Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Bil Maryana Mykhaylivna

Bil Maryana Mykhaylivna

Doctor of Economics, Senior Researcher

Senior Researcher of the Department of problems of social and humanitarian development of the regions of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine

Contacts:, (098)321-9925, (097)275-3151, (032)270-6445



Baranyak Ihor Yevhenovych

Hryn'kevych (Polevs'ka) Ol'ha Stepanivna

Makhonyuk Oleksandr Volodymyrovych

Mul'ska Ol'ha Petrivna

Sadova Ulyana Yaroslavivna

Teslyuk Roman Tadeyovych

Shpakivs'ka Mariya Mykhaylivna


Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 314.7:329.78:316.44; JEL F22, O15, J13, Z13
Makhonyuk, O. V., & Bil, M. M. (2022). Sotsiolohichni doslidzhennya mihratsiynoyi mobil'nosti molodi Ukrayiny: dosvid ta perspektyvy [Sociological studies of migration mobility of Ukrainian youth: experience and prospects]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 104 (2), 47-56. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 13

The experience of conducting sociological surveys on migration mobility of Ukrainian youth is analyzed, including nationwide surveys of migrant workers with specifics for different age groups, surveys of youth commissioned by public authorities, and individual surveys of scientists and experts in special studies. A review of existing surveys allowed to identify the most extensive and authoritative studies and conduct a critical evaluation. These include “Youth of Ukraine” (commissioned by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine), “Migration activity of student youth of the Carpathian region of Ukraine” (Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine), “Research on migration sentiments of student youth in the conditions of visa liberalization” and “Study of migration attitudes of students of Lviv (Lviv Polytechnic)”, “Social aspects of the transition from school to university students of rural schools and schools of national minorities of Ukraine” (Taras Shevchenko National University of Luhansk), “Migration moods of student youth” (Uzhgorod National University). The article reveals that the results of the national surveys “External labor migration of the population of Ukraine” for 2008, 2012, and 2017 provide very limited information in terms of different age groups. It argues that despite some experience, there are no systematic sociological surveys of migration mobility of youth in Ukraine to determine the potential of migration and the causal characteristics of migration movements. Given the rapidly growing potential of youth migration in Ukraine, the positive dynamics of educational emigration and the need for sociological surveys of youth on the impact of migration mobility on the development and capitalization of human potential are substantiated. The results of such survey will provide information on how migration impacts the potential of youth and the development potential of the donor territory. The assessment of migration across various components of human potential confirms its impact on the development of youth potential, as well as income and wealth, and reveals the level of its capitalization. The authors emphasize an urgent need to conduct situational surveys of youth on the potential of migration and re-emigration intentions during mass forced displacements. 
migration mobility, migration potential, youth, human potential, sociological survey 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC 330.567.2:332.1(477); JEL D10, E21, P25
Bil, M. M., & Mulska, O. P. (2021). Modeli spozhyvchoyi povedinky domohospodarstv ta rehional'ni osoblyvosti yikh formuvannya v Ukrayini [Consumer behavior models of households and regional features of their formation in Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 100 (2), 53-60. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 13

The theoretical bases of research of consumer behavior of the population are developed. The main types of behavior according to the criteria of the subject, manifestation sphere, interaction, function, character, state, recurrence, influence, controllability are defined. The criterion of the manifestation sphere allows to select social, legal, cultural, political and economic behavior, one of the subspecies of which is consumer behavior. The consumer behavior can be studied in human, industrial and governmental dimensions. The human dimension allows to analyze consumer behavior at the levels of person, household, population and society. In this regard, the conceptual differences in the understanding of consumer behavior at different institutional and spatial levels are identified. Consumer, investment and savings activities of households in the regions of Ukraine are analyzed. The analysis for 2009-2019 confirmed a gradual increase in consumer aggregate expenditures by region, a nominal increase in the solvency of households, as they consume a smaller part of their cash income and save resources to finance non-consumer needs. However, such changes did not significantly improve the living standards of the population in conditions of instability. About 50 % of total household expenditures go to food and non-alcoholic beverages, while in developed countries households spend no more than 30 % on food. The share of investment expenditures of households, estimated by the average monthly expenditures on the purchase of shares, real estate, construction, capital repairs, bank deposits etc, increased from 4,1 % to 4,6 % for the period 2009-2019 and remains very low levels. The analysis of savings activity showed that the total capacity of households to accumulate resources increased 9,4 times during 2009-2019, but most regions show a lower level of accumulated total resources relative to the national indicator. The structure of consumer expenditures of households in the regions of Ukraine with consumer, investment and savings benchmarks to summarize the calculations is determined, which confirmed the low investment activity in conditions of instability. The generalized structure also indicates excessive interregional differentiation of the structure of consumer expenditures, which requires stimulating the investment activity of households as active agents of economic development. 
behavior, economic behavior, consumer behavior, consumer activity, saving activity, investment activity, household, region 

Repository of Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research UDC [314.7:331.91](477); JEL О15, R23, F22, J38
Bil, M. M. (2020). Rehulyuvannya mihratsiynoyi aktyvnosti naselennya: priorytety dlya Karpats'koho rehionu Ukrayiny [Regulation of the population migration activity: priorities for the Carpathian region of Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 95 (1), 62-70. DOI: [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 14

The article reveals the content of the migration activity of the population. Migration activity in the system of migratory terms was proposed to be considered as the ability of the entity (an individual, a household, population of a particular territory) to change the place of residence, which is accompanied by initiative activity (work, study) and changes in human potential according to needs, goals, and views. The key problems of the migration activity of the Carpathian region were identified. They were distributed according to relevance for the population (social insecurity of migrants, distant families, the rapid growth of migration activity of young people in the higher education segment), business (lack of skilled labor, difficulties in hiring young specialists (high expectations for pay, etc.)), societies (additional pressure on the social infrastructure of people arriving in the region, lack of demand for social services (including education), unregulated and asymmetric cross-border space) and power (loss of human potential, dual citizenship, especially the border population, international corridors of illegal migrants, geopolitical speculation with risks for Ukraine's territorial integrity) across the directions of Poland, Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia were identified. The priorities of migration regulation in the Carpathian region were offered – providing of complex and constant monitoring of the level of migration activity (potential, real), implementation of special state programs of the first workplace, implementation of special regional programs of stimulation of educational re-emigration, stimulation of improvement of services quality, especially business development and self-employment in border settlements as alternatives to «shuttle» migration, counteracting issuing passports of citizens of other countries to residents of border settlements, compulsory Ukrainian language use in educational institutions. 
population migration activity, regulation of migration, asymmetry of transboundary migration space, migration system, migration intellectualization, Carpathian region of Ukraine 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 36:[314.7:379.85]; JEL H55, О15, R23, F22
Bil, M. M. (2017). Systema zabezpechennya sotsial'noho zakhystu mobil'nykh katehoriy naselennya [System of social protection maintenance for mobile categories of the population]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 86(4), 37-45. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 7

The features of the mobile categories of the population were determined in the article. Mobile categories of the population are individuals who have already implemented or are planning to implement a high level of their spatial mobility in the near future. The main segment groups of mobile categories of the population were selected. These are persons who are legal in the status of a tourist, an internal or external migrant, a foreign migrant in Ukraine, in a special legal status in Ukraine and abroad, in a closer social environment of actively mobile persons. The definition of social protection of mobile categories of the population was formulated. At the same time, the basic approach is to consider social protection as a management of social risks that may arise in connection with illness, disability, maternity, family expenses for the maintenance of children, unemployment, old age, death, widowhood, accident, occupational disease, poverty, need for third-party care etc. Social protection of mobile categories of the population should be considered as a system of relations with the management of social risks and ensuring the rights and freedoms of active mobile persons with a certain legal status, as well as members of their closest social environment, regardless of their place of residence. The basic conditions for the social protection of mobile categories of the population were singled out. These are the legal status, regulatory and legal framework (agreements), the legal culture of active and mobile people and their living conditions. The functional and institutional model of the system of social protection of mobile categories of the population in terms of the main components (social insurance, provision and assistance) was proposed. Such a system includes three levels: I – general action; ІІ – mobile categories of the population in the state; III – mobile categories of citizens abroad. Administrative, regulatory, socio-economic, monetary-financial, socio-cultural and information mechanisms of social protection of mobile categories of the population were described. Provision of social protection of mobile categories of the population is carried out using such tools as: guarantees, standards; cash benefits, social benefits, personal assistance; services – charitable, informational, legal, medical, linguistic, educational, financial and insurance, etc. In the sense of the effect of interstate agreements on mutual employment and social protection in the system of mechanisms of social protection was actualized. Areas of contractual regulation in the system of social protection of mobile categories of the population were investigated. These are employment, retirement benefits, compulsory social insurance and other forms of social protection. The need for the development of mobility of social protection was justified. 
social protection, social security, mobile categories of the population, spatial mobility, mobility of social protection 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 331.556.4:314.748:001.891; JEL O15, F22, H00, R23
Bil, M. M. (2017). Efektyvnist' mekhanizmu rehulyuvannya mihratsiyi naselennya: teoretyko-metodychni osnovy otsinyuvannya [The effectiveness of regulation mechanism of migration: theoretical and methodological foundations of assessment]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 84(2), 73-79. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 10

The relevance of the theoretical and methodological foundations of assessment of the effectiveness of regulation mechanism of migration was justified in the article. The main global migration processes trends, which confirm the rapid growth of population spatial mobility and create new challenges to regulation of migration, was given. The essence of regulation mechanism of migration, which is a system by systematic approach that ensures the impact of the subject in the face of governmental and nongovernmental organizations and migration market actors on migration processes in order to achieve the objectives, was defined. The component structure of the mechanism was reflected. It’s formed by goals, objectives, principles, functions, subjects, objects, methods and forms of state regulation, which causing migration policy in their interaction and relationship. The essence of effectiveness, which is considered from the standpoint of «cost-benefit» and «goal-outcome» in the economy, was defined. The complexity of assessment of the effectiveness in public administration was noted, because there is no single indicator of outcome in public sector, which is the income for commercial structures. Despite these difficulties, the assessment of the effectiveness of the regulation mechanism of migration requires the formation of the monitoring system for regularly receiving different quantitative and qualitative data, analytical materials and expert evaluations. Main approaches to determine the effectiveness of the regulation mechanism of migration were discussed. Their selection allows finding the effectiveness types. These types are economic, objective, organizational, functional, subject, object effectiveness, effectiveness of result and relationships. The highest practical value is assessment of result effectiveness. This approach requires the quality methodological developments and allows estimating the consequences (social, economic, ecological etc) of regulation mechanism of migration and migration potential (determining the factors of population migration as objects of indirect regulatory influence). The specific indicators should be the basis of assessment of the result effectiveness. They are determined depending on the migration situation. The main levels of assessment of the effectiveness of regulation mechanism of migration were described. 
regulation mechanism of migration, effectiveness, result effectiveness, migration potential, levels of assessment of effectivenes 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 330.837:[339.9:330.341]:331.5(477), JEL O15, F22, F15
Bil, M. M. (2016). Instytutsional'ni peredumovy yevropeys'koho vektoru rozvytku rynku pratsi Ukrayiny [Institutional preconditions of European development vector of Ukraine’s labor market]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 81(3), 128-134. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 9

The article is devoted to the study of institutional preconditions for Ukraine’s European integration, in particular those which form the new challenges of the domestic labor market. The general and special methods of scientific knowledge, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, dialectic, classification, economic, statistical and comparative analysis in this case were used. The main results of the study are in the compilation of organizational and legal preconditions of the priority of Ukraine’s European integration. The review of scientific studies of advantages of for Ukraine’s European integration, which are described in national literature, was done. About the lack of attention of Ukrainian scientists to study of the institutional factors of Ukraine’s European integration was mentioned. The theoretical essence and practical actions of the institutional preconditions of European integration were identified. The system of institutions (factors, regulators, entities), norms, values that affect on the main parts of the members of society and have the temporal dimension of existence as a institutional preconditions was suggested. Institutional preconditions are usually unchanged for a long period of time, and the story of their formation is sufficient to implantation in the public consciousness and behavior. The personal choice of the integration of citizens of Ukraine in favor of The European Union through practice of migration was justified. Based on official statistics analyzed amounts people that crossing the state border of Ukraine, Eastern and Western vector, the volume of remittances from abroad. The analysis results argue a gradual increase in importance of the Western direction. Based on comparison of the standard minimum wage, on the strong influence of wages on migration orientation of Ukrainian population was paid attention to. While in Ukraine at the beginning of 2016 the minimum wage was only 52 Euros, in neighboring Poland – 431 Euro, Hungary – 353 Euro, Slovakia – 405 Euro, in Russia – 78 Euro. About the necessity of the domestic labor market with the introduction of European standards was noted. The risks of negative impact of institutional preconditions for Ukraine’s European integration were defined and the priorities of leveling on the development of the domestic labor market were offered. 
institutional preconditions, labor market, European integration, informal integration, personal integration choice, migration 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Teslyuk, R. T., & Bil, M. M. (2015). Mihratsiya u kryzovykh umovakh: ukrayins'ko-pol's'kyy kontekst [Migration in terms of crisis: Ukrainian-Polish context]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 77(3). [in Ukrainian].

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 314.7:331.1:30
Teslyuk, R. T., Bil, M. M., Mahonyuk, O. V., & Baranyak, I. Y. (2014). Rehional'ni sotsial'no-ekonomichni doslidzhennya mihratsiynykh pytan': retrospektyva ta suchasni pidkhody [Regional social and economic research of migration problems: retrospective and modern approaches]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 73(3), 131-141. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 10

In this article the scientists of the Institute of Regional Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine performed the retrospective review of elaborations on migration during the period of the market relations formation and gaining of independence by the country. The problems of dissertations that reveal the migration question are analyzed. The scientific investigation directions of the migration question on the basis of scientists’ achievements in defense of dissertations and results of publications in the Institute magazines are systematized. This enabled to establish that till 2010 research problems were focused mainly on causes and consequences of migration, its specificity in cross-border area, geospatial and globalization aspects, in particular as to population mobility in rural areas, problems of repatriation of different ethnic groups.

The special investigation themes were formed according to the studying fields of social and labor potential and labor market where migration determinants are characterized by high importance. Since 2009, it has been performed the general characteristics of modern trends of the migration issues study within the department of social and human development of the region.

It is generalized the main scientific achievements of the department in publications (edition of the collective monograph “Regional migration policy and mechanisms for its implementation”, reference books, collections of scientific works, etc.), an event with a discussion about migration issues (two international scientific conferences, round tables, seminars), applied testing research results at the level of government bodies of the national and local levels, including the state Migration Service of Ukraine. It is presented the main scientific research areas of the department through review of the research themes for the period 2009-2014 where migration issues took up a key position.

These fields are: conditions of migration processes with emphasis on environment multiculturalism in which they occur; migration determinants of social work organization; consequences of migration for development of the social and demographic potential of the region; system approach to the organization of migration processes in the context of sustainable development; system of social and economic security of migrant workers.

Objective concepts and terminology, including regional migration policy definitions, regional migration systems, social and labor systems, migration networks, human potential of a migrant, social security of a migrant and others were developed. Scientific research perspectives of migration issues that concentrate scientists’ attention on social and cultural migration consequences and their regulation possibilities within the country are defined. 

migration, mobility, migration activity, repatriation, social and economic security of migrants, territorial migration system 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 331.556.4:332:364.48
Bil, M. M. (2014). Problemy formuvannya i rozvytku infrastruktury terytorial'nykh mihratsiynykh system [The problems of infrastructure forming and development for regional migration systems]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 72(2), 66-73. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 9

The content of such basic characteristics of regional migration as structure, architecture and infrastructure was delineated in the article. The essence of regional infrastructure migration systems with an emphasis on the need to construct the system was defined. The shape of objects of general and special purpose real or virtualized locations that define the living conditions of the workers, but also can offer the services of resident population was noted. The role of infrastructure development of migration regulation, determination of the attractiveness migration of the territories forming migration networks and causing their transformations in the migration system was pointed.

The functional significance of an adequate level of infrastructure facilities in general and special purpose was substantiated. The development of infrastructure facilities should take place with the enforcement of preventive, redistributive and transformative functions of migration were proved. Effective migration of infrastructure functionality should manifest in terms of both the welfare of migrant workers and their families, and other members of the historical homeland. Business infrastructure facilities should be designed to promote the social integration of immigrants, support for social justice, including the relatively permanent population.

A scheme of regional infrastructure migration in the context of the valuation of the load on its objects between resident population and migrant people was built. The scope of general purpose infrastructure facilities in terms of welfare and socio-cultural was systematized. The problems of specific infrastructure systems migration between Ukraine and Poland with frequent displays of illegal activities at the visa registration and other services were founded. Increasing migration activity by European policy leads to conscious speculation on the part of individual actors in order to provide requested services to migrants and receiving in return unreasonably high returns was proved. Consistency of this action led to the formation of illegal infrastructure special purpose. The necessity of dealing with population propensities to consume these services and the role of civil society organizations in monitoring the subjective sphere of commercialization basic needs of migrants was pointed. The regions of Ukraine have developed primarily infrastructural facilities aimed at immigrant service and to stimulate circulating migration guideline for selective migration policy approaches was proved. The importance of such measures in force regulating the migration of reality through infrastructure provision migration systems was specified. 

infrastructure maintenance, infrastructure facilities, territorial migration system, migration networks, functionality of migration systems 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Sadova, U. Ya., & Bil, M. M. (2013). Mihratsiyni protsesy v Ukrayini: suchasni vyklyky ta rehional'na spetsyfika (za rezul'tatamy II Mizhnarodnoyi naukovo-praktychnoyi konferentsiyi) [Migration Processes in Ukraine: Challenges and Regional Specificity (Based on Results of II International Scientific and Practical Conference)]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 69(3), 211-221. [in Ukrainian].

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Sadova, U. Y., & Bil, M. M. (2012). Sotsial'ni initsiatyvy yak instrument podolannya mihratsiynykh ryzykiv v Ukrayini [Social Initiatives as a Tool to Overcoming the Migration Risk in Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 65(3), 206-211. [in Ukrainian].

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Grynkevych, O. S., & Bil, M. M. (2009). Udoskonalennya otsinky konkurentospromozhnosti turystychnoho produktu rehionu [Improvement of the Competitiveness of Tourism Product of Region]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 54(4), 246 p. [in Ukrainian]. 

Methodological approaches to assessment of the competitiveness of the tourism industry at various levels of management in its branch, including the state, region or organization have been generalized. Taking into account the strategic importance of tourism development for many regions of Ukraine, special attention is paid to the opportunity to assess the competitiveness of tourism product in the context of regional competitiveness. With its aim a definition of «tourism product of the region» as a combination of all of products and services offered in the region for different categories of consumers and elaborated on the basis of the regional historical, cultural, natural and other tourist resources of the territory has been proposed. The estimation of competitiveness of tourism product of the regions of the Carpathian region using the methods of strategic analysis, including Boston Consulting Group matrix has been carried out. 
tourism product region, competitiveness, strategic analysis, matrix of Boston Consulting Group 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Bil, M. M., & Shpakivska, M. M. (2009). Problemy zakhystu prav mihrantiv v umovakh suchasnoyi kryzy: makroekonomichni ta rehional'ni aspekty [Problems of Protection of Migrants in the Conditions of Modern Crisis: Macroeconomic and Regional Aspects]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 52(2), 256 p. [in Ukrainian].


Ryndzak O. T., & Bil M. M. (2016). Mechanisms of migration processes regulation: theoretical aspects. Scientific Journal Association 1901 «SEPIKE», 12, 167-171. [in Ukrainian]. {re2017.02.073.007}

Bil, M. M. (2018). Prostorova mobil'nist' naselennya: teoriya, metodolohiya, praktyka [Spatial mobility of the population: theory, methodology, practice]. Lviv: PAIS. [in Ukrainian]. {re2019.01.088.001}

Sadova, U. Ya. (Ed.), Teslyuk, R. T., Bil, M. M., Ryndzak, O. T., & Mulska, O. P., et al. (2018). Mihratsiyni yavyshcha ta protsesy: ponyattya, metody, fakty [Migration phenomena and processes: concepts, methods, facts]: Reference book. 2nd ed. Lviv: Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine. [in Ukrainian]. {re2020.01.062.001}

Bil, M. M. (2016). Instytutsiyni peredumovy yevropeys’koho vektoru rozvytku rynku pratsi Ukrayiny [Institutional preconditions of European development vector of Ukraine’s labour market]. Rehional’na ekonomika – Regional Economy, 3, 128-134. [in Ukrainian]. {re2020.03.081.002}

Bil, M. M. (2021). Kontseptsiya sotsial'noyi vrazlyvosti naselennya: retrospektyva formuvannya ta suchasni interpretatsiyi [The concept of social vulnerability of the population: a retrospective of its formation and modern interpretations]. Sotsial'na ekonomika – Social Economics, 62, 20-30. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {re2022.02.035.010}

Voznyak, H., Mulska, O., & Bil, M. (2021). Migration aspirations of territory population: A case study of Ukraine. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 19(2), 217-231. DOI: {re2022.02.047.001}

Bil, M. M. (2021). Mihratsiyna mobil’nist’ naselennya v ekonomichnykh doslidzhennyakh: teoretychni aspekty [Migration mobility of the population in economic research: theoretical aspects]. Demohrafiya ta sotsial’na ekonomika – Demography and social economy, 47(1), 88-102. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {re2022.02.047.002}

Bil, M. M., Mulska, O. P., Baranyak, I. Ye., Makhonyuk, O. V., & Karpyak, M. O. (2021). Otsinyuvannya vplyvu mihratsiynoyi mobil’nosti molodi na lyuds’kyy potentsial Karpats’koho rehionu [Estimation of influence of migration mobility of youth on human potential of the Carpathian region]. Lviv: Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine. [in Ukrainian]. {re2022.02.047.013}

Bil, M. M. (2021). Nahlyadovi rady u strukturi profesiyno-tekhnichnoyi osvity: ohlyad isnuyuchykh praktyk v Ukrayini [Supervisory councils in the structure of vocational education: a review of existing practices in Ukraine]. Skhidna Yevropa: ekonomika, biznes ta upravlinnya – Eastern Europe: Economy, Business and Management, 4(31), 99-105. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {re2022.02.063.002}

Hrynchyshyn, I., Panukhnyk, O., Bil, M., Popadynets, N., Patytska, Kh., Leshchukh, I. (2019). Scientific-methodical foundations of estimation of territorial communities’ endogenous capacity in Ukraine in conditions of decentralization. In Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Strategies, Models and Technologies of Economic Systems Management (SMTESM 2019) (pp. 314-319). DOI: {re2022.04.033.003}

Bil, M. M., & Popadynets, N. M. (2020). Lyuds’kyy rozvytok i mobil’nist’ naselennya kriz’ pryzmu natsional’nykh osoblyvostey: sotsioekonomichnyy vymir ta upravlins’kyy kontsept [Human development and mobility of the population through the prism of national characteristics: socio-economic dimension and management concept]. In Sotsial’no-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrayiny [Socio-economic problems of the modern period of Ukraine]: Vol. 2(142) (pp. 55-61). DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {re2022.04.061.003}

Hrynchyshyn, I. M., Bil, M. M., Leshchukh, I. V., Patytska, Kh. O., & Popadynets, N. M. (2019). Zmitsnennya spromozhnosti terytorial’nykh hromad na osnovi efektyvnoho vykorystannya endohennoho potentsialu [Strengthening the capacity of territorial communities on the basis of effective use of endogenous potential]. Lviv: Dolishniy Institute of Regional Reseach of NAS of Ukraine. [in Ukrainian]. {re2023.01.034.003}

Hrynchyshyn, I., Panukhnyk, O., Bil, M., Popadynets, N., Patytska, Kh., Leshchukh, I. (2019). Scientific-methodical foundations of estimation of territorial communities’ endogenous capacity in Ukraine in conditions of decentralization. In Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Strategies, Models and Technologies of Economic Systems Management (SMTESM 2019) (pp. 314-319). DOI: {re2023.02.041.002}

Hrynchyshyn, I., Panukhnyk, O., Bil, M., Popadynets, N., Patytska, Kh., & Leshchukh, I. (2019). Scientific-methodical foundations of estimation of territorial communities’ endogenous capacity in Ukraine in conditions of decentralization. In Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Strategies, Models and Technologies of Economic Systems Management (SMTESM 2019) (pp. 314-319). DOI: {re2023.03.028.002}

Bil, M. (2021). Kontseptsiya sotsial’noyi vrazlyvosti naselennya: retrospektyva formuvannya ta suchasni interpretatsiyi [Concept of the population social vulnerability: retrospective of formation and modern interpretations]. Sotsial’na ekonomika – Social Economics, 62, 20-30. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {re2023.03.058.011}

Bil, M. M. (2021). Kontseptsiya sotsial’noyi vrazlyvosti naselennya: retrospektyva formuvannya ta suchasni interpretatsiyi [Concept of the population social vulnerability: retrospective of formation and modern interpretations]. Sotsial’na ekonomika – Social Economics, 62, 20-30. DOI: [in Ukrainian]. {re2023.03.070.014}

Popadynets, N., Hryhoruk, I., Popyk, M., Bilanyuk, O., Halachenko, O., Irtyshcheva, I., Batkovets, N., Lysiak, N., Boiko, Y., Hryshyna, N., Bil, M., & Nezveshchuk-Kohut, T. (2021). Analysis and Modeling of Factor Determinants for Ukraine Hotels and Tourist Sphere. Intelligent Human Systems Integration, 1322, 509-515. DOI: {re2024.02.133.009}

Bil, M. M., Mulska, O. P., Baranyak, I. Ye., Makhonyuk, O. V., & Karpyak, M. O. (2022). Mihratsiyna mobil'nist' molodi: mozhlyvosti ta vyklyky rozvytku lyuds'koho potentsialu Karpats'koho rehionu Ukrayiny [Migration Mobility of Youth: Opportunities and Challenges for the Development of Human Potential in the Carpathian Region of Ukraine]: Scientific and analytical report. Lviv: Dolishniy Institute of Regional Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian]. {re2024.04.079.003}

Bil, M. M. (2019). Prostorova mobil'nist' naselennya: teoriya, metodolohiya, praktyka [Spatial Mobility of the Population: Theory, Methodology, Practice]. Lviv: PAIS. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian]. {re2024.04.079.006}

Sadova, U. Ya., & Bil, M. M. (2012). Sotsial'ni initsiatyvy yak instrument podolannya mihratsiynykh ryzykiv v Ukrayini [Social Initiatives as a Tool to Overcoming the Migration Risk in Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika – Regional Economy, 3, 206-211. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian]. {re2024.04.079.008}

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