Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Maksymchuk Maksym Vitaliyovych

Maksymchuk Maksym Vitaliyovych

Doctor of Economics, Senior Researcher

Leading Researcher of the Department of regional economic policy of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine

Contacts:, (032)270-7089



Kl'oba Solomiya Mykhaylivna

Lutskiv Olena Mykolayivna

Storonyans'ka Iryna Zenoviyivna

Shul'ts Svitlana Leonidivna


Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 352:351.88(477); JEL R50, R58, R59
Maksymchuk, M. V., & Klioba, S. M. (2019). Mizhmunitsypal'ne spivrobitnytstvo yak instrument pidvyshchennya inklyuzyvnosti rozvytku ob’yednanykh terytorial'nykh hromad Ukrayiny [Inter-municipal cooperation as a tool for increasing development inclusivity of the united territorial communes of Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 92 (2), 26-35. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 14

The article presents the results of research on the problems of cooperation between territorial communities in the regions of Ukraine in the context of activation of inclusive development. The author’s conceptual vision of theoretical basis for the study of the inclusiveness of the development of territorial communities is presented. The processes of concluding of agreements on cooperation of communities in the regions of Ukraine from the moment of its beginning till today are analyzed. The problems and challenges of the development of inter-municipal cooperation of united territorial communities of regions are identified, and on this basis recommendations for improving the efficiency of development of inter-municipal cooperation at the basic level are formulated and substantiated. In particular, it is necessary to conduct a consistent state policy to stimulate the development of inter-municipal cooperation. The main directions of such a policy should be: development and adoption by regional authorities of all regions of Ukraine of financial support and incentives for cooperation of territorial communities as well as identification of potential territories in regions where cooperation could be developing; inclusion of mechanisms of inter-municipal cooperation in regional programs of socio-economic and cultural development of regions; explanatory work among representatives of local self-government bodies on the practical use of inter-municipal cooperation; organization of trainings, seminars, round tables and other events, dissemination of scientific literature, invitations of leading foreign and Ukrainian scholars, experts and analysts; dissemination of positive experience of cooperation, public support and promotion of best practices of cooperation, conducting public competitions of projects with winners and supporting the implementation of their experience in other communities as well as forming of networks for experience exchange on issues of development of inter-municipal cooperation between local governments from different regions of Ukraine; organization of informal effective control by the public for the promotion of projects, implementation of events and obtaining results. Consequently, the cooperation of territorial communities not only creates problems, but also creates opportunities for them to be solved by activating entrepreneurial activity, expanding the possibilities of self-government and civic creativity at the basic level. In this regard, inter-municipal cooperation should become an effective instrument for completing the decentralization reform in Ukraine. 
united territorial communities, inter-municipal cooperation, territorial cooperation, inclusiveness, exclusivity, social exclusion, economic exclusion, inclusive development, exclusive development, economic instruments, region, Ukraine 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 330.341.4.001.57:332.1
Lutskiv, O. M., & Maksymchuk, M. V. (2015). Modelyuvannya strukturnykh zmin v ekonomitsi rehionu [Modeling of structural changes in the economy of the region]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 78(4). [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 8

The focus of the article is drawn to the fact that economic modeling plays an important role in predicting the economic development of the regional economy. Among the indicators indicating the state of economic development we have selected the GRP. Therefore it till be used as a resulting value in the simulation of structural changes. To investigate the liaison between the resulting value (in this case GRP) and the selected factors we applied correlation and regression analysis. An econometric model of quantitative and qualitative assessment of the impact of internal and external factors on the GRP is constructed. As a results of modeling the factors are ranked in terms of their impact on the resulting indicator. The simulation results show that the greatest positive effect on GRP growth comes from increasing employment, and the least – from the volume of goods (works, services) sold. However, the two other factors (import goods and the amount of innovation expenditures) have the opposite effect on the formation of GRP and lead to its reduction. Mutual GRP and employment liaison is modeled in the context of various fields of economic activity. Calculations held show that increasing employment in the financial sector has the greatest positive impact on the growth of GRP, while in a number of other economic sectors this will lead to reduction of the GRP. In particular, the increase in the number of employed in temporary accommodation and catering, public administration and defense and in the field of information technologies and telecommunications will impede the GRP growth. Proportionality coefficient is the main indicator that most accurately reflects the dynamics and nature of structural changes on the meso-economy level. Using it to analyze the qualitative changes in species structure of the regional economy of the Western Ukraine in relation to the region in general and in relation to the structure of the national economy makes it possible to distinguish the two groups of regions, one of which is close to the quality structure of the region’s and the state economy (Lviv, Zakarpattia Chernivtsi region) and shows trends of structural stability; while the other group – appears to be more remote from the standard quality structures both, the state and the region (Volyn, Ivano-Frankivsk, Rivne and Ternopil region) and has a clear evidence of structural instability. The predicted integral coefficient of structural changes (ICSC) for the economy of Ukraine, which was calculated basing on the period 2012-2013 data, during the first period (2014) will range from 0.9% to 7.6% with an average of 3.8% and median value of 3.6%; during the second period (2015) we expect changes in the structure of 1.7% to 14.1%, average is equal to 6.8% and the median - 6.4%; and the third period (2016) will be characterized by the following changes of the ICSC: minimum will be the value of 2.5%, and maximum – 22.7%, average changes expected are of 10.9%, median value – 10.1%. All the distribution histograms achieved as a result of the simulation modeling are characterized by the left-sided asymmetry; the probability to reach the maximum values slightly exceeds 5%. Further studies in this direction should be concerned with modeling of structural processes in the composition of other indicators that characterize the dynamics and trends in socio-economic development of Ukraine, and with improvement of the parametric model that will determine the quality-biased impact of structural parameters on the dynamics of economic development, in our case the GRP growth. 
structural changes, economic structure, modeling, gross regional product, factors of influence, structural instability, coefficient of proportionality 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.14
Maksymchuk, M. V. (2014). Teoretychni zasady ta bazovi modeli vyboru tsiley rehional'noyi strukturnoyi polityky [Theoretical principles and basic models of regional structural policy targeting]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 74(4), 31-39. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 9

Achieving balanced regional development is due to the implementation of mechanisms of regional structural policy, which institutionalization is an important scientific and applied problems. Purpose of this article is to outline the theoretical formulation of a constructive nature and definition of a regional structural policy, the definition of the institutional framework and outline of measures to the institutionalization of its components. In the study of scientific problems were used and special general scientific research methods: generalization, classification, analysis, synthesis, and literary. If we take into account the conceptual understanding of politics as the art of identifying and agreeing goals and ways to achieve them, coordination of group and individual interests and the desire to achieve “balance” between the desirable and possible, we can pre-define regional structural policy as a system of macroeconomic objectives that are achieved by mezoeconomic level, and the means and methods of implementation. Regional structural policy is a set of goals and means of achieving them defined and applied by regional and national authorities to address the reproductive and territorial disparities and creating conditions for sustainable economic development of regions. Development and implementation of this policy is based, in turn, Perch, on structuralist economic models, based on the principle of non-equilibrium and find that balance can be restored only by income redistribution. Thus the principal place of focus and instruments of regional structural policy should be focused around this component of management, redistribution, which, however, does not mean a complete disregard for other components - production, consumption and exchange. In economics confirmed the view of structural policies as a reaction of the public institutions in structural crisis in the economy, or as a system of measures to overcome the structural crisis. This understanding is a bit too narrow in relation to the regional structural policy because this policy not only provides a situational response to the crisis, but also a permanent system of action during the “adjustment” territorial structural balance among regions of the state. Regional structural policy is an important instrument of structural changes in the proportions of regional development both horizontally (in spatial terms) and vertically (in sectors and types of economic activity). Development and implementation of such policy measures requires greater attention on the part of state authorities at all levels. The practical result of further research could be the development and implementation of the system state strategic planning models “structural arithmetic”, which are based on structural analysis, comparing various economic indicators particle parameters regions. 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 330.341.4:330.837
Lutskiv, O. M., & Maksymchuk, M. V. (2014). Instytutsiyne seredovyshche rehional'noyi strukturnoyi polityky [The institutional environment of regional structural policy]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 73(3), 37-47. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 12

Basic concepts and draft conceptual foundations of institutional frameworks of regional structural policy, which includes the activities of the public authorities at regional and sub-regional level, aimed at achieving a balanced and effective structure of the regional economy of the state is determined. Objectives, strategic goals and priorities of regional structural policy of Ukraine and the proposed conceptual and methodological tools, the system measures selected to achieve strategic goals and priorities are outlined. The problems of institutional frameworks of regional structural policy are researched.

The main attention in the article paid to determining basic concepts and delineation of conceptual foundations of institutional frameworks of regional structural policy, formulation of proposals for monitoring implementation of structural policies, including based on the introduction of structural standards and benchmarks. Using the method of assessing structural changes were evaluated internal and external structural standards for short, medium and long term perspective by major branches of economy of Western Ukraine. According to the chosen methodology for assessing the long-term perspective is matched with three groups of highly developed countries. Because of the comparative studies of the selected structural standards and guidelines range of structural problems of the economy and its western region, proposed solutions to these problems are defined.

The main obstacles to the implementation of effective structural changes in the economy of the region and submitted proposals for their elimination are defined. In particular, the focus is primarily on the decorrupted and demonopolised institutional environment that inhibits structural changes, preserves inefficient economic structure of regions of the state. The proposals for the transformation of regional and district state administration and formation on the basis of their administrative structures of the European model. Special attention is focused on the formation mechanism of formation mechanism of the regional budget and expenditure management budgets regions; instability and imperfection of the legislation concerning the mechanism of budget resources of the region; absence of legally enforceable fiscal powers to regional authorities; inadequacies of the system of intergovernmental transfers.

Main priorities for structural transformation including the development of the tertiary (services and finance) and quaternary (information area) of regions sectors, as these sectors perform transactional function and generate the largest number of innovations that are able to qualitatively change the course of economic development are grounded. 

regional structural policy, institutional environment, college, institution, region, structural standards and guidelines, restructuring, structural adjustment, structural transformation, structural changes 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 339.1:745.9
Maksymchuk, M. V. (2012). Rehional'nyy instytutsionalizm: poshuky kontseptual'nykh zasad [Regional Institutionalism: the Search of Conceptual Framework]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 66(4), 16-22. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 18

The possibility of the institutional approach application in regional studies based on the use of scientific sources is investigated. Using of the concept of regional institutionalism is analyzed. Possible directions of construction of conceptual model using institutional tools in regional studies are presented, as well as the possibility of their use in the practice of business activity structuring, including reconceptualization of regional policy, is outlined. 
institute, institutionalism, region, regional economics, regional research, activity, activity approach, subject-oriented approach, reconceptualization 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Shults, S. L., & Maksymchuk, M. V. (2010). Ekonomichnyy prostir Ukrayiny: rehionalizatsiya ta intehratsiya v umovakh suspil'nykh transformatsiy [Economic Space of Ukraine: Regionalization and Integration in Terms of Social Transformations]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 58(4), 191-196. [in Ukrainian].

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Shults, S. L., Maksymchuk, M. V., & Storonianska, I. Z. (2010). Evolyutsiya paradyhmy rayonuvannya ta yiyi modernizatsiya v umovakh reformuvannya prostorovo-instytutsiynoyi struktury ekonomiky Ukrayiny [The Paradigm Evolution of Districting and its Mo dernization in Conditions of Reformation of Spatially-Institutional Structure of Economy of Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 57(3), 20-28. [in Ukrainian]. 

The evolution of approaches to economic space districting of Ukraine are investigated and necessity of its modernization in conditions of innovative types of economic activity development, appearance of new organizational forms of entrepreneurial activity, strengthening of spatial competition and influence of globalization processes is proved. New ideology of districting, essence of which consists in transition from territorial approach, basis of which are power cycles to the network based on structuring of economic space on principles of economy clusterization is offered,. The comparative analysis of classic and new paradigms of the economic districting is conducted. The necessity of achieving of interregional integration co-operations of Ukraine regions and forming of new competitive at international level economic districts is determined. 
districting, spatially-institutional structure of economy, classic paradigm of districting, new paradigm of districting, economic district 


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