Today, the issues of the special role of the innovative potential of the economy and society are not only relevant, but also require a systematic rethinking, due to the strategic tasks of choosing effective means of Ukraine’s victory in the war against the Russian aggressor and post-war reconstruction of the country. In the innovative development of society in terms of the formation, realization and reproduction of its innovative potential, everything begins with education. In the conditions of war, systemic issues related to the study of the impact of socio-economic and technological problems of different levels on the development of the State’s education sector in the direction of forming its innovative orientation and the basis of the latest knowledge remain poorly researched. The purpose of the article is to actualize the role of education in socio-economic processes and to identify and substantiate the trends and possible directions for improving the efficiency of its development as a component of the innovative potential of Ukrainian society. The author proves that building an independent and self-sufficient state and defending its national interests involves, first of all, recognizing the priority of education. Its development is based on the principles of democracy and humanistic values and requires the use of advanced teaching and management technologies to ensure, first of all, self-development of the individual and the formation of an innovative culture. Based on a comparative analysis of international indices, the article identifies general trends in the development of education and training in Ukraine, which demonstrate a number of positive results in certain areas that shape its innovative potential. In particular, Ukraine belongs to the category of countries where the development of the country’s innovations is faster than its economy, ranks third in the world in terms of the ratio of the number of teachers to the number of students, and has a high impact of talents on economic development.
The State Strategy for Regional Development and the relevant regional strategies, adopted on the eve of the war, whose implementation measures were supposed to deepen and localise socio-economic processes, have stopped at the stage of searching for and forming an effective integration mechanism and efficient tools for coordinating sectoral policies in the regions and building effective self-sufficient territorial communities. In the context of the war, which is still causing constant destruction and increasing uncertainty about the possibility of stable economic development, the tasks related to the restoration of the affected territories of Ukraine and the transformation of production and business in the regional context, taking into account the requirements for European integration, are of particular importance. In strategic terms, it is possible to address these issues by selecting and applying innovative tools for the development of the regional economy. The purpose of the article is to analyse trends in regional development as the basis for economic transformation in a period of serious challenges and losses for Ukraine and to identify new approaches to the organisation of innovation, international cooperation within the framework of financial support for projects and programmes of innovative development on the path to European integration. Trends in regional development as the basis for economic transformation in the context of challenges and losses for Ukraine caused by the Russian-Ukrainian war are identified and analysed. The features and problems of the regional innovation space functioning are analysed on the example of the development of clusters, industrial parks, the formation of an IT business network, and the implementation of the digitalisation programme. Based on a systematic approach, conclusions and proposals are developed on the selection and application of innovative mechanisms for updating Ukraine’s regional policy in the direction of continuing the implementation of the decentralisation reform of public authorities, taking into account the accumulated experience and challenges on the path of European integration.
The article proves that the development of national identity takes place in each state in the process of its modernization towards ensuring democratic development of society. The continuity of this dynamic process is achieved through effective interaction between the state, civil society institutions, and the national elite. The author substantiates the interrelation between ensuring the security of the state and the development of the national economy, taking into account national self-identification and the principles of economic consciousness, and clarifies the influence of the economy on the consolidation and vital activity of Ukrainian society and the formation of national and civic identity. It is in the economic sphere that the self-realization of the individual is carried out, which is manifested in economic interests and economic relations through the attitude to property and in the peculiarities of his or her economic identity. The article aims to substantiate the interrelation between ensuring the security of the state and the development of the national economy, taking into account national self-identification and the principles of economic consciousness; to clarify the impact of the economy on the consolidation and vital activity of Ukrainian society and the formation of national and civic identity. The article emphasizes the need to develop an appropriate roadmap with a vision of a realistic long-term scenario for the development of Ukraine’s economy, which corresponds to the transition of the state to a stable path of self-sufficiency based on the realization of internal capacity within the framework of fulfilling external (international) obligations, taking into account the defined and legally approved and politically conscious national interests and principles of ensuring economic security as a result of self-sufficiency. At the same time, self-sufficiency does not imply complete isolation of the country from the external environment. There is a need for a state economic policy of inclusive and innovative development aimed primarily at solving national problems to improve the wellbeing of the Ukrainian population by radically restructuring the economy, but necessarily in international cooperation.
national identity, civic identity, national imperatives, state economic policy
Ukraine’s military-industrial complex has suffered serious losses, but recently programs have been implemented to revive its innovative capacity and the results of accelerated production of modern weapons and unique automated systems are becoming visible. The work of many Ukrainian public and private companies in the field of defense tech, which develop innovative solutions for combat operations, is intensifying. According to all projections, defense technology will become one of the main and most profitable industries and high-tech businesses in Ukraine, specializing in the development and production of high-tech products and solutions for the needs of the armed forces and the defense industry. To achieve this strategic goal, it is necessary to form a multi-level innovation ecosystem with appropriate institutional mechanisms for realizing the interests of key participants (actors) in the interactive innovation process. The article aims to characterize the state of development of the technological component of the defense industry of Ukraine, develop a conceptual model of the innovation ecosystem, and determine the directions of its functioning for the purpose of ensuring military victory and further development of the national economy and security. The article actualizes the issue of the importance of the military-industrial complex in Ukraine’s economy and national security both during the war period and in the period of post-war reconstruction. The author analyzes the innovation and technological development of the defense industry and identifies the factors that have a systemic impact on this process. The article substantiates the need to apply the conceptual foundations of innovation ecosystems to form a modern model of development of the defense industry of Ukraine in the direction of increasing its technological level and identifies and characterizes the key participants in the innovation ecosystem that are directly related to the defense tech sector today. Proposals for the application of real institutional mechanisms for solving the priority tasks of forming an innovative defense industry ecosystem are developed.
The results of science are directly related to the development of technologies, the level of which depends on the timeliness, scope, and quality of research, the effectiveness of R&D, and its transfer to production. The effectiveness of such processes directly depends on an efficient state science and technology policy. Years of postponed systemic reforms of the organization of scientific activity in Ukraine and gradual reduction of funding for science to a critical level only increase the scale of problems and deepen the loss of the country’s innovation capacity. New shocking challenges have been added to the problems of science’s survival in the last pre-war years due to the consequences of the full-scale war unleashed by russia against Ukraine. The article analyzes the role of science as a way of forming and increasing the innovative capacity of economic and social development. The authors identify and characterize the state and peculiarities of the functioning of the scientific sphere in Ukraine in the context of the russian-Ukrainian war. The article summarizes the peculiarities of approaches to the prospects for the development of science as an effective component of the national innovation system and the directions of its contribution to the post-war reconstruction of the country. The article aims to summarize the peculiarities and analyze the general state of functioning of the scientific sphere of Ukraine during the war, to identify its systemic problems, and to set the tasks of development in the post-war period in terms of forming the innovative capacity for the restoration and modernization of the national economy. Systematic analysis of the proposals initiated by scientists, experts, and public authorities in the field of education and science has shown that the state will try to focus funding on research in the field of defense complex and several other applied fields. This requires the actualization of direct dialogue between enterprises and scientists with some support from the state. There is a need for another significant transformation of the science governance system and the creation of an effective state body capable of efficiently planning activities and allocating and controlling research expenditures.
Efficient use of innovations as an imperative for socio-economic development and solving economic, environmental, social, and cultural problems should be one of the factors of Ukraine’s victory in the Russian-Ukrainian war and ensuring its post-war recovery and the proper place of the national economy in the global economic system. This has a significant impact on the search for ways to shape the state economic policy aimed at innovative development and requires both additional research on the features of the innovation factor and a critical analysis of its neglect both in the pre-war and post-war periods. The article reveals the peculiarities of a new stage of implementation of the principle of innovative imperative of socio-economic recovery of the Ukrainian state which suffered during the Russian-Ukrainian war. The author proves that, according to all international ratings, Ukraine’s intellectual capacity is at a high level and is increasingly valued in the world, but in practice there is a lack of a proper role of the state in creating an environment (innovation ecosystem) for its realization as a key factor in the country’s socio-economic development and ensuring its competitiveness, self-sufficiency and national security. The article substantiates the idea that today the restoration of production, social, and economic processes in Ukraine, both in the context of hostilities in the de-occupied territories and in the post-war period throughout the entire territory, should be based on effective strategies and projects for their implementation, based on the innovative imperative of development, taking into account the national peculiarities of innovation capacity, which will allow avoiding many mistakes, reducing material costs and time, and optimizing the own algorithm for implementing reforms. The author substantiates the suggestions that in order to restore Ukraine’s sovereignty, self-sufficiency, and security, a systematic assessment of the situation is needed already today in terms of creating the preconditions for the use of the innovation factor, which will help the society to draw conclusions and move forward in the right direction.
The approaches of economists, experts, and international expert organizations regarding the prediction of pandemics emergence and prognosis options of economic development in the crisis period are outlined. The paper substantiates the conclusion that despite the previous lessons, numerous predictions, and warnings of experts on the inevitability of economic crisis in the nearest future, the crisis was “unexpected” and the world, not only Ukraine, turned out to be unprepared again. Meanwhile, the so-called catalyzer of changes in the economy – the coronavirus pandemics – turned out to be an important factor. The pandemics has emphasized the systemic problems of both global development and the economy in Ukraine. It has displayed the need to take immediate efficient and real measures in healthcare and economic policy, including global cooperation to overcome its consequences, protection of the vulnerable segments of the population, and strengthening the security system of the countries in terms of operative response and prevention of similar events in the future. The official governmental programs and practices of countries in the world and Ukraine on the support of business and citizens being in difficult circumstances because of coronavirus are analyzed, and the peculiar trends of the process are determined with further definition of the most optimal and perspective examples (lessons) for further application in selection and implementation of mechanisms to fight the economic crisis and its consequences. The paper proves that each country has prepared and continues adjusting its model of anti-crisis activities to minimize economic losses from the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemics and global economic recession based on their priorities and available resources. The practice has shown that Ukrainian officials do not act within the distinct strategy and dwell on the mechanical reproduction of the steps of other countries in form of chaotic and unreasonable actions, and even more so – declarations. The estimations regarding the nature of the impact of the scales of economic activity restrictions on various economic sectors are constantly changing, preventing the opportunity of reliable prognoses because the pandemics hasn’t disappeared anywhere and uncertainty and threats are still essential.
The investment capacity of the households of any country is the decisive factor of increasing the wellbeing of each person, population, and socio-economic system of a state in general. Growing nominal and real income of population and creation of respective financial resources that secure their transformation into the investment resource are the major preconditions of improvement of the households’ investment opportunities. Households become increasingly active savers and perspective investors for the domestic economy as they invest temporary free funds in various financial tools. The article examines the study of households, their financial behavior and interests, as increasing the welfare of each individual strengthens the entire socio-economic system of the state. The question of the peculiarities of the formation of financial resources in the conditions of market relations in Ukraine is outlined. Factors influencing their state of formation are determined. The role of household savings in the development of the economy is substantiated, the classification of savings depending on the nature of mobilization is considered. The dynamics of savings attracted by the banking system of Ukraine is analyzed. The situation with deposits of domestic households is outlined, and the dependence of investment decisions of households on the general political and economic situation in the country is demonstrated. Emphasis is placed on non-bank credit institutions, in particular on credit unions and private pension funds, life insurance contracts. The popularity of unorganized savings of households in Ukraine is proved, which is due to the lack of public confidence in financial institutions. The author proposes directions to motivate the savings of households in Ukraine in order to increase the productivity of their operation.
Slow transformations in socio-economic development of Ukrainian regions in the context of public authorities’ decentralization policy show poor efficiency of both state regional policy in general and regional policies of territories’ development in its former forms. This activates discussions and search for more efficient and adequate approaches to management of spatial development in the context of implementation of European integration course, taking into account the experience of European Union. The paper aims to outline the nature of modern role of regions in the context of regional policy and to reveal and explain the trends of practical implementation of new regional policy in the EU with further development of recommendations for authorities to be considered in strategic governance of territorial development in Ukraine. The nature of modern role of regions in the context of regional policy is outlined and conceptual foundations of new EU regional policy are defined. Special attention in paid to the increasing role of local actors and public authorities’ decentralization in the process of regional development governance. The trends of forming and implementation of new regional policy in the EU are revealed and specified, including the compliance with the established European values, interrelation between the goals of the policies of EU regions and cities with stimulation of economic growth and improvement of the quality of life based on strategic investment; structural changes in forming of European budget, innovative imperative of EU regional development and strengthening of external integration of regions. Based on the analysis of European experience, the lessons for authorities responsible for state regional policy of Ukraine are outlined. Targeted recommendations for state authorities are suggested to be taken into account in the process of forming and implementation of regional development strategy in conditions of decentralization of authorities and ongoing European integration processes. Special role is paid to the need to apply “soft” measures of regional policy that contribute to more extended attraction of informal institutes and creation of conditions for involvement of all regional actors into the process of making and accomplishment of management decisions.
regions, new regional policy, trends, decentralization, regional development strategies
The practical sphere of solution of digital economy development problems is the global megatrend, which gains utmost importance at regional level in answer to system challenges. However, the issues of substantiation of preconditions and necessity to introduce the concept of digital regional development in Ukraine remain to be underexamined. Increasing attention should be paid to the phenomenon of spatial differences («digital» inequality, «digital» gap, etc.), which is among the priorities of solution of urgent issues regarding the unequal development of cities and regions. The paper aims to reveal the features and problems of digital economy forming in Ukrainian regions and to develop strategic priorities of strengthening of the digitalization process. The analysis of existing regulative basis of Ukraine of strategic direction shows that legislation covers the issues related to region’s digital economy quite sketchy. Statistical analysis revealed the peculiar tendencies of «digital inequality» as the key problem of digital economy forming in Ukrainian regions. The paper proves that digital economy development brings into fore many state regional policy issues, which should not only be clearly defined, but also systemically solved. The authors characterize some «best practices» of digitalization processes, the analysis of which shoved that some regions begin active participation in the process of forming and implementation of strategic decisions in digital economy, trying to secure their long-term competitive advantages at the markets of new types of technologies, goods and services. Suggestions over strategic priorities of digitalization process strengthening (digital transformation) at regional level as the component of modern state regional policy are developed and substantiated. The paper argues that while the issues of digital economy and society development do not raise any doubts in the leading countries, the processes take place rather slow in Ukraine and with a delay in terms of political actions at state and regional levels that meet the challenges of global trends. All the abovementioned requires the development of appropriate strategic documents; in particular, the IT business participants along with the representatives of regional authorities should form the strategies and individual roadmaps of regions in terms of digitalization development and achievement of the key socio-economic parameters. Major activities on reduction of digital inequality can be conducted in the framework of development and implementation of state subprogram «Elimination of Digital Inequality» as the component of state program «Creation of digital infrastructure in Ukraine», which should be developed and adopted legally.
digital transformation (digitalization); digital economy, «digital inequality», regional policy, strategic directions
Problem: swift modern development of social and economic processes, stipulated by powerful advance of the fourth industrial revolution and unstable geopolitical situation, causes the range of challenges that the regional political initiatives on innovative activity stimulation have to answer to. It significantly influences the forming of the methodology of modern regional economic policy directed at innovative development and requires additional research of the peculiarities of strategic initiatives’ regional aspects. Objective: to define and explain the peculiarities of modern technical and methodological foundations of regional innovative development and to substantiate their influence on forming of regional innovative policy. Research methods – the provisions of regionalism and institutionalism are used as the basis for analysis and synthesis methods application in order to characterize modern scientific concepts of regional innovative development. The principles of modern concepts’ implementation are generalized on the basis of system approach and suggestions over forming of regional innovative policy are made. Research results – the peculiarities of new implementation stages of the concepts of sustainable development, regional innovative ecosystems and «triple spiral» and their influence on forming of regional innovative ecosystems are outlined. Among the most prominent modern developments on the abovementioned issues the most significant are the following: the general methodological aspects of creative economy, mechanisms of creative economy and environment interrelation, employment and dynamics of creative industries’ spatial location, dependence of life quality on creative professions; implementation of inclusive development concept. The fact that nowadays reforming of innovative processes in Ukraine on the regional level in conditions of integration processes strengthening have to be based on positive experience of developed European countries and implementation of European standards of decentralization taking into account domestic specifics («smart specializations») is proven. It will contribute to avoidance of many mistakes, reduction of material expenses and time as well as optimization of the own algorithm of reforms implementation. Conclusions and suggestions – the problem of creation of foundations for new region’s paradigm emerges taking into account the provisions of modern theories of modernization and regional economic activity development (sustainable development concept, theory of regional product life circle and some technological theories) and peculiarities of transition from market model, in particular foreign trade, of regional development to the management one on the basis of innovations. While developing the modern innovative business-model on the level of regional economy, it is necessary to: form additional instruments of professional competences development and optimize the available ones, provide public assistance in order to strengthen the connections between operative links of innovative process and creation of “soft infrastructure” of regional innovative ecosystem (it regards the elements, which are the basis for establishment of cooperation relations), as well as create other stimuli to encourage companies’ cooperation in terms of innovative endeavors.
Problem: solution of social and economic problems through attraction and realization of intellectual capacity requires active regional policy to create stimuli and conditions, when the representatives of creative entrepreneurship will be able to become legitimate agents of economic system and will contribute to territorial sustainable development. For this reason it is necessary to conduct more efficient activity towards establishment of horizontal links between the participants of creative process in the framework of creation of the relevant space on the basis of network interrelation, which requires the development of specific methodology. Purpose: definition of theoretical and methodological basis of forming of creative economy innovative ecosystem in the region and development of its conceptual model and grounding of its use conditions while managing the regional development. Research methods: the authors used the provisions of regionalism and institutionalism theories in terms of the principles of creative economy concept and network management of regional development. On the basis of system approach the conceptual model of creative economy innovative ecosystem forming in the region was developed and peculiarities of interrelations between its components were explained. Results of the research: the nature of interrelation between social and economic development and forming of regional innovative ecosystems is outlined. Capacity of Ukraine in terms of implementation of creative programs and projects is defined. Conditions of regional economic policy implementation mechanism application are determined in terms of establishment of regional innovative ecosystem and strengthening of institutional relations’ role between the agents of economic system in order to form creative sector of economy in a region. The following conditions of efficiency maintenance for management of creative economy ecosystem development are stipulated as following: broad spectrum of political, economic, cultural processes in a region, which manifest themselves in authorities and governance decentralization, strengthening of economic independence, preserving and development of cultural traditions; improvement of regional authorities’ responsibility for the conditions and development of creative capacity in a region. Peculiarities of production of creative product in interrelation with participants of regional market are defined. Conceptual model of creative economy innovative ecosystem forming in the region is developed and basic elements (institutions) of such system are defined. Their role and functions in terms of creation of creative eco environment are characterized in order to maintain efficient use and development of innovative capacity in a region. Conclusions and recommendations: introduction of institutional mechanisms of regional innovative ecosystems forming is a complex scientific-theoretical and practical task of strategic nature and its solution requires development of methodology to define peculiarities of cooperation of creative process participants that takes place at regional level. In terms of expansion of economy network organization we can talk about interactivity that requires information exchange between the agents of relevant institutional environment and therefore stipulates application of modern means of innovative infrastructure, development and realization of program goals in the form of creative projects within the scale of a certain region as well as the necessity to create spaces for creativity and organization of cluster structures. This will allow the creative community of relevant territory to implement opportunities for personal fulfillment and obtaining of additional income.
creative economy, innovative ecosystem of a region, spatial development, innovative ecosystem of region
Problem: identification of intellectual resources and forming of their critical mass at the level of each region should be the strategic task of both central authorities and local governing bodies in order to maintain real possibilities to conduct decentralization policy at local level. Objective: to outline the role of intellectual resources in conducting of decentralization policy and to reveal the problems of their forming in Ukraine on the example of intellectual property institute and taking into account the EU experience. Research methods: provisions of innovation theory in terms of application of open innovation concept principles and provisions of latest regionalism theories were used. On the basis of statistical analysis the evaluation of intellectual property development condition in Ukrainian regions was conducted. Using the analysis and synthesis methods the EU experience in the development of innovation strategies and intellectual property institute was examined. On the basis of system approach the recommendations on state regional policy in terms of region’s intellectual resources attraction to conducting of decentralization reform were given. Research results: the nature and role of intellectual resource was outlined and its connection with the factors of innovative and technological development of regions is determined. Peculiarities of experience were examined and preconditions of forming and development of EU regional economic policy in the course of decentralization and integration were characterized. Regions’ intellectual property condition in Ukraine was analyzed and its influence on the parameters of science-intensity of gross regional product was explained. The problems restraining the forming of intellectual property institute in Ukraine were defined, including the absence of intellectual property long-term development strategy in Ukraine; poor coordination of state authorities’ activity; low activity efficiency of the structures that maintain intellectual property rights’ protection; insufficient system of providing services in terms of intellectual property protection related to general condition of this activity infrastructure, especially in the regions; underdeveloped non-governmental forms of this activity management in the country; shortcomings of valuation, accounting and statistics in the sphere of intellectual property. Recommendations concerning the improvement of regional economic policy mechanisms in terms of attraction, forming and implementation of regions’ intellectual resources and strengthening of regional innovative ecosystem’s role were given. The fact that competitive policy should be taken into account as efficient instrument of regional economic development acceleration in case that it addresses the capacity of innovative activity and human resources development is emphasized. Conclusions and suggestions: qualitative and quantitative characteristics of region’s intellectual resource, on one hand, depend on the condition of socio-economic development and regional innovative systems development, and on the other hand – they directly influence the functioning of regions in terms of decentralization being the key feature of their personality and major driver of strategic tasks implementation and social cohesion forming under the conditions of post-industrial economy. Systemic solution of issues concerning legal protection of intellectual rights and mechanisms of implementation of results achieved in the course of intellectual activity, stimulation of creative activity, outsourcing of technology-intensive production and services and introduction of exclusive innovative business-models are the major aspects of intellectual resources’ role strengthening as the key factor of sustainable regional economic growth under decentralization.
Problem: solution of social and economic problems through innovations requires active policy of creation of stimuli and conditions, when public and private agents of economic system are obliged to invest for the common good. Regional authorities have to find the way to promote local measures that improve the welfare of regional community. Objective: defining of the nature of institutional mechanisms of regional innovative ecosystems development and elaboration of proposals on their implementation in terms of European integration policy. Research methods – provisions of regionalism and institutionalism theories are used in terms of exploitation of principles of open innovations concept and regional development multilevel management. On the basis of system analysis suggestions over the forming of regional innovative ecosystem components and their interrelation are made. Research results – nature of interrelation between social and economic development and forming of regional innovative ecosystems submodels is revealed. Conditions of forming and implementation of regional innovative policy taking into consideration the EU experience are grounded and characterized. Proposals over the improvement of regional economic policy implementation mechanisms in terms of regions’ innovative ecosystem development and strengthening of the role of institutional cooperation between the economic system’s agents are elaborated. The following conditions are proved to be available in order to maintain the efficiency of regional innovative ecosystems development management: broad spectrum of political, economic and cultural processes in a region that are reflected in management and authorities decentralization, strengthening of economic autonomy, preserving and development of cultural and ethical traditions; development of local self-governance system, including drafting local budgets with own sources of its replenishment; availability of the body that adopts regulations of local importance within its competence in order to solve urgent regional problems by individual economic entities in scientific-technological and innovative spheres; increase of regional authorities’ responsibility for existing condition and development of scientific-technological and innovative potential in a region. Conclusions and suggestions – introduction of institutional mechanisms of regional innovative ecosystems forming is a complex scientific-theoretical and practical task of strategic nature. Its solution requires development of the methodology of defining the peculiarities of cooperation between the participants of innovative processes that take place at regional level. It terms of expansion of network organizational economy, we can speak about interactivity that requires information exchange between the agents of the relevant institutional environment and therefore stipulates exploitation of modern technological infrastructure facilities and development and implementation of program objectives in the form of innovative projects within the scale of a concrete region and specific mechanisms of making and implementation of decisions on the development of the most important structural blocks of innovative ecosystem (scientific, informational, production-technological, etc), and their resources maintenance.Рубрика: Дискусії
regional innovative policy, institutional mechanisms, innovative ecosystem of the region
In implementing a policy of decentralization, the search for ways of eliminating most of the regional problems should be aimed at identifying the internal mechanisms of their solution in the region, the most effective and realistic of which is innovative and creative. The purpose of this article is the definition of prerequisites for formation and development of the creative economy of regions and development of proposals on improvement of mechanisms of realization of regional economic policy in the direction of formation of the innovation ecosystem and the role of creative environment. Methods of the research are the theory of innovation in terms of applying the principles of free innovation concept and the provisions of the latest theories of regionalism. With the help of statistical analysis carried out an assessment of innovative development of regions of Ukraine. On the basis of systematic analysis the proposals of concerning regional policy for the formation of the creative economy are developed by authors. The essence of the relationship of innovative development with the formation of the creative economy in the regions is solved. The issues of formation and development of the creative economy of regions based on the experience of the EU are justified and described. The authors analyzed the state of innovativeness of the regions of Ukraine in terms of research intensity of gross regional product. The restrictions are identified that hinder the formation of a modern regional innovation systems in Ukraine, including competence necessary for the development of the creative environment of the knowledge economy, reduce inventive activity in the regions due to the lack of state policy in the sphere of intellectual property management. The proposals on improvement of mechanisms of realization of regional economic policy in the direction of formation of the innovation ecosystem of the region and the strengthening of the role of creative environment are developed. It is proved that the policy in the field of competition should be considered as an effective tool for accelerating economic development of the regions, but it must take into account the potential of innovation and human resource development. Conclusions and proposals – regional economic policy must be systemic in nature, and the challenge of competitiveness, economic modernization and human development to be addressed holistically, taking into account economic, technological, social, cultural and political context. We should consider the region not as a space for industrial production, but as innovation ecosystem, able to cover different levels of structure of an economic system (in contrast to the previous types of innovation systems, which have specific boundaries) and to ensure their integrated relationship-based implementation of an interactive model of the innovation process, which is based on the principles of network movement and network of scientific-technological and innovative activity.
In the article the essence of the concept of “intellectual capital” is determined. The role and importance of intellectual capital in innovative economic development of individual countries is shown. The degree of mobility of inventors worldwide is investigated. Countries, which are considered as leaders according to the amount of immigrant inventors, are determined (USA, Germany, Switzerland). It is specified that a higher rate of immigration is appropriate for academic institutions. The largest outflow of inventors, who gradueated from colleges, comes from Latin America and the Caribbean, and especially Africa. It is determined that inventors immigrants are more effective in their work compared to their compatriots who remained at home. According to patent data of applications for inventions under the PCT procedure analysis of international migration of intellectual capital (for example, professionals working in the field of knowledge - scientists and inventors) is prodived. The influence of intellectual capital on the economy, innovative development and economic security is surveyed. Migration channels and flows are analyzed, migration corridors for the outflow of scientist and engineers- inventors are revealed, measures of emigration, “brain drain” and inventors migration are determined. Geographical pattern of migration of highly skilled specialists, analysis of the migration of intellectual capital in Ukraine is presented, recommendations about appropriate organizational and economic mechanism of regulation in this area are provided. The “outflow” of the intellectual capital of Ukraine to developed coutries is analyzed, a list of main host countriesis fixed. Examples of Ukrainian scientists who achieved recognition abroad are shown Lack of economic incentives (tax, credit, insurance) on the creation and commercialization of intellectual property objects in order to organise a civilized market of these objects is proved.
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Davymuka, S. A. (Ed.) (2016). Innovatsiynyy rozvytok pidpryyemstv sfery torhivli: svitovi tendentsiyi ta praktyka v Ukrayini [Innovative development of enterprises in the sphere of trade: world tendencies and practice in Ukraine]. Lviv: Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine. {re2023.04.067.002}
Klyuchnyk, L., & Davymuka, S. (2020). Savings and migration capital of households: world experience and domestic realities. Economic and Regional Studies, 14 (2), 170-187. DOI: {re2023.04.067.004}
Davymuka, S. A., & Fedulova, L. I. (2016). Rehional'ni innovatsiyni ekosystemy: napryamy rozbudovy v umovakh yevropeys'koyi intehratsiyi [Regional innovative ecosystems: directions of development in the conditions of European integration]. Lviv: Apriori. [in Ukrainian]. {re2024.03.015.017}