Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Bondarenko Viktoriya Mykhaylivna

Bondarenko Viktoriya Mykhaylivna

Ph.D. of Economics, Associate Professor

Associate Professor of the Department of business administration, marketing and management of the Uzhhorod National University; Senior Researcher of the Transcarpathian Regional Centre for Socio-Economic and Humanities Studies of NAS of Ukraine




Anhelko Iryna Volodymyrivna

Butusov Oleksandr Dmytrovych

Derdi Emma Tiberiyivna

Karp’yak (Husyeva) Mariya Oleksandrivna

Koval' Oleksandr Dmytrovych

Kurey Oksana Andriyivna

Mushka Daniella Vasylivna

Nazarkevych Oksana Bohdanivna

Popadynets' Nazariy Mykolayovych

Slava Svitlana Stepanivna

Shykula Oleksandra Petrivna


Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 31.101.6(477); JEL J24
Karpyak, M. O., Bondarenko, V. M., Nazarkevych, O. B., & Shykula, O. P. (2024). Produktyvnist' pratsi v Ukrayini: rehional'ni vidminnosti, problemy ta perspektyvy zrostannya [Labor productivity in Ukraine: regional differences, problems, and growth prospects]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 111 (1), 49-58. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 10

The unfolding of a full-scale war on the territory of Ukraine, which led to immediate changes in the demographic situation of the state and the loss of a significant part of its human potential, also had devastating consequences for the economy, which will be felt for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to search for various levers of economic growth and preservation of human capital, which today should become a priority task of the state on the way out of the economic and demographic crisis, and the possibilities of its integration into the European and world economy. In Ukraine, low labor productivity is one of the defining problems hindering the development of its economy, along with the issues of inefficient use of labor resources and the policy of remuneration. The problem lies not only in the low level of labor productivity but also in the rather low growth rates of this indicator. The article assesses disparities in labor productivity levels across regions of Ukraine. The study shows that low labor productivity is one of the defining problems inhibiting the development of the economy of Ukraine, along with the issues of inefficient use of labor resources and labor remuneration policy. The authors emphasize that the problem lies not only in the low level of labor productivity but also in the low growth rates of this indicator. The dynamics of GRP and the employed population in 2014-2020 is calculated, and the regions are ranked by the level of employment concentration. A comparative analysis of the levels of employment concentration during the research period is carried out and changes in regional employment disparities are revealed. Based on the analysis of employment indicators and GRP. The article identifies the regions demonstrating the efficiency of the use of labor resources in Ukraine. The predominance of regions in the country with inefficient use of labor resources is revealed. The most important reasons for maintaining a low level of labor productivity in Ukraine and its regions are substantiated, and relevant recommendations for solving these problems are proposed. 
labor productivity, region, employment, regional disparities, labor resources, human potential, economic growth 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 228.46:339.138; JEL L80, M37
Anhelko, I. V., Bondarenko, V. M., & Koval, O. D. (2022). Rol' marketynhu v rozvytku sfery posluh v Ukrayini [The role of marketing in the development of the services sector in Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 103 (1), 72-77. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 13

Features and tendencies of the development of the services sector in Ukraine are highlighted. The article determines that despite the socio-economic instability in the country, the development level of the domestic services sector remains quite high. The reasons for the positive dynamics of the services sector are clarified. The authors note that the main reason for the active development of the services sector is its “penetration” into almost all types of economic activity. The role of the services sector is described. The growing role of the services sector is proven to be based on the global trends and the influence of a number of factors. It is due to the influence of trends that the services sector is diversifying. In turn, different types of services require the use of excellent management approaches, with marketing occupying a key place among them. The role of marketing as a factor in the modern development of the services sector in Ukraine is demonstrated through the prism of determining the features and the need to use its key tools and methods. The main tasks of marketing in the services sector are presented and characterized. The article proves that the role of marketing in the services sector is to maximize the satisfaction and optimization of the interests of consumers and producers through the use of modern marketing tools. The authors emphasize that for the service sector, marketing is a process of developing and promoting services designed to meet the specific needs of target market segments. Knowledge and understanding of marketing in the services sector allow not only maximizing the profits of economic entities by providing services that are in demand but also identifying the ways and directions of profits redistribution to improve the quality of services to better satisfy consumers, gain competitive advantage, and increase future profits. 
service sector, marketing, marketing tools, service sector entities 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 339.138:659.1; JEL M39
Mushka, D. V., Bondarenko, V. M., & Popadynets, N. M. (2021). Sutnist' ta evolyutsiya digital-marketynhu [Nature and evolution of digital-marketing]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 100 (2), 200-204. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 11

This scientific article considers the constantly growing role of digital marketing in the overall range of business marketing activities in the modern world. The historical aspect of development and implementation of digital marketing is outlined in the first part of the article. The article considers the chronology of digital marketing development from the middle of the twentieth century and specific transition from classic to digital marketing. The key moments that changed the specifics of marketing are highlighted; the information of different approaches to the evolution of marketing is structured. The authors of the article analyze the diversification of the approaches defining the concept of digital marketing by domestic and foreign scientists. It is determined that the concept of «digital marketing» should be considered as a process of promoting goods and services of the enterprise with the involvement of digital technologies, mobile devices and the Internet in the general marketing activities of the business. Besides that, the difference between digital marketing and Internet marketing is also described by mentioning the main instruments involved in these processes. The work supplies examples of the efficient digital instruments which are important for brand promotion. The significant emphasis is placed on changes in marketing activities that contribute to the further development of brands. In the end of the article, the authors conclude that the current stage of the market economy development in a pandemic situation, fierce competition and global transition to online life creates new conditions in which the implementation of an effective promotion mechanism is an integral condition for each successful business seeking to increase its profits and pace of development. 
marketing, digital marketing, internet marketing, promotion, evolution of marketing, business 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.146.2:339.137:001.891.7; JEL R58, P25, M38
Bondarenko, V. M., Kurey, O. A., Derdi, E. T., & Butusov, O. D. (2020). Monitorynh konkurentospromozhnosti rehionu yak mekhanizm realizatsiyi derzhavnoyi rehional'noyi polityky [Monitoring of a region’s competitiveness as a mechanism of a state regional policy implementation]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 96 (2), 33-43. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 24

The latest trends in the analysis of socio-economic development, as opposed to taking into account the globalization processes impact, put more emphasis on the trends of regionalization at the interstate level. The understanding of the fact that not only states and enterprises but also individual regions are competing makes it possible to realize clearly the ultimate goal of the overall transformation of large economic systems which are designed to form, on the one hand, the most organic conditions for the development of individual regions and territories, and on the other, to take into account the prospects of regions’ involvement in the state regional policy implementation based on the results of their competitiveness monitoring. The article aims to formulate the essence of competitiveness monitoring by measuring and systematizing the author’s approaches to the interpretation of this term and assessment of information level and regulatory support for regions’ competitiveness monitoring in practice. The article systematizes information and regulatory support for monitoring competitiveness in Ukraine. The approaches to monitoring the competitiveness of regions and its functions are grouped; the features of problem-oriented monitoring of competitiveness are considered; a system for monitoring the implementation of state regional policy and its components is outlined; the principles of monitoring the competitiveness of the region are determined. The conclusion is made about the dynamism and changeability of the regional competitiveness phenomenon under the influence of factors of the changing development environment. It, in turn, makes it necessary to clarify the list of indicators that are determined in the process of the regions’ competitiveness monitoring, the systematic nature of the monitoring itself, and further consideration of its results in the state regional policy implementation. 
monitoring, region, competitiveness, regional policy 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 334.722:330.131.7(477.87)
Bondarenko, V. M. (2012). Empirychna otsinka zovnishnikh ta vnutrishnikh ryzykiv biznesu u Zakarpats'kiy oblasti [Empirical Evaluation of External and Internal Business Risks in Zakarpattya Region]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 63(1), 238-246. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 9

The methodology of empirical research of business risks in Zakarpattya region based on «Strategic Priorities for Economic Development by 2020 (in Zakarpattya Region)» project is outlined. Stable activities and main risks for the enterprises in the region by internal and external environmental components based on results of survey are determined. The main problems of the regional enterprises in production, investment and financial spheres are considered. 
business risks; activities; social, economic, financial and production risks 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Slava, S. S., & Bondarenko, V. M. (2008). Strukturuvannya zhyttyezdatnoho rozvytku: analiz pidkhodiv ta definitsiy [The Structuring of Viable Development: Analysis of Approaches and Definitions]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 50(4), 208-214. [in Ukrainian]. 

This study involved a theoretical analysis of definitions of sustainable development to identify the weights of different components, to assess what meanings are included in the term by different authors and communities, and to understand the role of managerial approaches in sustainable development. A principle managerial model of sustainable development is presented in which common purposes and joint management serve to unify economic, environmental, and social components. 
sustainable development, definitions, components, managerial sustainable development model 


Hryshova, I. Yu., Bondarenko, V. M., & Yelinyevskyy, V. Yu. (2015). Instytutsiyne zabezpechennya ahrarnoho rynku yak chynnyk prodovolchoyi bezpeky [Institutional support of the agricultural market as a factor of food security]. In Ekonomichnyy analiz [Economic analysis]: Vol. 3 (pp. 4-9). [in Ukrainian]. {re2021.01.107.003}

Bondarenko, V. M., & Shershun, K. O. (2012). Ponyattya ta instrumenty terytorial’noho marketynhu v konteksti stratehichnoho rozvytku rehioniv [Concepts and tools of territorial marketing in the context of strategic development of regions]. In Naukovyy visnyk Uzhhorods’koho universytetu. Seriya: Ekonomika [Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod University. Series: Economics]: Vol. 2(36) (pp. 66-73). [in Ukrainian]. {re2021.03.015.001}

Bondarenko, V. M., & Shershun, K. O. (2012) Poniattia ta instrumenty terytorialnoho marketynhu v konteksti stratehichnoho rozvytku rehioniv [Concepts and tools of territorial marketing in the context of strategic development of regions]. Naukovyi visnyk Uzhhorodskoho universytetu: seriya Ekonomika – Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod University: Economics series, 2 (36), 66-73. [in Ukrainian] {re2023.04.005.001}

Mushka, D. V., Bondarenko, V. M., & Popadynets, N. M. (2021). Sutnist’ ta evolyutsiya digital-marketynhu [Nature and evolution of digital-marketing]. Rehional’na ekonomika – Regional Economy, 100 (2), 200-204. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {re2023.04.067.007}

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