Researcher, Scientific Secretary of the unit of the Department of problems of social and humanitarian development of the regions of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine
Based on the analysis of general and local trends in migration processes, official statistics, data of State Migration Service of Ukraine, State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, and expert assessments of the selective survey carried out in the oblasts of the Carpathian region of Ukraine in the focus of the research of the migration activity environment, the paper provides a comparative characteristics and assessment of the impact of migration factors on socio-economic development of the region. The risk-generating features of growing external migration activity of the population and demographic and socio-economic consequences of migration are determined. The risks and threats of high migration activity of the population are emphasized. The need to develop new priorities of the migration activity regulation in the Carpathian region is substantiated.
migration activity of the population, migration risks, risk generation, migration processes, socioeconomic development, region, socioeconomic consequences of migration
In the article, migration is considered as an essential feature of existence and a way of modern society development. A review of recent research studies and theoretical approaches to determination of the territorial migration system is presented. It is stated that the territorial migration system is a part of the local social systems, which together form migration flows and events. The analysis of migration relations between Ukraine and Germany is important for not only identification of possible migration losses of a country, but also for determination of the economic benefits of such processes. The aim of the study is to clarify the main preconditions of formation of the territorial migration system between Ukraine and Germany. The current state and possible prospects of its development are also revealed by the author. The main factors influencing formation of migration relations between Ukraine and Germany are defined. Particular attention is paid to historical conditions of formation of modern Ukraine-Germany migration relations. It is also noted that migration streams between the territories of modern Western Ukraine and Germany have been established historically in the XIV century and have occurred for several times. Based on official statistical data, the development of foreign trade between Ukraine and Germany is estimated. The scale of migration flows between two countries in the last ten years, number of Ukrainian migrants in Germany, age-sex structure, territorial distribution of Ukrainian citizens officially living in Germany at the end of 2015 are analyzed. As a result, social and demographic profiles of an average Ukrainian migrant in Germany are formulated. It is concluded that intensification of migration processes in their quality between Ukraine and Germany might have positive consequences for Ukraine – such as new investments, turnover increase and knowledge transfer.
migration, territorial migration system, international migration, migration relations, population structure
In this article the scientists of the Institute of Regional Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine performed the retrospective review of elaborations on migration during the period of the market relations formation and gaining of independence by the country. The problems of dissertations that reveal the migration question are analyzed. The scientific investigation directions of the migration question on the basis of scientists’ achievements in defense of dissertations and results of publications in the Institute magazines are systematized. This enabled to establish that till 2010 research problems were focused mainly on causes and consequences of migration, its specificity in cross-border area, geospatial and globalization aspects, in particular as to population mobility in rural areas, problems of repatriation of different ethnic groups.
The special investigation themes were formed according to the studying fields of social and labor potential and labor market where migration determinants are characterized by high importance. Since 2009, it has been performed the general characteristics of modern trends of the migration issues study within the department of social and human development of the region.
It is generalized the main scientific achievements of the department in publications (edition of the collective monograph “Regional migration policy and mechanisms for its implementation”, reference books, collections of scientific works, etc.), an event with a discussion about migration issues (two international scientific conferences, round tables, seminars), applied testing research results at the level of government bodies of the national and local levels, including the state Migration Service of Ukraine. It is presented the main scientific research areas of the department through review of the research themes for the period 2009-2014 where migration issues took up a key position.
These fields are: conditions of migration processes with emphasis on environment multiculturalism in which they occur; migration determinants of social work organization; consequences of migration for development of the social and demographic potential of the region; system approach to the organization of migration processes in the context of sustainable development; system of social and economic security of migrant workers.
Objective concepts and terminology, including regional migration policy definitions, regional migration systems, social and labor systems, migration networks, human potential of a migrant, social security of a migrant and others were developed. Scientific research perspectives of migration issues that concentrate scientists’ attention on social and cultural migration consequences and their regulation possibilities within the country are defined.
migration, mobility, migration activity, repatriation, social and economic security of migrants, territorial migration system
Current state and trends of the demographic processes development in the Lviv region are analyzed. The basics of the theoretical model of the population number forecast, which contains three connected blocks of the forecast indicators – fertility, mortality, and migration are presented. On the basis of these numbers alteration the forecast tendencies for 2050 are calculated. Due to the statistical modeling the practical results of the demographic forecasting, which are provided in three variants (pessimistic, medium, and optimistic) and can be used for the formation of regional demographic policy development directions, are represented.
mechanical movement of population, organic movement of the population, forecasting of the population quantity, demographic process
Bil, M. M., Mulska, O. P., Baranyak, I. Ye., Makhonyuk, O. V., & Karpyak, M. O. (2021). Otsinyuvannya vplyvu mihratsiynoyi mobil’nosti molodi na lyuds’kyy potentsial Karpats’koho rehionu [Estimation of influence of migration mobility of youth on human potential of the Carpathian region]. Lviv: Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine. [in Ukrainian]. {re2022.02.047.013}
Mulska, O. P., Baraniak, I. Ye., Ivaniuk, U. V., & Kolosinska, M. I. (2019). Sotsial’no-demohrafichni chynnyky ta mihratsiyni protsesy naselennya Karpats’koho rehionu [Socio-demographic factors and migration processes of the population in the carpathian region]. Efektyvna ekonomika – Efective economy, 11. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {re2022.04.050.007}
Bidak, V. Ya., & Baranyak, I. Ye. (2021). Risk-generating features of the growing external migration activity of the population of the Carpathian region. Rehional’na ekonomika – Regional Economy, 1(99), 44-54. DOI: {re2023.03.070.020}
Hrynkevych, O., Levytska, O., & Baranyak, I. (2023). Human resources for regional development in Ukraine: A roadmap for forecasting and determining a regional training request. Regional Science Policy and Practice, 15(1), 95-107. DOI: {re2024.02.084.010}
Bil, M. M., Mulska, O. P., Baranyak, I. Ye., Makhonyuk, O. V., & Karpyak, M. O. (2022). Mihratsiyna mobil'nist' molodi: mozhlyvosti ta vyklyky rozvytku lyuds'koho potentsialu Karpats'koho rehionu Ukrayiny [Migration Mobility of Youth: Opportunities and Challenges for the Development of Human Potential in the Carpathian Region of Ukraine]: Scientific and analytical report. Lviv: Dolishniy Institute of Regional Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian]. {re2024.04.079.003}
Vasyltsiv, T., Lupak, R., Mulska, O., Levytska, O., & Baranyak, I. (2024). Youth migration during war: Triggers of positive aspirations and preservation of human resources in Ukraine. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 22(2), 627-641. DOI: {re2024.04.079.016}