Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Mikula Nadiya Anatoliyivna

Mikula Nadiya Anatoliyivna

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Director of the Institute of Cross-Border Cooperation and European Integration in Lviv




Husyeva Mariya Oleksandrivna

Kravtsiv Vasyl' Stepanovych

Muzychuk Oksana Yevstakhiyivna

Pasternak (Deyneka) Olena Ivanivna

Tymechko Iryna Romanivna

Tolkovanov Vyacheslav Viktorovych

Tsybul's'ka Yuliya Orestivna

Tsisins'ka Oksana Bohdanivna


Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.146.2: 332.122.5
Mikula, N. A., Tsybulska, Y. O., & Tsisinska, O. B. (2014). Mekhanizmy zabezpechennya konkurentospromozhnosti v transkordonnomu prostori [Mechanisms of the competitiveness ensuring in the cross-border space]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 73(3), 239-249. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 5

Boundary regions of neighboring countries combine their efforts towards the development of common or coordination of existing mechanisms of competitiveness ensuring in the struggle for human resources for investment and business in cross-border space. However, such existing problems of cross-border actors’ interactions as differences in legislation, inappropriate infrastructure and lack of close cooperation between cross-border actors, leads to the low level of cross-border cooperation, which in turn leads to the outflow of labor for permanent residence in other countries, location of business and investments in other countries or “central” regions of the state – all this deepens the gap in the socio-economic development of the border regions. Theoretical, methodological and methodical approaches to the research and development of mechanisms of competitiveness ensuring in the cross-border space remain under-developed, that confirm the relevance and necessity of the researches in this area.

The purpose of this article is to outline the theoretical foundations of the development of mechanisms to ensure competitiveness in the cross-border space.

The theoretical basis for the development of the mechanisms for the cross-border space competitiveness ensuring is outlined in the article. Particularly, the approaches to the essence of cross-border space and competitiveness in the cross-border space are generalized. Special attention is focused on the need to development of new and convergence of the existing mechanisms to ensure the competitiveness in the cross-border space and the role of government in these processes. The competitiveness of cross-border area will be ensured through borrowing or the extension of existing mechanisms competitiveness from/to neighboring areas and/or the formation of joint mechanisms in cross-border region for the appearance of the competitive advantage. Thus, the approach to competitiveness ensuring in the cross-border space through the convergence of legal, organizational and economic mechanisms of competitiveness ensuring from each side of the border is proposed in the article.

The decrease of the differentiation in the level of economic development and harmonization of legislation will facilitate the growth of cross-border mobility of the inhabitants of the cross-border region, the emergence of joint ventures and business infrastructure elements, as well as this will enhance cross-border cooperation. Particularly important in these processes is the role of authorities of all levels. Effective cooperation of regional authorities and local self-governing authorities from different sides of the border would create conditions for raising funds from international funds and donor organizations for their further investment in the development of the cross-border region, for the continuous learning process of whole actors of cross-border cooperation and other institutions involved in the development of the region, for the formation of organizational and information infrastructure for interaction of authorities, regional or local development agencies from cross-border region through the creation of a single institutional mechanism, as well as will facilitate the development of informational materials and presentations about the cross-border region and various international events to improve its international image and intensify cross-border cooperation to promote fundraising from international private investors and organizations, etc. 

cross-border space, competitiveness, mechanism, mechanisms of competitiveness ensuring 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Mikula, N. A. (2010). Obhovorennya Natsional'noyi dopovidi "Suchasnyy stan ta perspektyvy rozvytku transkordonnoho spivrobitnytstva v Ukrayini" [Deliberation of National Report "Modern State and Prospects of Cross-Border Cooperation Development in Ukraine"]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 57(3), 242-245. [in Ukrainian].

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Mikula, N. A., & Tolkovanov, V. V. (2010). Natsional'na dopovid' "Suchasnyy stan ta perspektyvy rozvytku transkordonnoho spivrobitnytstva v Ukrayini" (osnovni polozhennya proektu) [National Report "Modern State and Prospects of Transborder Cooperation Development in Ukraine" (Main Provisions of Project)]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 57(3), 7-19. [in Ukrainian].

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Mikula, N. A., Pasternak, O. I., Tymechko, I. R., & Husieva, M. O. (2010). Kontseptual'ni pidkhody do doslidzhennya konyunktury transkordonnoho rynku [The Conceptual Approaches to the Research of the Transborder Market Envіronment]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 56(2), 17-22. [in Ukrainian]. 

The essence of transborder market and its place in the system of regional and international markets is outlined. The features of transborder region, which influence the functioning of transborder market, are exposed. The conceptual approaches to the research of the transborder market environment, which engulf the principles, the basic tasks of research, the algorithm of realization of analysis, information sources and methods, are proposed with the purpose of exposure and analysis of trends, factors and terms that influence the development of competitive environment in a transborder region. The main provisions provided by the research may be used for the development of methodological recommendations for the transborder market environment analysis. 
transborder region, transborder market, boundary region, regional market, transborder market environment, transborder cooperation 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Mikula, N. A. (2010). Ekonomichna bezpeka pidpryyemnytstva Ukrayiny: stratehiya ta mekhanizmy zmitsnennya [Economic Security of Entrepreneurship in Ukraine: Strategy and Mechanisms of Strengthening]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 55(1), 254-255. [in Ukrainian].

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Mikula, N. A. (2009). Transkordonne pidpryyemnytstvo - dosyahnennya i problemy na shlyakhu yevrointehratsiyi [Transborder Entrepreneurship - Achievements and Problems on the Way of Eurointegration]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 54(4), 246 p. [in Ukrainian].

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Tymechko, I. R., Mikula, N. A., & Muzychuk, O. Ye. (2009). Rehional'ni doslidzhennya vplyvu prykordonnoyi torhivli na zhyttyediyal'nist' meshkantsiv prykordonnya [Regional Research of the Impact of the Border Tradе on the Vital Functions of Habitants of Frontier]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 53(3), 264 p. [in Ukrainian]. 

Influence of the border tradе on the vital functions of frontier habitants on the basis of sociological research, and also tangent regional researches has been considered. A conduct and motivation of people in different aspects (depending on age, nationality, social state, education, places of residence and others like that) and terms which determine mass character of those busy in the frontier, the forming of transborder streams on the basis of social features have been studied. Trends of perfection of normativelegal base of organization of the border tradе in the conditions of participation of Ukraine in WTO have been offered. 
border tradе, boundary territory 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Mikula, N. A., & Pasternak, O. I. (2009). Konkurentospromozhnist' prykordonnykh terytoriy [Competitiveness of Boundary Territories]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 52(2), 256 p. [in Ukrainian].

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Mikula, N. A., & Pasternak, O. I. (2009). Transkordonni klastery [Transborder Clusters]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 52(2), 256 p. [in Ukrainian].

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Kravtsiv, V. S., & Mikula, N. A. (2008). Hlobal'na rehionalistyka: istoriya ta suchasna metodolohiya [Global Regionalistics: History and Modern Methodology]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 49(3), 221-223. [in Ukrainian].


Mikula, N. A., Matvyeyev, Y. E., Tolkovanov, V. V., & etc. (2012). Konverhentsiya rehioniv u transkordonnomu prostori [Regions’ convergence in a trans-border area]. Lviv: Institute of Regional Research of the NAS of Ukraine. [in Ukrainian]. {re2016.04.056.001}

Mikula, N., Matvyeyev, Y., & Tymechko, I. (2014). Specific features of organization of new cross-border cooperation forms. In Problemy wspolczesnej Europy – ujęcie interdyscyplinarne (pp. 31-38). Jaroslaw: Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Techniczno-Economiczna im. ks. Bronisława Markiewicza w Jarosławiu. {re2016.04.125.008}

Mikula, N. A. (2008). Stratehiya formuvannya ta pidtrymky rozvytku transkordonnykh klasteriv [Strategy of formation and support the development of cross-border clusters]. In Sotsial’no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-Economic Problems of the Modern Period of Ukraine]: Vol. 71(3). Klastery ta konkurentospromozhnist’ prykordonnykh terytoriy [Clusters and competitiveness of the border areas] (pp. 129-141). [in Ukrainian]. {re2017.01.063.006}

Mikula, N. A. & Bazylyuk, V. B. (2011). Suchasni pidkhody do vyznachennia sutnosti ta klasyfikatsii klasteriv [Modern approaches to the definition of the nature and classification of clusters]. In Naukovi zapysky Ukrayins’koyi akademiyi drukarstva. Seriya: Ekonomichni nauky [Scientific Notes of the Ukrainian Academy of Printing. Series: Economics]: Vol. 1 (pp. 138-145). [in Ukrainian]. {re2018.01.048.003}

Belenki, P. Yu., Mikula, N. A., & Matvyeyev, Ye. E. (2005). Konkurentnist na transkordonnykh rynkakh [Competition in cross-border markets]. Lviv: Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine. [in Ukrainian]. {re2018.03.044.012}

Mikula, N. A. (2003). Yevrorehiony: dosvid ta perspektyvy [Euroregions: experience and perspectives]. Lviv: IRR NAS of Ukraine. [in Ukrainian]. {re2018.03.044.013}

Mikulа, N. A. (Ed.). (2010.) Rekomendatsii shchodo vprovadzhennia novykh form transkordonnoho spivrobitnytstva [Recommendations on the introduction of new forms of cross-border cooperation]. Lviv: Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine. [in Ukrainian]. {re2018.03.044.016}

Mikula, N. A. (Ed.) (2010). Rekomendatsiyi shchodo vprovadzhennya novykh form transkordonnoho spivrobitnytstva [Recommendations on introduction of new cross-border cooperation forms]. Lviv: Institute of Regional Research of the NAS of Ukraine. [in Ukrainian]. {re2020.02.058.015}

Mikula, N. A., & Moskalyuk, N. P. (2016). Chynnyky zblyzhennya modeley rehional’noho rozvytku Ukrayiny ta YeS [Factors of convergence of regional development models of Ukraine and EU]. In Rehional’na polityka Yevropeys’koho Soyuzu [Regional policy of the European Union] (pp. 375-388). K.: KNEU. [in Ukrainian]. {re2022.02.025.006}

Mikula, N. A. (2006). Transkordonne spivrobitnytstvo rehioniv Ukrayiny: stan ta perspektyvy [Cross-border cooperation of regions of Ukraine: status and prospects]. Stratehichni priorytety – Strategic priorities, 2, 423-432. [in Ukrainian]. {re2024.04.137.001}

Mikula, N. A., & Tolkovanov, V. V. (2011). Transkordonne spivrobitnytstvo [Cross-border cooperation]. Kyiv: Kramar. [in Ukrainian]. {re2024.04.137.002}

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