Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Bidak Volodymyr Yaroslavovych

Bidak Volodymyr Yaroslavovych

Ph.D. of Economics, Senior Researcher

Senior Researcher of the Department of problems of social and humanitarian development of the regions of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine

Contacts:, (050)155-0545, (032)270-6445



Baranyak Ihor Yevhenovych

Hladchenko Mariya Mykhaylivna

Ryndzak Ol'ha Tadeyivna

Sadova Ulyana Yaroslavivna

Tsapok Serhiy Oleksiyovych


Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 364:338.24:316.34-049.5(477); JEL E24, H53, J18, R23
Bidak, V. Ya. (2023). Sotsial'na vrazlyvist' naselennya Ukrayiny u fokusi zmitsnennya natsional'noyi bezpeky [Social vulnerability of the population of Ukraine in the focus of strengthening national security]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 109 (3), 70-85. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 28

The article emphasizes the vulnerability of the Ukrainian population in terms of risks and threats of a full-scale war of Russia against Ukraine, primarily in the determinants of the political, economic, and social components with a priority emphasis on the importance of security. Attention is focused on the review of the factors of the geopolitical and geoeconomic nature of vulnerability, especially in the socio-humanistic context in relation to the Ukrainian population. The article shows that social vulnerability highlights the disturbance of the balance of stability of dynamic equilibrium in the vital activity of the “population” system at various levels of its organization, which reflects the well-being of a human on riskogenic influences in the social environment in the ratio of the terms “vulnerability – sustainability”, generating corresponding changes in one’s vital activity in further stochastic life strategies. The problems of social vulnerability are highlighted especially through the economic sector. When considering the multifactorial nature of its occurrence, diagnosis, assessment, analysis, and forecasting of the consequential effects of the manifestation of many stressful situations, social vulnerability is tracked through the optics of the reflection of the population itself on the growth of risks and threats of various origins. The article suggests a concept of social deficit, which reveals the phenomenon of imbalance in society’s ability to meet the needs of citizens in social security protection against vulnerability in the conditions of uneven socio-economic development of regions and violation of the proportions of their social protection potential. At the same time, the characteristics of the emergence, manifestation, and accumulation of socially acceptable deficits of a safe society are markers of the understanding of social vulnerability, which delineate the boundary that the society in riskgenous states should not cross due to the reasons of falling into particularly difficult social conditions due to limited resources for further satisfying the needs and rights of the population. 
social vulnerability, population, risks, resilience, socially acceptable deficits, social security, safety 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 314.74:330.131.7:332.12(477.8); JEL J10, J61
Bidak, V. Ya., & Baranyak, I. Ye (2021). Risk-generating features of the growing external migration activity of the population of the Carpathian region. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 99 (1), 44-54. DOI:

Sources: 17

Based on the analysis of general and local trends in migration processes, official statistics, data of State Migration Service of Ukraine, State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, and expert assessments of the selective survey carried out in the oblasts of the Carpathian region of Ukraine in the focus of the research of the migration activity environment, the paper provides a comparative characteristics and assessment of the impact of migration factors on socio-economic development of the region. The risk-generating features of growing external migration activity of the population and demographic and socio-economic consequences of migration are determined. The risks and threats of high migration activity of the population are emphasized. The need to develop new priorities of the migration activity regulation in the Carpathian region is substantiated. 
migration activity of the population, migration risks, risk generation, migration processes, socioeconomic development, region, socioeconomic consequences of migration 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 331.55:330.131.7:36(477); JEL E24, J61
Bidak, V. Ya. (2018). Metodolohichni zasady identyfikatsiyi mihratsiynykh ryzykiv u fokusi konfliktnoyi sytuatsiyi v Ukrayini [Methodological principles of identification of migration risks in the focus of the conflict situation in Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 89 (3), 54-61. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 12

The methodological principles of risks genicity of migration processes in the country, caused by factors of exogenous and endogenous actions (political, economic, social), on identification of new migration risks in the context of military threats are revealed. Classification features of risk typology, as well as factors of their formation and accumulation of deficits of basic social protection needs of the forced migrants are determined. It has been proved that creation of conditions of employment and other forms of realization of their potential by the introduction of monitoring of migration processes by socio-economic and demographic indicators plays the most important role in overcoming the main risk of livelihoods of forced migrants. At the same time, the establishment of effective social integration of migrants in the host region-society must minimize the manifestations of the risks of migrants’ integration: deviant, property, defensive, and socio-economic. It is substantiated that the state migration policy should work to prevent the manifestation of social risks (counteracting the massive outflow of the able-bodied population beyond Ukraine) by influencing relevant migration factors and improving the welfare of the population as a whole. 
migration processes, forced migration, risk-taking, migratory risks, migrants’ social security, internally displaced persons 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.1:314.18:331.55:339.924
Bidak, V. Y., Tsapok, S. O., & Ryndzak, O. T. (2014). Sotsial'ni ta demohrafichni imperatyvy doslidzhennya suspil'nykh system ukrayins'kymy vchenymy-rehionalistamy [Social and demographic imperatives of research of social systems by Ukrainian scientists-regionalists]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 73(3), 121-130. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 9

The article deals with a retrospective review and highlighting of conceptual approaches and elaborations of Ukrainian scientists-regionalists that pertinent studies of sociodemographic imperatives of development and ensuring of functioning of public systems’ employment potential of all their hierarchical levels, such as: regional social systems, territorial social systems, territorial migration systems. Its role in the development of the economy, civil society as well as the country’s orientation on information and innovative development model is substantiates. It was established that the uniting factors of organization of social systems are the various forms and elements of interdependence of separate institutionally defined communitarian subjects of innovative activity, not only purely economic and management, but also ideological-conceptual, value-dispositional, motivational-target. Their structuring is given by singling of regional features, different in modality, specific types of industrial activity, the rank of their complexity, the nature of corporate involvement, a place in the innovation cycle, adherence to certain regional institutions, financial and economic base, funds, trust programs, etc. Importance of innovation activities types for national and regional socio-economic development; motivating of innovation activities; social well-being of cognitariat and level of his creative fulfillment are investigates. Emphasized that social imperatives of innovation development of regional social systems should be implemented in complex combination, taking into account such their structural elements as economic, demographic (including – ethnic and structural), socio-humanistic, social-security, migration and so on. Emphasized that social innovation imperatives development of regional social systems should be implemented in complex combination, taking into account their structural elements such as economic, demographic (including - ethnic and structural), socio-humanistic, social protection, migration and so on. The different aspects of labor migration, the possibilities of migration losses bias in market conditions in the system of target-realizing factors of the integration progress of society are investigated. Emphasized on the necessity of achieving social standards, conditions of labor activity, dynamics of the main indicators of demographic reproduction, comparable with corresponding indicators of the economically developed countries. Analyzed the results of sociological researches on the definition of positive expectations and risks from economic integration of the country with a focusing of attention of experts in the field of migration and socio-economic protection of migrants with the conclusion that the pro-European movement seen as a sign of quality upgrading of national social systems, offering for them a civilization perspective. 
socio-demographic imperatives, regional social systems, information and innovative model of development, migration processes 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 331.556.4:332.1(477.8)
Bidak, V. Ya., & Tsapok, S. O. (2013). Sotsial'na diahnostyka terytorial'nykh mihratsiynykh system [Social Diagnostics of Territorial Migration Systems]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 67(1), 114-122. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 10

A system of indicators of labor migration circulation diagnostic is investigated. Results of analysis of migrant workers’ expert survey on their attitude to the migration phenomenon, associated risks and social implications are highlighted. The feasibility of a combination of quantitative statistics indicators with qualitative indicators of selected sociological studies in the study of migration processes in terms of forming of territorial migration systems as a specifically created labor markets at different levels of the organization is considered. The approaches to the study of the migration component structure of governmental social policy, including the need for social protection of migrant workers and the use of the migration capital for economic development of the region are proposed. 
migration processes, labor migration, territorial migration system, sociological indicators of population migration activity 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 330.342.146:314.17:332.1
Tsapok, S. O., & Bidak, V. Y. (2012). Vplyv demohrafichnoho rozvytku na yakist' trudovoho potentsialu rehional'nykh suspil'nykh system [The Influence of Demographic Development on the Quality of the Labor Potential of Regional Social Systems]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 63(1), 176-183. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 12

Modern tendencies of social-demographic development of Ukraine and its regions are analyzed; the thesis about the primary necessity of improvement of quality parameters of demographic development in the conditions of globalization and growth of migratory activity of population is defended. The range of approaches and measures on improvement of social-demographic situation is set on, at regional level of public systems’ functioning as well. 
quality descriptions of labor potential, public systems, type of reproduction of population, migratory processes 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Sadova, U. Ya., Tsapok, S. O., & Bidak, V. Ya. (2011). Rozvytok sotsial'no-demohrafichnoho potentsialu v konteksti druhoho demohrafichnoho perekhodu [Development of Social-Demographic Potential in the Context of the Second Demographic Transition]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 61(3), 122-130. [in Ukrainian]. 

The problems of demo-recreation of population of public systems are examined on postindustrial stage of its development. The specifics of social-demographic potential forming are investigated in intercommunication with the second demographic transition. Attention is accented on social constituent of its development with determination of global factors of socio-economic and socio-psychological order. Comparative descriptions of demo-reproductive process are analyzed in the Western Region of Ukraine, including Carpathian region and other typical regions of country with the lowest level of demo-recreation. 
processes of demo-development, social-demographic potential, regional public systems, types of recreation of population, second demographic transition 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Bidak, V. Ya. (2011). Mihratsiyno-trudovi motyvatsiyi nosiyiv dukhovno-intelektual'noho potentsialu v rehional'nykh suspil'nykh systemakh [Migratory-Labor Motivations of Spiritual-Intellectual Potential Transmitters in the Regional Public Systems]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 59(1), 109-117. [in Ukrainian]. 

The problems of labor migration, in particular intellectual one, as the indicator of regional labor-active population response to socio-economic changes are examined. External-migration options and motivational regulators of migratory conduct of spiritual-intellectual potential transmitters in the regional public systems are outlined. The results of sociological research of labor migration consequences of both positive and negative origin are analyzed. The measures of economic, legal, organizational and institutional maintenance of efficiency of public migratory policy realization are grounded. 
external-migration options, motivational regulators, labor intellectual migration, spiritual-intellectual potential, regional public systems 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Bidak, V. Ya, & Hladchenko, M. M. (2010). Ryzyky formuvannya instytutu sotsial'noho zakhystu naselennya Ukrayiny (na prykladi L'vivs'koyi oblasti) [Risks of Forming of the Institute of Social Protection of Ukrainian Population (on the Example of Lviv Region)]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 55(1), 163-171. [in Ukrainian]. 

The elements, which constitute the process of forming of the institute of social protection of population, are investigated, in particular in the regional dimension. The range of risks that hamper the normal functioning of the institute in question is analyzed. The factors, which substantially reduce the efficiency of national and regional policy of social protection in terms of financial and economic crisis considering the accumulation of social risks, are presented. The proposals over the account of features of socio-economic development of region are made on the basis of multistructural properties of its social environment and by differentiation of population by its profits when developing the programs of social protection (on the example of mountain districts of Lviv region). 
system of social protection, institute of social protection, the risks of forming the institute of social protection 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Tsapok, S. O., & Bidak, V. Ya. (2009). Suchasni tendentsiyi demorozvytku ta yikh vrakhuvannya u rehional'niy sotsial'niy politytsi [Modern Tendencies of Demographic Development and its Account in the Regional Social Policy]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 54(4), 246 p. [in Ukrainian]. 

On the background of development of world population the modern tendencies of social-demographic progress of Ukraine and its regions are examined, interconnection of demographic and socio-economic factors of public progress, specificity of forming of high-quality definiteness of human potential are analyzed. Thesis about a necessity of the accenting of attention on the improvement exactly high-quality parameters of population in the conditions of general globalization and growth of migratory streams is put forward. A range of approaches and practical measures on the improvement of social-demographic situation, in particular on the regional level have been outlined. 
population, demographic transition, population reproduction type, migratory processes, high-quality characterstics of human potential 


Bidak, V. Ya. (2016). Klasyfikatsiya chynnykiv ryzykohennosti vymushenoyi mihratsiyi v Ukrayini [Classification of risk level factors of forced migration in Ukraine]. In Suspil’ni transformatsiyi i bezpeka: lyudyna, derzhava, sotsium [Social transformations and security: individual, state, society]: Proceedings of the Pan Ukrainian scientific and practical conference (Jun 17, 2016) (pp. 133-136). Lviv: Lviv Institute МАUP. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian]. {re2018.03.054.010}

Semiv, L. K., Sadova, U. Ya., & Bidak, V. Ya. (2019) Formuvannya seredovyshcha osvitn’oyi mihratsiyi naselennya Karpats’koho rehionu: pidkhid do otsinyuvannya. Metodychni rekomendatsiyi [Formation of the environment of educational migration of the population of the Carpathian region: an approach to evaluation. Methodological recommendations]. Lviv: Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine. [in Ukrainian]. {re2021.01.029.006}

Bidak, V. Ya. (2018). Cotsial’no-zakhysni problemy intehratsiyi vnutrishn’o peremishchenykh osib v umovakh pidvyshchenoyi ryzykohennosti suspil’stva [Social and protection problems of integration of internally displaced persons in conditions of growing risk generation in the society]. In Naukovyy visnyk Uzhhorods’koho natsional’noho universytetu. Seriya: Mizhnarodni ekonomichni vidnosyny ta svitove hospodarstvo [Scientific Bulletin of Uzhorod National University. Series:International economic relations and global economy]: Vol. 20(1) (pp. 47-51). [in Ukrainian]. {re2021.01.044.001}

Lykholat, S. М., Vasyltsiv, T. H., & Bidak, V. Yа. (2020). Kharakterystyka vplyvu mihratsiynykh protsesiv na sotsial’no-ekonomichnyi rozvytok oblastey Karpats’koho rehionu [Characteristics of the impact of migration processes on the socio-economic development of the oblasts of the Carpathian region]. In Naukovi zapysky L’vivs’koho universytetu biznesu ta prava [Academic proceedings of Lviv Business and Law University]: Vol. 25 (pp. 62-70). [in Ukrainian]. {re2021.01.044.007}

Vasyltsiv, T. H., Mulska, O. P., Lupak, R. L. & Bidak, V. Ya. (2022). Zberezhennya lyuds’koho kapitalu Ukrayiny v umovakh viyny (chynnyk sotsial’noyi vrazlyvosti naselennya): postanovka problem [Preservation of human capital of Ukraine in war conditions (a factor of social vulnerability of the population): statement of the problem]. Visnyk L’vivs’koho torhovel’no-ekonomichnoho universytetu – Herald of Lviv University of Trade and Economics. Economic sciences, 67, 43-48. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {re2023.03.058.014}

Makhonyuk O. V., Bidak V. Ya. (2022). Resursne zabezpechennya domohospodarstv Karpats’koho rehionu Ukrayiny: aspekt sotsial’noyi vrazlyvosti naselennya [Resource provision of households in the Carpathian region of Ukraine: the aspect of social vulnerability of the population]. Visnyk Khmel'nyts'koho natsional'noho universytetu: Ekonomichni nauky – Bulletin of the Khmelnytskyi National University: Economic Sciences, 2(2), 136-143. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {re2023.03.070.017}

Bidak, V. Ya., & Baranyak, I. Ye. (2021). Risk-generating features of the growing external migration activity of the population of the Carpathian region. Rehional’na ekonomika – Regional Economy, 1(99), 44-54. DOI: {re2023.03.070.020}

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