation, which is an important condition for the successful development of the state and society as a whole. The changes taking place in Ukraine today are marked by the ambivalence of their impact: on the one hand, there are positive changes towards the necessary reforms, on the other – the aggravation of social tensions due to instability, bottlenecks or imperfections of the reform process itself, increasing income gaps and limiting the access of large sections of the population to resources, including basic social services, etc. Despite the significant number of scientific papers on the phenomenon of social exclusion, the issue of substantiation of the forms and features of social exclusion, as well as the dynamics of its spread in Ukrainian society remains insufficiently elaborated. Thus, the purpose of this article is to study the phenomenon of social exclusion in Ukrainian society. In the context of the study, the reasons underlying the formation of the phenomenon of social exclusion in Ukraine in the early stages of statehood are substantiated, the problems that determine its spread in modern Ukrainian society, and the consequences of the impact on society are highlighted. A categorical analysis of the phenomenon of social exclusion is carried out, in particular by forms of manifestation, criteria and factors, scale of distribution, levels of formation, and nature of social ties. Based on the analysis, the peculiarities of the manifestation of social exclusion in Ukraine at different stages of development of Ukrainian society are revealed. 
social exclusion, inequality, socio-economic transformations, social structure of society, deprivation, discrimination, social ties 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC [338.46:61]:35.072.1; JEL H51, I18, I19
Shults, S. L., & Karpyak, M. O. (2017). Orhanizatsiyno-instytutsiyni osoblyvosti reformuvannya systemy okhorony zdorovya v Ukrayini v umovakh detsentralizatsiyi [Organizational and institutional peculiarities of health care system reforming in Ukraine under decentralization]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 85(3), 108-115. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 6

The article outlines the theoretical principles of reforming of the health care system in Ukraine in the conditions of decentralization, explores the peculiarities and directions of implementation of health care reforms, identifies the problems of organization of the system of medical care in Ukraine and the possible ways of improving the medical care of the population in the context of decentralization reform.
The essence of the notion of a hospital district as a functional association of health facilities located on the relevant territory, which provides provision of secondary (specialized) medical care to the population of this territory, is considered and outlined. The criteria of the formation of hospital districts are defined, the features of establishing boundaries and the composition of the district as well as the technical process of its creation are highlighted.
The essence and principles of the functioning of the Hospital Council, its main tasks and functions are determined. The sources of funding the activities approved in the Hospital District Development Plan for the next five years are determined. The development of the plan for the development of the hospital district in order to determine the actual loading of medical infrastructure objects and the distribution of relevant functions is emphasized, among which, in particular, the directing of flows to the medical institution with the corresponding level of technical and personnel support.
In order to avoid numerous questions about the decentralization reform in the field of health care of the population in Ukraine, it is also necessary to conduct a large-scale information campaign among the regions in terms of clarifying the areas of responsibility of the central and regional authorities in relation to the principles of the functioning of the established hospital districts, as well as to reduce the political and social tension. 
decentralization, reform of health care system, medical infrastructure, hospital district 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 339.9.012.24:332.1:330.341.4(477)(470+571);JELN70,R12
Karpyak, M. O., & Popadynets, N. M. (2016). Zovnishn'oekonomichna diyal'nist' rehioniv Ukrayiny v umovakh rosiys'koyi ahresiyi: strukturni osoblyvosti [Foreign economic activities of regions in Ukraine in the conditions of Russian aggression: structural features]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 79(1), 51-58. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 10

In a worsening political and economic conflict with Russia and geopolitical changes on a global scale poses some new challenges and tasks associated with maintaining relations with its main strategic partners and at the same time promoting and strengthening positions of our state on international arena. In this context, particular importance is the structural definition of the priorities of foreign economic activity of the regions of Ukraine in the light of geopolitical configurations that currently are formed brightly in the global economic space and which, in turn, will play a key role in developing the international policies of the new time.
The economic and political situation in Ukraine at the present time, revolutionary and military events of recent years, caused dynamic changes in the overall structure of the state economy, and in particular in the sphere of foreign economic activity of regions. Thus, the share of export in GDP of Ukraine is more than 50%, therefore, how pattern develops foreign economic activity of regions depends on the fate of the state’s economy in general.
The aim of the article is evaluation of structural features of the modern condition of foreign economic activity of regions of Ukraine in conditions of Russian aggression and the identification of trends in the development of their foreign economic relations.
In the article the author are analyzed the features of development of foreign economic activity of the regions in Ukraine for the period 2013-2015 and impacted the evaluation of the military aggression of Russia on the development of their foreign trade. During the study period it is revealed that the export potential of regions of Ukraine losing its position, which, in turn, directly leads to a fall in its GDP. At the same time, there are bright changes in the spatial structure of export of Ukraine, namely the reorientation of the export vector of its regions and the change of markets with the usual new. The statistics today reflect the new reality of foreign trade, which is formed in the regions of Ukraine. There have been changes in the areas of foreign trade policy of regions of Ukraine, namely from the countries-members of the CIS to the EU and other countries of the world. In foreign trade turnover of regions of Ukraine, the share of the countries-EU members has increased in 2015 from 26% to 31,8%.
On the background of the general decline of Ukrainian exports, it is revealed that notable falling for 2013-2015 were also imports. Drop import of most goods and services was observed as from Russia from the countries-EU members. The imports of goods decreased exclusively in all regions of Ukraine, and the fall ranged from 1,3% in Poltava to 47,7 % in Donetsk regions.
The factors that influenced the decline of foreign economic activity in all regions of Ukraine are researched and analyzed. Due to changes in structural proportions in foreign trade of the regions of Ukraine defined the main problems of development of their economic relations. As a result of the analysis recommendations to overcome the identified problems and regulation of structural imbalances in development of foreign economic activity of Ukrainian regions are proposed. 
export, foreign economic activities, free trade area, import, regions of Ukraine 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332:330.341.42
Huseva, M. O. (2015). Strukturni transformatsiyi v ekonomitsi rehionu: otsinka stanu ta priorytety strukturnoyi korektsiyi [Structural transformations in the economy of the region: the evaluation of the state and priorities of the structural correction]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 75(1), 19-26. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 6

The complexity and ambiguity of the processes of the regional development which are stipulated by the influence of the inner and outer variety of the factors, lead to the occurrence of the significant changes in the functioning of the regional economic systems which conversely cause the structural transformations of the regional development. The existing contradiction between immensely growing needs and limited resources in the regional economic system causes the necessity of their concentration on the priority spheres of its social-and-economic development and respectively the search for the course of accomplishment of regional structural policy. Consequently, the choice of priorities is the first component of the structural policy by logic and significance. The effective regional structural policy has to take into consideration the criteria of the priorities’ choice and to have its background on the weighed application of various instruments of disparity removal and balance renewal on the middle level. The aim of the article is to define the character and level of economic stability of the region as a result of the investigation of intensity of its structural processes and revelation of the number of factors which forms its structural priorities today. The investigation is accomplished in the example of Rivne region. In the article the evaluation of the structural changes in the regional economy according to the main forms of activity is accomplished (in the example of Rivne region), the analysis of its industrial potential and reproductive economic structure is held, and also the prospects of the structural correction of economy of this region for the nearest period is proved on the basis of the prediction of the gross value added. As a result of the evaluation of economy’s structure of Rivne region it is analyzed how stably and intensively the changes are being made in the economy’s structure of this region. As a result of the investigation the transformation of the economy’s structure of the region is revealed, namely its diversion from economy which is oriented to services into the industrial oriented economy owing to the increase of the industrial share in the total structure of the regional output and accordingly reduction of share of traditional for this region economic activity. The character of transformational processes in the economy of this region is analyzed and the priority tasks for the region for the nearest perspective in the light of these transformations are set. It is discovered that the leading spheres, that are the points of economic increase of the region according to the share of sphere in total volume of gross value added, happened to be the industry, other types of services and agronomy. Additional attention, especially during the formation of the regional policy and elaboration of the strategies for the regional development for the nearest and distant perspective, should be paid to the spheres of education, care of public health, financial activity and other types of social services. 
structural transformations, economics’ structure of the region, regional structural policy, regional development, priorities of the structural correction of the economy of the region, regional economic system, structural disparities 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 338.49:339.13:339.5
Huseva, M. O. (2014). Rozvytok infrastrukturnoho zabezpechennya transkordonnykh rynkiv [The development of infrastructural maintenance of cross-border markets]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 71(1), 42-51. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 18

The essence of infrastructural maintenance and infrastructure of cross-border markets is defined and the author's interpretation of these terms is presents. The system of infrastructural maintenance of cross-border markets is proposed and its main components are singled out. The analysis of infrastructural maintenance of cross-border markets on the territory of western border of Ukraine and adjacent border areas of neighboring countries is conducted. Analyzed and founded exactly which cross-border markets operate in a certain cross-border area and level of their infrastructural maintenance. Theoretical and methodological recommendations for the improvement of information component of infrastructural maintenance of cross-border markets and practical recommendations for the development of infrastructural maintenance of cross-border markets for goods, services and cross-border labor market are justified. 
infrastructural maintenance of cross-border markets, informational maintenance of cross-border markets, cross-border market, structure of cross-border market, market environment of cross-border market 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Tsybulska, Y. O., Tsisinska, O. B., & Huseva, M. O. (2011). Implementatsiya v Ukrayini yevropeys'koho dosvidu stvorennya transkordonnykh partnerstv [Implementation in Ukraine of experience in creating cross-border partnerships]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 61(3), 159-166. [in Ukrainian]. 

The peculiarities of cross-border partnerships, the role and importance in the development of border regions. Focuses attention on the opportunities and obstacles that may arise in its creation. Describe the organizational structure, management of cross-border partnerships and its life cycle. 
partnership, cross-border partnerships, cross-border labor markets 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Mikula, N. A., Pasternak, O. I., Tymechko, I. R., & Husieva, M. O. (2010). Kontseptual'ni pidkhody do doslidzhennya konyunktury transkordonnoho rynku [The Conceptual Approaches to the Research of the Transborder Market Envіronment]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 56(2), 17-22. [in Ukrainian]. 

The essence of transborder market and its place in the system of regional and international markets is outlined. The features of transborder region, which influence the functioning of transborder market, are exposed. The conceptual approaches to the research of the transborder market environment, which engulf the principles, the basic tasks of research, the algorithm of realization of analysis, information sources and methods, are proposed with the purpose of exposure and analysis of trends, factors and terms that influence the development of competitive environment in a transborder region. The main provisions provided by the research may be used for the development of methodological recommendations for the transborder market environment analysis. 
transborder region, transborder market, boundary region, regional market, transborder market environment, transborder cooperation 


Karpyak, M. O. (2020). Sotsial’na eksklyuziya v Ukrayini: oznaky ta formy proyavu v suchasnomu suspil’stvi [Social exclusion in Ukraine: signs and forms of manifestation in modern society]. Rehional’na ekonomika – Regional economy, 2(96), 144-152. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {re2021.03.110.012}

Bil, M. M., Mulska, O. P., Baranyak, I. Ye., Makhonyuk, O. V., & Karpyak, M. O. (2021). Otsinyuvannya vplyvu mihratsiynoyi mobil’nosti molodi na lyuds’kyy potentsial Karpats’koho rehionu [Estimation of influence of migration mobility of youth on human potential of the Carpathian region]. Lviv: Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine. [in Ukrainian]. {re2022.02.047.013}

Nazarkevych, O. B., Karpyak, M. O., & Popadynets, N. M. (2019). Inklyuzyvnyy rozvytok maloho pidpryyemnytstva v sil's'kykh terytorial'nykh hromadakh [Inclusive development of small entrepreneurship in rural territorial communities]. Internauka. Seriya: Ekonomichni nauky – Internauka. Series: Economic Sciences: International scientific journal, 11, 125-131. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {re2022.04.033.004}

Nazarkevych, O. B., Karpyak, M. O., & Popadynets, N. M. (2019). Inklyuzyvnyy rozvytok maloho pidpryyemnytstva v sil’s’kykh terytorial’nykh hromadakh [Inclusive development of small entrepreneurship in rural territorial communities]. Internauka. Seriya: Ekonomichni nauky – Internauka. Series: Economic Sciences, 11, 125-131. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {re2023.03.028.003}

Bil, M. M., Mulska, O. P., Baranyak, I. Ye., Makhonyuk, O. V., & Karpyak, M. O. (2022). Mihratsiyna mobil'nist' molodi: mozhlyvosti ta vyklyky rozvytku lyuds'koho potentsialu Karpats'koho rehionu Ukrayiny [Migration Mobility of Youth: Opportunities and Challenges for the Development of Human Potential in the Carpathian Region of Ukraine]: Scientific and analytical report. Lviv: Dolishniy Institute of Regional Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian]. {re2024.04.079.003}

Веб-майстер П. Попадюк