Leading Researcher of the Department of regional ecological policy and environmental management of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine
The article considers scientific approaches to the interpretation of the environmental policy concept. It emphasizes the need to specify the goals, directions, tasks, and tools for the implementation of regional environmental policy and to differentiate them in the system from the state and local environmental policies. The concept of regional environmental policy is defined. Given the growing role of non-governmental institutions in all spheres of public life, regional environmental policy in modern conditions should be considered as a system of goals and actions of authorities at all levels, NGOs, other civil society institutions, scientific institutions, business entities, etc. aimed at preserving the natural environment and achieving environmentally safe living conditions for the population of the region using appropriate methods and tools. The authors specify its object (the natural environment of the region as a sphere of human activity) and its entities (governmental structures, scientific institutions, parties, public organizations, business entities, and the population). The article suggests considering the paradigm of regional environmental policy in the context of three successive stages: formation – development of a vision and its formalization through relevant concepts, strategies, programs, and action plans; implementation – realization of certain goals and objectives; development – monitoring and evaluation of implementation results, analysis of changes in global and national environmental policy, and adjustment (resetting) of the vision and mechanisms for its implementation. Special attention is paid to the difficulties of distinguishing between entities (actors) in the system of state-regional-local environmental policy. The authors propose to identify these entities through their participation in the formation, implementation, and development of a particular type of environmental policy. Meanwhile, environmental protection and resource-saving measures should be classified according to their significance and attributed to a particular type of environmental policy, namely: а) those of national importance (solving environmental protection and resource-saving tasks that concern the whole country or several of its regions) are the subject to the state environmental policy and their implementation in full or in part (including the use of public-private partnership instruments) is funded from the State Environmental Protection Fund, other state budget funds, international technical assistance, etc.; b)those of regional importance (solving environmental protection and resource-saving tasks that concern the entire territory of the region or several of its administrative-territorial units) are implemented within the framework and through the instruments of regional environmental policy using regional environmental funds, regional budgets, and other sources; c) those of local importance (solving environmental protection and resource-saving tasks that concern the territory of one administrative-territorial unit) are implemented within the framework and through the instruments of local environmental policy using the environmental funds of village, town, and city councils, relevant local budgets, funds of enterprises and organizations, and other sources.
regional environmental policy, object, entities, paradigm, measures, current vision
The article presents the assessing of the competitiveness of the tourism and recreation sector of the Carpathian region of Ukraine at the national level. It addresses the consequences of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and russian military aggression on the change in the competitive position of the tourism and recreation sector in the Carpathian region. The article emphasizes a significant decrease in tourist and recreational flows and the number of functioning tourist and recreational facilities due to the pandemic and quarantine restrictions. During the pandemic, tendencies to replace the flow of foreign tourism with domestic tourism were evident, contributing to the rapid recovery of tourism and recreational activity in the Carpathian region over the next year due to the high capacity of interregional competitiveness of its tourism and recreation sector. The recovery process was interrupted by the russian military aggression. The study shows the high competitiveness of the tourism and recreation sector of the Carpathian region in the postwar period and the possibility of further consideration of this sector among the priority goals in the development strategies of its oblasts.
tourism and recreation sector, competitiveness, Carpathian region, tourism and recreation activities, COVID-19, martial law
The issues of agglomeration management are considered. The authors point out the difficulties in balancing the interests of administrative-territorial entities operating within their borders and the forms of agglomeration management used in the world practice. Special attention is paid to the advantages of merging agglomerations into separate administrative-territorial units with the corresponding acquisition of legal personality by agglomerations. The article assesses the implementation of the national decentralization reform in terms of voluntary consolidation of territorial communities located within agglomerations with regional centers and cities with special status as their cores. The authors find that the relevant opportunities for agglomerations to acquire legal personality have been realized to a small extent. In particular, seven cities have remained within their boundaries and haven’t included any of the neighboring communities and their settlements in the consolidation. Most of the other oblast centers have included 1-2 settlements in the process of consolidation. Only three regional centers have created territorial communities covering 50-60% of the agglomeration area; five others have created communities covering 25-40%. The article argues that the reasons for the low rate of utilization of the opportunities provided by the reform for solving the problems of agglomeration management through the acquisition of legal personality in the form of a territorial community are both subjective and objective in nature: low activity of the oblast center authorities in initiating community consolidations in their areas of attraction; unwillingness of the representatives of governing bodies of administrative-territorial units to lose power in the process of consolidation; concerns of the residents of communities adjacent to the oblast centers of losing influence on decision-making on the development of their community, management of land plots, unregulated at the legislative level issues of protection of the interests of the residents of communities that consolidate with the oblast center, their guaranteed representation in the elected bodies of the consolidated territorial community; risks of ignoring the interests of the attached communities by the governing bodies of the communities of the oblast centers; risks of making suboptimal decisions on the ways of territorial development with the restriction of the representation of stakeholders in the decision-making process.
agglomeration, forms of management, legal personality, oblast/regional center, decentralization reform, territorial communities
The article emphasizes one of the leading places of travel and recreation industry among the strategic development goals for the oblasts of the Carpathian region of Ukraine. It provides data concerning the established network of the collective and individual accommodation facilities of tourism and recreation profile in the region. The impact of the large-scale Russian aggression in Ukraine on the tourism and recreation industry of the region is analyzed, and the nature and dynamics of qualitative changes in the use of the collective and individual accommodation facilities and financial-economic results of the activity of the tourism and recreation facilities in the region are defined based on the survey of the tourism and recreation activity entities in Zakarpatska, Ivano-Frankivska, Lvivska, and Chernivetska oblasts. The change in their functioning regime in martial law is characterized. The article indicates the landslide drop in traditional tourism and recreation activity of the population since the beginning of the large-scale hostilities, which was compensated with the accommodation of tens of thousands of forcibly displaced persons in the tourism and recreation facilities of the region in the first months. But their number was continuously decreasing in summer 2022. The author specifies a consistent trend towards the deterioration of financial results of the activity of accommodation facilities and threats and socio-economic consequences of the shutdown of the tourism and recreation industry strategically important for the region. The extensive use of the tools for public support of the tourism and recreation industry entities is offered. The opportunities and scales of their recovery in the post-war period are predicted.
tourism and recreation industry, Carpathian region, accommodation facilities, tourism activity entities, martial law
The article addresses the concept of tourism and recreation domain and emphasizes the ambiguous approaches to its interpretation and the lack of established understanding of the economic nature and structural composition of the domain. It offers to consider the tourism and recreation domain in the region as a component of its economic system where tourism and recreation activity takes place – economic activity directed at meeting the tourism and recreation needs of the local population and residents of other regions and countries based on the use of natural and other resources and factors with peculiar tourism and recreation attractiveness. The article specifies that resources and factors of natural and artificial origin (attractions) are the key factors in the forming of the tourism and recreation destinations as areas where the tourism and recreation activity and processes of interaction between tourists and vacationers with the relevant infrastructure take place. The quality of attractions is much determined by the sectoral structure of the tourism and recreation domain of the regions, which stipulates the importance of outlining the author’s understanding of the structure of tourism and recreation activity as such economic activity type as tourism and recreation activity is absent in the national classifier. The article suggests singling out sanatorium activities (providing economic entities with accommodation and sanatorium treatment in the region) and tourism and recreation activity (providing economic entities with tourism, leisure, and other recreational and allied services in the region). In turn, tourism and recreation activity by resources attractiveness in the context of evaluating the economic competitiveness should be considered across the following types: natural resources factors-related (natural resources attractiveness) – cognitive hiking, sports and wellness, extreme, alpine skiing, environmental tourism, hunting, fishing, green rural tourism (agrotourism), wellness holidays; historical and cultural factors-related (historical and cultural attractiveness) – excursions, religious tourism, ethnocultural and festival tourism; commercial and social factors-related (commercial and social attractiveness) – business, entertainment, congress tourism, shopping. Key attractiveness factors are determined for each type. Their evaluation is the basic one for determining the development capacity and competitiveness of the domain in the region.
tourism and recreation domain, region, tourism and recreation activity, resources, attractiveness, tourism and recreation destinations
The 2021-2027 State Regional Development Strategy considers, among others, mountain areas of the Ukrainian Carpathians as areas characterized by specific socio-economic development problems and requiring territorially directed support. The paper outlines the substantiated and suggested by the author methodological approaches to determining the types of problem mountain areas and tools of external support of their development. According to the provisions of the 2021-2027 State Regional Development Strategy, the list of mountain areas of region is outlined. A range of criteria (economic capacity, unemployment, dynamics of the population), indicators, and their parameters are suggested to group mountain areas by their socio-economic development levels. The economic capacity of mountain territorial communities of the Ukrainian Carpathians region is calculated. Three groups of communities are determined based on the calculations: I – reasonably developed communities with average and above-average socio-economic development level (community budget revenues level per capita not less than 90% of the average rate for Ukraine); II – problem communities with socio-economic development level below average (50-90%); III – crisis communities with limited economic capacities (less than half of the average rate in Ukraine). Economic tools of mountain policy are substantiated and offered by each of the allocated groups of areas. They include the strengthening of existing tools of horizontal budget alignment and fostering the participation of the State Regional Development Fund and international technical assistance tools, etc. in infrastructural development of the II group communities; introduction of the special investment activity regimen on the territories of the III group communities with the view to create new jobs for the residents of mountain areas.
mountain areas, competitiveness, development levels, grouping, support tools
The paper provides a comparative research of European and domestic tools of tax regulation in atmospheric air protection from pollution and other harmful impacts that can cause climate change. The structure and place of environmental taxes related to atmospheric air protection in the tax system of the EU countries and Ukraine are outlined. Special attention is paid to differences in the composition of environmental taxes related to atmospheric air protection in EU countries and Ukraine. The conclusions are made regarding the need to improve the level of environmentalization of the domestic tax system with the orientation on the EU experience of increasing the share of environmental taxes in the total tax revenues up to 5-6%. Meanwhile, taking into account the problem nature of increasing tax burden on economic entities, the increase of environmental taxes is suggested to be carried out at the respective reduction of taxes related to the results of producers’ economic activity, namely the income tax. The author also suggests the proportions of distributing the environmental tax revenues between general and specific budget funds and targeted nature protection-related use of revenues. The problems of distributing the environmental tax revenues between the budgets of various territorial levels due to long-distance atmospheric air pollution from the emission sources are emphasized, and their distribution between the public and local budgets is proposed to be carried out based on the subsidiarity principle.
The issues of delineating the mountain areas as an object of support of socio-economic development are examined. The 2021-2027 State Regional Development Strategy adopted by the Government of Ukraine stipulates the transition to a territory-oriented development policy. The Strategy provides the types of territories that require special attention on part of the state and the application of specific mechanisms and tools to stimulate their development. Mountain areas are indicated among such territories, which requires substantiation and institutionalization of the concept of mountain areas. The paper compares the domestic practice and relevant European approaches to delineation and granting the status of mountain areas to some territories. The features of the methodology of territorial typology in the delineation of mountain areas used in the EU Member States are outlined. In particular, the categories of mountain areas, the methods and criteria for their identification based on digital analysis of topographic data on the relief are indicated. The mechanisms of external support of sustainable development and improvement of the economic competitiveness of mountain areas in the EU Member States are determined. The features of domestic practice in supporting mountain areas focused on mountain settlements are outlined, and the interpretation of mountain areas in strategic documents and legislation of Ukraine is analyzed. The conclusions regarding the need to improve the mechanisms of state support of mountain areas in Ukraine and approaches and criteria to their identification are made. The difficulties of application in Ukraine of the methodology used in the EU due to the lack of necessary mapping-digital framework are emphasized. The option of not abandoning the domestic practice of considering the settlements as mountain ones is suggested. Yet, the category of mountain areas should include the territories of administrative-territorial units of the basic level where half and over half settlements have the mountain status.
mountain areas, identification, typology, development support, European Union, Ukraine
The issue of the course of administrative and territorial reform as well as budget and financial decentralization in Ukraine is outlined. Reform achievements and problem points of its accomplishment are emphasized, in particular those related to the necessity to overcome the obstacles stemming from the voluntariness principle of territorial communities’ consolidation into more capable administrative and territorial units of basic level. The ways to overcome these obstacles for the sake of successful reforms are suggested.
decentralization reform, local self-governance, consolidated territorial communities, budget capability
The issue of the use of European macro regional development instruments for mountain territories – European mountain conventions and macro regional strategies – is examined. Principles and objectives of actual Alpine and Carpathian conventions are characterized. The necessity to supplement them with the instruments of strategic and program nature is emphasized. On the example of actual 2015 EU Macro Regional Strategy for the Alpine Region the objective, goals and tasks of new European instruments of macro regions systemic development are analyzed. The essence of initiatives on macro regional strategy development for Carpathian region is outlined. Data on directions and priority spheres of joint activities stipulated in the draft strategy for countries and regions – its hypothetical participants – is presented. Special attention is paid to three priority spheres of joint activity, which aim for competitive, green and cohesive Carpathians. Strengthening of economic cooperation, achievement of nature environment high quality and improvement of Carpathians functional accessibility are defined as the most important goals. Horizontal cooperation of strategy participants in institutional sphere, spatial planning and cross-border cooperation are also emphasized as important ones.
Analysis of scientific approaches to interpretation of investment capacity is conducted. Definition of the term «investment capacity of territorial community» is suggested. Special attention is paid to its specific features – concrete territorial context and dependence on peculiarities of local natural, social, economic and other factors and on the efficiency and adequacy of territorial management bodies’ activity directed at the use of community’s investment capacity. The structure of territorial community’s investment capacity is examined and its major components are outlined: natural conditions and resources, raw materials base, human resources, economic base, financial resources, investment climate and scientific, technological, innovative, institutional, infrastructural and management maintenance. The problems of forming and exploitation of territorial communities’ investment capacity are emphasized. Low management capacity and promotion activity of local governing bodies, absence of efficient incentives for investors and poor quality of local development programs are among them. The scheme of investment capacity management mechanism at the level of territorial community is suggested in order to outline the directions of management influences of local governing bodies on implementation of territorial communities’ investment capacity.
The issue of public-private partnership in the field of renewable energy in the region is considered. The results of the economic evaluation of the natural potential of the renewable energy of Western Ukraine are given. The authors made the conclusions that the rate of its development is low and there is a need of effective organizational-economic mechanisms for renewable energy development in the region. State authorities and business entities are interdependent, because the state does not have sufficient funds to invest in renewable energy at an appropriate level, but has certain commitments to increase the share of renewables in the gross energy consumption and companies can not implement their projects without the support and approval of the state. In this context authors propose several mechanisms, including: formation of Western Ukrainian Cluster of renewable energy, implementation of green public procurement in the region, the development of finished projects for the construction of renewable energy objects on the auction trade basis. Organizing and conducting of the auctions is hold on the regional authorities in the face of a specially created independent commission. It is advised that the commission should include representatives of central authorities, local authorities, interested NGOs, specialized research institutions and entities in the field of renewable energy. The introduction of «green» procurement will be accompanied by the new jobs with safe working conditions in the region, the production of domestic «green» products and services and energy efficient technologies, development of small and medium businesses, improvement of the social responsibility through the compliance with health standards of labor, increase the investment in «green» sectors. It is predicted that the implementation of the effective organizational and economic mechanisms in the field of renewable energy in the region, based on the international experience, will create conditions for rapid development of renewable energy, while providing a major boost to the regional economy.
renewable energy sources, renewable energy, region, public-private partnership
The issues of cross-border ecological security are outlined. The notion of regional cross-border ecological security is explained as the absence from the side of neighbouring country’s territory of the threats of ecological nature for the health of population and the activity of territorial communities of the region adjacent to the border. The authors propose the structural scheme of regional ecological security factors. Special attention is paid to the peculiarities of cross-border factor influence on the achievement of ecological security in bordering regions. The conclusion is made that the issues of decreasing the anthropogenic pressure on the environment and of achievement of the ecological security level corresponding to the neighbours’ parameters are more than urgent. Implementation of such tasks requires the complex solution in the single cross-border system of ecologic security. Its structure should encompass four basic blocks: legislative-targeted block; block on development of decisions over maintenance of ecological security; block on ecological security monitoring and block on decisions implementation results control. The blocks in their turn are differentiated into the elements that are related to each other. The possibilities for the Western cross-border regions of Ukraine that emerge due to excess to European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI) and its cross-border cooperation programs for 2014-2020 are stressed.
ecological security, cross-border region, ecological threats, asymmetry of ecological condition, mechanism of cross-border ecological security regulation
The issues of preparation to conducting the administrative and territorial reform in Ukraine and its regulatory and legislative maintenance are outlined. Considering the need to reform the current system of administrative and territorial units (ATU) the methodical approaches to territorial communities modeling as more capable administrative and territorial units of the basis level with the higher capacity to implement the tasks of local self-governance are proposed. They are suggested to be formed through combining existing low capacity village, town and city councils into more powerful territorial communities. Herewith the following important factors are stressed: economic, infrastructural, administrative and regulatory, natural and geographical, demographic and historical. The criteria to be considered in the course of territorial communities modeling and the sequence of actions to be taken while modeling are defined. The sequence of actions stipulates following steps: determining the level of existing administrative and territorial units economic potential through evaluation of tax revenues to local budgets, selection of the ATU with higher economic capacity to be the basic ones for combining; determining of adjacent ATU with the settlements located as a rule in the zone of 15-20-minutes of transport availability to the center of the basis ATU that are reasonable to be combined with the basis one; conducting the analysis of road network, of natural obstacles, of infrastructural objects and administrative buildings availability as well as of other data bound to influence the forming of territorial communities as administrative and territorial units; defining of advisable territorial composition of the newly created ATU of the basis level taking into account the abovementioned steps; preparing of relevant maps with ATU delimitation and information summaries on the newly created territorial communities.
administrative and territorial reform, administrative and territorial units, territorial communities, modeling
The issues of the role of coal industry in social and economic development of countries and regions and current tendencies in the branch development are outlined. The productive as well as financial and economic condition of coal enterprises of the Western Region of Ukraine is characterized. According to the dispersion analysis the groups of mines in the region with low, below average, average and high indicators of investment efficiency are detached and the conclusion over the generally low economic efficiency of coal producing enterprises’ activity of Lviv-Volyn basin and their actual lack of competitive ability is made. Such situation poses a threat of termination of their activity and appearance of new socially and economically depressed territories. Special attention is paid to the necessity of coal industry restructuring in Ukraine and its Western region. The analysis of the ways of coal industry restructuring in the European countries is conducted and European experience of the branch restructuring and possibilities of its exploitation in Ukraine are evaluated. The uncultivated coal deposits of the region perspective for mines construction are indicated. On this basis the directions and mechanisms of coal industry restructuring in the Western region of Ukraine are proposed. In particular: incorporation of all coal producers of the region into one public company PJSC “Zahidvuhillya» along with termination of unprofitable mines, mines with especially difficult conditions of mining and mines with exhausted reserves of raw coal; forming of vertically integrated fuel and energy company in the form of state enterprise «Zahidenerhovuhillya»; construction of new mines in the region in order to preserve coal mining and to create workplaces for the miners; introduction of special investment activity regimen in the regions where the coal mining was terminated; forming of special state policy of disengaged coal enterprises employees social maintenance.
coal industry, restructuring, world experience, Western region of Ukraine
Theoretical, methodological and practical issues concerning the tasks of mountain territories sustainable development in Ukraine are outlined. Peculiarities of mountain territories that stipulate the necessity to develop and implement special policy of their development are indicated. The experience of mountain policy implementation in foreign countries is presented in short. On the basis of sustainable development global concept and modern approaches to its implementation in mountain regions of Europe the role of nature exploitation in achievement of mountain territories sustainable development goals is explained and basic principles of sustainable nature exploitation are defined as following: economic need for natural resources use; preserving nature exploitation traditions; granting advantages to local population in the use of resources; preserving and reproducing natural wealth; ecological nature exploitation; sticking to the limits of allowed ecological and economic compromise between the consequences of nature exploitation. Taking into consideration the fact of mountain regions retardation in economic development that restricts the possibilities of solution of mountain regions social and ecological problems the conclusion over the urgency of the tasks of mountain territories economic development taking into account their natural resources and ecologic conditions and simultaneous solution of local population employment issues is made. The mechanisms of mountain territories economic development stimulation in Ukraine and overcoming their social and economic depressiveness are proposed on the basis of introducing special investment activity regimen in mountain regions stipulated by the law of Ukraine for the priority development territories (PDT). Along with this the system of incentive for the investors is proposed that should serve both as the instrument of low investment attractiveness of mountain territories compensation and the stimulator of realization of their relative advantages that lie in the uniqueness and great social role of natural resources, demographic and ethno cultural potential of mountains. Territories of priority development are proposed to have legally imposed special customs and tax regimens and mechanisms of compensation and donations to the investors in case of implementation of the projects approved by the managing bodies of the PDT. Preferential regimen of investment activity should cover the types of economic activity and production that:
are aimed at creation of jobs for local population;
are oriented at efficient use of local natural resources;
correspond to high ecologic standards and do not damage natural mountain complexes;
maintain production of competitive goods and services and stipulate funding of local budgets.
Creation of PDT in mountain regions of Carpathian region of Ukraine contributes at a whole to the higher level of sustainable use of its natural resources potential. Aggregate level of sustainable nature exploitation index in the region according to conducted estimation amounts only to 0,578 that testifies to the fact that current state of nature exploitation in the region does not correspond to the principles, criteria and requirements of sustainable development strategy and shows the necessity of introducing the measures over the range of directions of economic, social, ecologic and institutional nature in order to bring the nature exploitation state to modern requirements.
sustainable development, mountain territories, nature exploitation, Carpathian region, social and economic depressiveness, investment activity regimen
Evaluation of exploitation of mineral and water resources of Carpathian region of Ukraine according to the principles of sustainable development is conducted on the basis of the proposed by the author methodical approaches to evaluation of sustainable nature exploitation at mountain regions. The results of the evaluation are outlined and the range of problem issues to be overcome in order to increase social and economic impact of natural resources exploitation and to solve the tasks of their protection and reproduction is exposed.
The specific issues of sustainable development evaluation of mountain territories natural resources economic use are outlined. The set of principles and criteria of sustainable use of Ukrainian Carpathians’ natural resources and their corresponding evaluation parameters and indicators is proposed. Methodological approaches to establishment of the indices of natural resources sustainable use in the Carpathian mountain region are defined.
The analysis of economic development level of Ukrainian mountain areas is conducted and the conclusions on the necessity of the state maintenance as well as creation of job places for local population are made. The importance and ways of introduction of investment activity special regimen in mountain areas and granting them with the territories of priority development status are considered.
mountain areas, economic development, investment activity, territories of priority development
The place of natural and technogenic threats in the system of national security is outlined. The level and peculiarities of natural and technogenic threats in Ukraine are characterized. Special attention is paid to regional differences in structure and level of natural and technogenic threats. Conclusions over poor efficiency of counteraction against such threats in Ukraine are made and the range of top-priority tasks over improvement of natural and technogenic security of the state is proposed.
natural and technogenic threats, national security, emergency situations, region
On the basis of analysis of the existent system of administrative-territorial device and organization of local self-government the necessity of its reformation in Ukraine is grounded. Authorial vision of perspective model of administrative-territorial device is offered, the chart of distribution of functions and plenary powers is represented by an orientation between the organs of local self-government of different levels, the algorithm of realization of administrative-territorial reform is shown.
administrative-territorial device, administrative-territorial unit, local self-government, territorial association, administrative-territorial reform
The increasing role of economic leverages of nature management in world practice is emphasized. On the basis of analysis of ecological, economic, legislative, organizational, financial, budget, etc problems in the sphere of water management in Ukraine and approaches to its solution, the ways of improvement of water management relations based on legislative, administrative, financial and economic instruments, promotion of efficient water management, improvement of property relations and maintenance of regional interests in water resources’ management are proposed. The expected results of implementation of proposed measures on water management improvement are indicated.
nature management, water management sphere, ecological and economic problems, economic management
The approaches to the realization of ”the contaminant pays” principle in the states-parties to the Carpathian convention (ratified by Ukraine in 2004) are analyzed. The mechanisms of realization of the given principle in Ukraine, in the other states-parties to the Carpathian convention and in the states of European Union are compared. The amounts of ecological payments, which are used in Ukraine, are analyzed in comparison with the amounts of ecological payments and taxes in other countries. The trends of subsequent development of ecological taxation are assessed and the ways of its improvement in Ukraine are proposed on the basis of world tendencies and the European Union practice.
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