Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Regional Economy -- Year 2023, Issue 3(109)

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Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 330.341; JEL L51
Davymuka, S. A. (2023). Innovatsiynyy imperatyv stratehiyi vidbudovy Ukrayiny [The innovation imperative of Ukraine’s recovery strategy]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 109 (3), 5-17. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 16

Efficient use of innovations as an imperative for socio-economic development and solving economic, environmental, social, and cultural problems should be one of the factors of Ukraine’s victory in the Russian-Ukrainian war and ensuring its post-war recovery and the proper place of the national economy in the global economic system. This has a significant impact on the search for ways to shape the state economic policy aimed at innovative development and requires both additional research on the features of the innovation factor and a critical analysis of its neglect both in the pre-war and post-war periods. The article reveals the peculiarities of a new stage of implementation of the principle of innovative imperative of socio-economic recovery of the Ukrainian state which suffered during the Russian-Ukrainian war. The author proves that, according to all international ratings, Ukraine’s intellectual capacity is at a high level and is increasingly valued in the world, but in practice there is a lack of a proper role of the state in creating an environment (innovation ecosystem) for its realization as a key factor in the country’s socio-economic development and ensuring its competitiveness, self-sufficiency and national security. The article substantiates the idea that today the restoration of production, social, and economic processes in Ukraine, both in the context of hostilities in the de-occupied territories and in the post-war period throughout the entire territory, should be based on effective strategies and projects for their implementation, based on the innovative imperative of development, taking into account the national peculiarities of innovation capacity, which will allow avoiding many mistakes, reducing material costs and time, and optimizing the own algorithm for implementing reforms. The author substantiates the suggestions that in order to restore Ukraine’s sovereignty, self-sufficiency, and security, a systematic assessment of the situation is needed already today in terms of creating the preconditions for the use of the innovation factor, which will help the society to draw conclusions and move forward in the right direction. 
innovation, scientific developments, innovation imperative, recovery, innovation capacity 

Regional Policy and Territorial Development

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 330:620.9:351.746.1(477); JEL Q49, R11, F01
Borshchevskyy, V. V., Hoshko, O. Y., & Stetsko, Ya. O. (2023). Enerhetychna bezpeka rehioniv Ukrayiny v konteksti pidvyshchennya rezylentnosti yikh ekonomiky v umovakh hlobal'nykh kolyvan' [Energy security of Ukrainian regions in the context of increasing the resilience of their economy in conditions of global fluctuations]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 109 (3), 18-27. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 16

The war and its consequences for the Ukrainian economy have significantly increased the security challenges for most regions of our country. Security problems in the energy sector took one of the first places due to the destruction or damage of most energy infrastructure objects as a result of hostilities or artillery fire and missile strikes. The southern and northeastern regions are in the most threatening and difficult situation as their energy facilities are exposed to almost daily shelling. The situation is somewhat better in the central and western regions of Ukraine but there, too, missile strikes have significantly damaged a number of power plants, thermal power plants, transformer substations and other energy infrastructure facilities. All this urges the state authorities and local governments of each region of Ukraine to take urgent measures aimed at strengthening energy security and implementing modern systems for the protection of energy infrastructure objects. Primarily, the expediency of deconcentration and spatial distribution of energy generating and transmission capacities should be noted. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen their physical protection and stimulate the involvement of investments in the technological modernization of the regional energetics. The problem will be partly solved by implementing renewable energy components and increasing the efficiency of heat and power generation based on the use of alternative fuels.The introduction of technological innovations and the spatial distribution of energy facilities within individual regions may lead to an increase in transformational and transactional costs of energy production and its transmission to end users. Because of that magnification the energy efficiency of housing and communal services and budget institutions is very important direction of increasing energy security in almost all regions of Ukraine. To do this, energy-saving technologies should not only be introduced, but social populism, traditional for Ukraine, should be abandoned in the energy and housing and communal spheres in favor of market mechanisms for electricity and thermal energy pricing. 
energetics, energy security, energy efficiency, regional economy, global challenges, global fluctuations 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.13; JEL Q10, Е20, R11
Keretsman, N. I., Pityulych, M. M., & Popadynets, N. M. (2023). Stratehichni priorytety sotsial'no-ekonomichnoho rozvytku terytorial'nykh hromad rehionu [Strategic priorities of socio-economic development of territorial communities of the region]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 109 (3), 28-39. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 13

In the modern world, the issues of socio-economic development of territorial communities are extremely relevant and complex. Local development is a key factor in ensuring sustainable economic growth and improving the quality of life of local residents. Strategic planning and targeted activities at the level of territorial communities are becoming increasingly important for achieving these goals. The socio-economic development of communities is a complex process that includes many aspects, such as economic activity, infrastructure development, education, healthcare, social needs, and many others. Taking into account the individual characteristics and resources of each territorial community, it is necessary to develop strategic directions that would meet its unique needs and capabilities. This approach will improve governance mechanisms, contribute to sustainable development, and improve the quality of life of the population. The article aims to analyze general approaches to shaping of strategic directions for the development of territories. General approaches to the creation of strategic plans and plans for the socio-economic development of individual territorial communities in Zakarpatska oblast located in different districts are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the need to harmonize the strategic directions of community development with strategic priorities at the regional and national levels. The article identifies the main trends in community development, which are reflected in the formulation of the goal and strategic and operational objectives, as well as in the identification of key development priorities and in overcoming various problems, including those related to human capital and infrastructure development, environmental improvement, small and medium-sized business and energy efficiency development, and governance improvement. The authors reveal that some of the approaches to formulating strategic goals may go beyond declarative ones, as they contain a wide range of tasks that cannot always be implemented in modern conditions due to insufficient resources. 
territorial communities, competitiveness, decentralization, development strategies, investments, capacity 

Social Policy

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 355.018:364.048.6; JEL І15, І18
Halachenko, O. O. (2023). Sotsioekonomichni aspekty efektyvnosti medychnoyi reabilitatsiyi uchasnykiv boyovykh diy [Socioeconomic aspects of the effectiveness of medical rehabilitation of combatants]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 109 (3), 40-57. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 60

The article reveals the essence of medical rehabilitation of combatants as an important aspect of military medicine aimed at restoring or improving the physical, psychological, and social functioning of defenders with various types of combat trauma. The author emphasizes the growing number of disabled combatants in Ukraine, which has serious consequences for the healthcare system in the form of increased demand for medical services and budget constraints. The author analyzes various types of rehabilitation strategies (early start, implementation of modern technologies, individual approach, social and psychological adaptation, etc.) that can increase the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the recovery process. The article describes the positive socioeconomic impact of medical rehabilitation of combatants, including those with disabilities, which reduces military healthcare costs, speeds up recovery, increases combat capability, promotes reintegration into society, job creation and financial independence of veterans, and provides overall economic benefits. The article shows that investment in rehabilitation services for military personnel not only improves outcomes for individual patients but also contributes to the economic well-being of society as a whole. The socio-economic benefits of different approaches to medical rehabilitation and the appropriate allocation of financial resources are emphasized, which will ensure that combatants have access to timely and appropriate rehabilitation services. In order to increase the socio-economic effectiveness of comprehensive rehabilitation of combatants in Ukraine, the article suggests focusing on reducing the cost of rehabilitation services by introducing effective modern technologies and individualized approaches; expanding access to medical rehabilitation, ensuring its availability and quality in all regions of the country; and creating an effective system for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of rehabilitation measures. 
medical rehabilitation, medical rehabilitation of military personnel, social adaptation, combatants, economic efficiency, costs 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 316.34(35):303; JEL В41, С10, Н55
Vasyltsiv, T. H., & Mulska, O. P. (2023). Systemno-strukturne modelyuvannya sotsial'noyi vrazlyvosti naselennya: kontseptual'no-metodychnyy pidkhid [System and structural modelling of social vulnerability of the population: a conceptual and methodological approach]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 109 (3), 58-69. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 19

The article proves that social resilience is the ability of the system to provide dynamic equilibrium. This approach made it possible to calculate empirical indicators of social resilience within the threshold limit and optimal values. The article substantiates that the emergence of new threats changes the previous state of the system, which can also be within acceptable limits (state of dynamic equilibrium). Social resilience enters into a new state, with different characteristics from the previous one, while not only the structure of the system (composition of elements) changes, but also the system relationships between indicators and the strength of influence of structural components on the system. The authors suggest carrying out studies of social vulnerability through the gradation of social resilience levels, which is a structural and compositional characteristic of the state of the economic system and reflects the functioning of such spheres as the quality of social and labour relations, the level and quality of life and demographic, environmental, and food security. The article proves that the effectiveness of monitoring social resilience for assessing the social vulnerability of the population correlates with the principles of complexity, consistency, hierarchy, adequacy, unambiguity, and continuity. The authors use a methodical approach to the calculation of vectors of threshold values of indicators of social resilience – (1) lower limit – upper limit; (2) lower optimal – upper optimal, which characterizes the permissible interval, the intersection of which means a violation of the equilibrium state. The proposed methodical approach to the study of social vulnerability is based on the formation of a system of components and indicators (grouped into regressors and catalysts), the substantiation of a rational methodology for normalizing indicators, determination of constant or dynamic coefficients of weight significance of indicators and components, as well as threshold values. The conceptual task of regulating catalysts, regressors, and components of social resistance is to determine their level (indicator value) in the system of indicators, which will ensure that the values of the compositional coefficient are found within the optimal threshold values. 
vulnerability, social sphere, resilience, population, territory, challenges, indicators 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 364:338.24:316.34-049.5(477); JEL E24, H53, J18, R23
Bidak, V. Ya. (2023). Sotsial'na vrazlyvist' naselennya Ukrayiny u fokusi zmitsnennya natsional'noyi bezpeky [Social vulnerability of the population of Ukraine in the focus of strengthening national security]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 109 (3), 70-85. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 28

The article emphasizes the vulnerability of the Ukrainian population in terms of risks and threats of a full-scale war of Russia against Ukraine, primarily in the determinants of the political, economic, and social components with a priority emphasis on the importance of security. Attention is focused on the review of the factors of the geopolitical and geoeconomic nature of vulnerability, especially in the socio-humanistic context in relation to the Ukrainian population. The article shows that social vulnerability highlights the disturbance of the balance of stability of dynamic equilibrium in the vital activity of the “population” system at various levels of its organization, which reflects the well-being of a human on riskogenic influences in the social environment in the ratio of the terms “vulnerability – sustainability”, generating corresponding changes in one’s vital activity in further stochastic life strategies. The problems of social vulnerability are highlighted especially through the economic sector. When considering the multifactorial nature of its occurrence, diagnosis, assessment, analysis, and forecasting of the consequential effects of the manifestation of many stressful situations, social vulnerability is tracked through the optics of the reflection of the population itself on the growth of risks and threats of various origins. The article suggests a concept of social deficit, which reveals the phenomenon of imbalance in society’s ability to meet the needs of citizens in social security protection against vulnerability in the conditions of uneven socio-economic development of regions and violation of the proportions of their social protection potential. At the same time, the characteristics of the emergence, manifestation, and accumulation of socially acceptable deficits of a safe society are markers of the understanding of social vulnerability, which delineate the boundary that the society in riskgenous states should not cross due to the reasons of falling into particularly difficult social conditions due to limited resources for further satisfying the needs and rights of the population. 
social vulnerability, population, risks, resilience, socially acceptable deficits, social security, safety 

Rural Development

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.012:338.43; JEL Q10, Е20, R11
Kovach, A. Ya. (2023). Katehoriya «sil's'ki terytoriyi»: pidkhody do vyznachennya ponyattya, osnovni funktsiyi [The category “rural areas”: approaches to defining the concept, basic functions]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 109 (3), 86-92. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 16

The article examines variations in the interpretation of the category “rural areas” by various scientists and draws attention to the importance of rural areas for the development of the country’s agro-industrial complex. Theoretical approaches to defining the essence of this concept are characterized, namely: territorial, spatial, systemic, structural, and multi-criteria. The advantages and disadvantages of these approaches are highlighted. Proponents of the structural approach consider rural areas through the prism of their structure, parts, elements, and functional units. Proponents of the spatial approach describe rural areas as a space characterized by population and economic resources. Representatives of this approach interpret rural areas as a system. The systemic approach makes it possible to consider the components of rural areas both in relation to each other and in interaction with the components of other systems. This, in turn, makes it possible to single out a significant part of the properties of rural areas, such as structure, integrity, hierarchy, autonomy, and sustainability. Representatives of the territorial approach emphasize three components of the rural area – content, phenomenon, and result. Representatives of the multi-criteria approach use several criteria to define the category “rural area”. The main functions performed by rural areas are outlined. The definition of the concept of “rural areas” lacks functionality, i.e. the possibility to use it for the needs not only in various branches of the economy but also in social and ecological spheres in order to develop concepts for the development of rural areas and their management mechanisms. Therefore, the article suggests the following definition of the category “rural areas”: rural areas are a complex multifaceted socio-economic system characterized by autonomy, integrity, and sustainable development, which performs production, spatial-communication, socio-demographic, cultural-ethnic, recreational, political, and ecological functions, develops in space and time, is outside urbanized centers, and is under the management of local governments, state authorities, public organizations, and business structures. 
rural areas, system, approach, agriculture, agro-industrial complex, rural development, capacity 

Ecological Policy and Nature Management

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.1:338.48; JEL Q25, Q26, Q30, Q32
Kiptach, F. Ya., & Kravtsiv, S. S. (2023). Pryrodno-resursni chynnyky v otsintsi konkurentospromozhnosti turystychno-rekreatsiynoyi sfery Karpats'koho rehionu Ukrayiny [Natural resource factors in assessing the competitiveness of the tourism and recreation sector of the Carpathian region of Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 109 (3), 93-100. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 13

The article examines how natural conditions and resources influence the competitiveness of the tourism and recreation sector of the Carpathian region of Ukraine. It highlights the methodological approaches to their assessment in the system of competitiveness factors in the studied sector of the regions on a national level. To calculate the competitiveness indices, the following dominant indicators are suggested: forested areas, mountainous areas, objects in the nature reserve fund, UNESCO World Heritage sites, medicinal mineral waters, deposits of therapeutic mud, ozokerite, lakes and estuaries with therapeutic brine, density of the river system, area of lakes, ponds and reservoirs, availability of sea beaches, number of hunting sites on the territory of hunting grounds. In addition to the partial indices for Ukraine’s regions based on individual indicators of natural resource factors, integral indices of regions are calculated. According to the indicators of integral indices of the impact of natural resource factors on the competitiveness of the tourism and recreation sector, the rating of the oblasts of the Carpathian region is determined, in particular: Zakarpatska (4.3) and Lvivska (3.4) oblasts are ranked first and second, Ivano-Frankivska – fifth (3.1), and Chernivetska – seventeenth. In general, natural conditions and resources offer significant competitive advantages to the region’s oblasts in providing wellness, tourism and wellness (especially in Lvivska and Zakarpatska oblasts), tourism and recreation, and tourism and sports services, particularly in skiing. The article reveals that the combination of natural conditions and resources available in the Carpathian region provides significant competitive advantages for its oblasts in the tourism and recreation sector at the national level. 
Carpathian region, tourism and recreation sector, natural resource factors, impact indicators, integral indices, competitive advantages 

Economics and National Economy Management

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 330.34-021.387:005; JEL G39
Chervinska, O. S., & Blavt, A. A. (2023). Suchasni realiyi dotrymannya ESG-pryntsypiv v diyal'nosti korporatsiy [Modern realities of compliance with ESG principles in the activities of corporations]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 109 (3), 101-109. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 18

Compliance with ESG principles is the modern narrative in the activity of domestic corporations, despite the destructive influence of Russian military aggression. Compliance with ESG principles, which in line with the goals of sustainable development, is a factor in reducing risks, building reputation, and making quality investment decisions. The article emphasizes that the compliance with ESG principles in the activities of corporations under martial law contributes to solving the tasks of environmental programs, nature conservation projects, ensuring the safety of production, and combating climate risks and the consequences of ecocide caused by the aggression of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine. The war in Ukraine accelerated the “green transition” to reduce the specific weight of Russian energy imports. Compliance with ESG principles encourages Ukrainian corporations to modernize existing production from the point of view of environmental impact, despite the long-term military aggression of the Russian Federation. At the same time, corporations complying with the ESG principles in their activities implement social protection of employees, ensuring their well-being. Thus, under martial law, the probationary period for employment was abolished, especially for internally displaced persons. With martial law, the length of working time and rest time also changed. The socially responsible vector of enterprise development, as a component of compliance with the ESG principles, is now becoming the main long-term investment strategy. Management standards of ESG principles, such as anti-corruption measures, tax transparency, and undisguised decision-making methods of the board of directors, are gaining special importance in domestic realities. In general, compliance with ESG principles in the activities of corporations is the basis for obtaining several advantages, especially under martial law, when, despite the war, the main requirements of investors are focused on this aspect, along with the process of ensuring stable economic growth. 
ESG principles, corporation, martial law, standards, sustainable development 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.122.54:336.143; JEL H62, H77, G18, R58
Storonyanska, I. Z., & Benovska, L. Ya. (2023). Zminy u rozpodili dokhodiv vid PDFO yak vyklyk dlya systemy finansovoho vyrivnyuvannya mistsevykh byudzhetiv v umovakh viyny [Changes in the distribution of personal income tax revenue as a challenge for the system of financial equalization of local budgets in wartime conditions]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 109 (3), 110-120. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 13

In the conditions of the decrease in economic activity in the war with Russia, the personal income tax on military personnel’s allowances was a significant source of local budget revenue for many territorial communities. Its volume increased due to the increase in the number of military units and military personnel, and the increase in the level of their salaries. Such trends increased the horizontal budget imbalances. The article aims to analyze the changes in the distribution of personal income tax revenue in the context of its impact on the revenue capacity of local budgets, as well as to develop proposals for improving the system of financial equalization in Ukraine in wartime conditions. The article analyzes the local budget imbalances caused by the uneven distribution of local budget revenue from the personal income tax on military personnel’s allowances. The specifics of the equalization system in Ukraine are clarified. On the one hand, it is tied to one tax – personal income tax, on the other hand, the dependence of local budgets on personal income tax is significantly higher than in other countries. The influence of the decision to redirect personal income tax on military personnel’s allowances from local budgets to the state budget on the financial equalization system is examined, and the question of the fairness of the current equalization system in Ukraine is raised. Various options for the distribution of revenue from personal income tax on military personnel’s allowances are analyzed, and the necessity and importance of implementing the mechanism of crediting personal income tax to local budgets by place of residence, and not by place of work of individual payers, is substantiated. This mechanism is effective and works in most foreign countries. In general, there are a number of options for implementing changes to the procedure for crediting personal income tax at the place of residence of an individual payer. The use of such experience makes it possible to develop one’s own version. 
equalization system, territorial communities, local budgets, personal income tax, war 

Economics and Business Management

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 338.240.658; JEL В41, C44, М29
Vivchar, O. I. (2023). Doslidzhennya vplyvu zahroz ekonomichniy bezpetsi pidpryyemstv na osnovi merezhevoho modelyuvannya [Study of the impact of threats to the economic security of enterprises based on network modeling]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 109 (3), 121-130. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 16

The article studies the crisis phenomena of enterprises in modern functioning conditions and the need to conduct a study of threats to economic security of business structures, as well as direction and nature of their impact in the context of modulation of production and economic processes, which is a determining vector of the actualization of this study. The article substantiates the conceptual and categorical apparatus of “economic security of enterprises” and “threats to the economic security of enterprises”. It also presents the methodology in the context of the triple PRT-model (loss, time, probability) of business structures, which includes five stages. According to the study, economic threats are grouped into 9 main types and assigned a corresponding rank. The practical toolkit for assessing potential threats to the economic security of TOV “TEKO-TRADE” is substantiated by the PRT-matrix using the expert method ratings based on five indicators: “very high”, “high”, “average”, “low”, “very low”. As a result, the main reasons for the emergence of threats to the economic security of the company under study are identified. The article shows that the proposed approach to the assessment of threats to the economic security of enterprises includes the concentration of resources in priority areas of activity to achieve the goals, and also makes it possible to prioritize and organize the implementation of the main measures to ensure economic security based on a quantitative (scoring) assessment of the level of threat and the probability of its occurrence. Based on a comprehensive analysis of the economic security project of enterprises, a network model (Activitiesonnodes, Aon) is used. The author reveals that the network model is presented in the form of a diagram and is a graphical interpretation of the network structure models on the plane. The main provisions of this article enable domestic business entities to form a predictive assessment of countering threats to economic security and develop appropriate measures to strengthen the security component in modern conditions of challenges based on the application of this network modeling methodology. 
threats to economic security of enterprises, monitoring of threats to economic security, PRT-matrix of threats, network modeling, Aon-type model 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research (2023). Pro zhurnal «Rehional'na ekonomika» [About the journal «Regional Economy»]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 109 (3), 131-132. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research (2023). Pravyla dlya avtoriv [Guidelines for authors]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 109 (3), 133-138. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

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