Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Regional Economy -- Year 2017, Issue 4(86)

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Regional Policy and Territorial Development

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.012.33:334.012.74; JEL Н10, Н70, R12
Storonyanska, I. Z., & Patytska, Kh. O. (2017). Problemy ta napryamy optymizatsiyi protsesu formuvannya OTH: za rezul'tatamy pershoho etapu administratyvno-finansovoyi detsentralizatsiyi [Problems and directions of optimization of the UTC forming process: according to the results of the first stage of administrative and financial decentralization]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 86(4), 5-13. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 13

The article presents the study of the fiscal decentralization process in Ukraine at the level of local governance defined by this reform as basic – the level of newly formed UTC in terms of the first results, risks and challenges that occur in modern conditions. The features of administrative and territorial reform in Ukraine in the past and at present are researched. The position of communities’ forming in the reform of administrative and territorial structure of Ukraine is investigated. Amendments to the Budget Code of Ukraine and the Tax Code of Ukraine in the context of the administrative-territorial reform and the reform of fiscal decentralization are analyzed. The necessity of understanding the role and place of local communities in the development of local government is argued. The place and role of cities of oblast significance in the process of implementing the reform of the administrative-territorial system are determined. The notions of «urban agglomeration» are analyzed in the context of existing administrative territorial system. A conclusion is made that, despite lack of changes in the effective legal framework toward improvement of the administrative territorial system and absence of any proper agglomeration act, territorial communities must seek horizontal cooperation for the sake of their economic development and competitiveness. The measures to improve the territorial financial ability to implement the responsibilities granted to local government in the context of changes of administrative-territorial structure are proposed. The ways of strengthening the financial autonomy of municipalities are grounded. The necessity of achieving financial viability in order to accomplish the basic functions conferred on local authorities by the state is grounded. It is shown that the legislative innovations are not able to ensure decentralization. It is concluded that the community development at the local level is possible only when the correct public and local government policies are formed, basing on the fiscal capacity of communities. 
united territorial community (UTC), city of oblast significance, agglomeration, financial capacity, administrative and financial decentralization 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.021:351.82(477.8); JEL R10
Hrynchyshyn, I. M. (2017). Stratehichni oriyentyry rozvytku Karpats'koho rehionu u svitli formuvannya i realizatsiyi novoyi rehional'noyi polityky [Strategic guidelines for the development of the Carpathian region under the formation and implementation of the new regional policy]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 86(4), 14-21. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 13

The article highlights strategic guidelines for the development of the Carpathian region and evaluates them in terms of alignment with the goals of the State Strategy for Regional Development, identifies the need for greater prioritization of the strategic guidelines for the development of regions, while simultaneously identifying so-called «growth points» that will ensure the region’s economic growth and use of its own potential. Taking into account European approaches to the formation and implementation of a state policy of regional development aimed at smart, inclusive and sustainable growth is of particular importance in this process.
The fact that one of the most effective directions for the formation and realization of a new regional policy on the basis of the unity of Ukrainian territory is the focus on the development of macro-regions, which include the Carpathian region, is proved. European practice shows the shifting of emphasis from exclusive stimulating and development of specific regions and smoothing out the disproportions of regional development to the focus on identifying common features of regions in socio-economic development.
On the basis of the research, the peculiarities of coordination of regional development projects’ planning, financing and implementation measures based on the use of an integrated approach for regional development of regions or a region were determined.
The necessity of the following measure was emphasized: raising the level of strategic planning culture aimed at realism of the plan of measures for the implementation of the regional development strategy with a clear definition of organizational, financial and control parameters; maintenance of adequate information support for both the implementation of regional policy on the basis of increasing transparency in decision-making and its implementation, and the level of awareness of all stakeholders, and the possibilities of public monitoring of the regional policy implementation on the local level. 
regional policy, development strategy, strategic orientations, macro region, Carpathian region 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.142.4:334.78; JEL M20, O18, R11
Shchehlyuk, S. D. (2017). Pidkhody do vyznachennya efektyvnosti realizatsiyi pidpryyemnyts'koho potentsialu rehionu v umovakh zmin prostorovoyi orhanizatsiyi ekonomiky [Approaches to the definition of the effectiveness of region’s entrepreneurial potential realization in the conditions of changes of the economy spatial organization]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 86(4), 22-27. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 11

The article deals with the approaches to the definition of the essence of entrepreneurial potential of the region and the theoretical and practical importance of determining the effectiveness of realization of the region’s entrepreneurial potential in the conditions of modernization of the economy spatial organization. The methodical approach and algorithm of estimation of efficiency of the region’s entrepreneurial potential realization are based on the choice of adequate methods and indicators. The advantages and disadvantages of the most common methods of assessing the entrepreneurial potential are identified in accordance with the objectives and existing information data.
It is determined that the change of the economy spatial organization involves the formation of new conditions of the business environment, which is characterized by economic freedom, high level of risk of entrepreneurial activity, competition, change of motivation that affects the possibilities of realization of entrepreneurial potential. Changing strategic priorities in the spatial organization of the Ukrainian economy has created a number of challenges for the region’s entrepreneurial activity. The proposed algorithm for assessing the effectiveness of the entrepreneurial potential of the region involves the implementation of certain stages of the study: 1. Determination of the goals and objectives of the assessment of the entrepreneurial potential of the region in the conditions of changes in the spatial organization of the economy. 2. The choice of methods for assessing the effectiveness of the entrepreneurial potential of the region, taking into account changes in the spatial organization of the economy. 3. Rationalization of the system of indicators for assessing the efficiency of the entrepreneurial potential of the region. 4. Calculation of efficiency of the region’s entrepreneurial potential exploitation and ranking of regions by integral values. 5. Development of measures to optimize the entrepreneurial potential of the region.
The importance of taking into account the peculiarities of the spatial organization of the economy in the form of certain network forms of business organization in assessing the efficiency of entrepreneurial potential has allowed substantiating expediency of the inclusion of a separate component of the potential – spatial integration and development of indicators of its determination.
The proposed approach to assessing the effectiveness of the entrepreneurial potential of the region will help formulate a rational policy of spatial development of business in the regions and create a reserve for business activity growth, optimize the localization of entrepreneurial activity, and substantiate the mechanisms of regulation of the spatial organization of business to support certain types of business or change the directions and priorities of the development strategy for improving the economic management of the region. 
entrepreneurial potential of the region, estimation of efficiency, spatial organization of economy, forms of spatial organization of the economy 

Social Policy

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC [338.49:330.342.146]:316.422:332.1(477); JEL O15, R10
Butko, M. P., & Revko, A. M. (2017). Sotsial'na infrastruktura yak katalizator modernizatsiyi sotsiohumanitarnoho prostoru rehioniv Ukrayiny [Social infrastructure as a catalyst of modernization of Ukrainian regions’ social-humanitarian space]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 86(4), 28-36. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 15

The conceptual contour of social infrastructure as a catalyst for the modernization of the socio-humanitarian space of Ukrainian regions has been explored. The own definition of the social infrastructure has been suggested. Approaches to classification of social infrastructure in regions of Ukraine have been substantiated. It was determined that education is the main element of the social infrastructure, which provides qualitative human development. It was established that the availability of education depends on the material base of educational institutions, the number of educational institutions, their equipment, the level of qualifications of staff, the possibility of using educational institutions and the quality of services they provide. The main barriers of equal access of the population of Ukrainian regions to education and the reasons of their occurrence have been considered. It was proved that the comprehensive human development through creating of a complex of vital goods necessary for expanded reproduction is the determinant of social infrastructure functioning. 
social infrastructure, social policy, social and humanitarian space, education, access to education 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 36:[314.7:379.85]; JEL H55, О15, R23, F22
Bil, M. M. (2017). Systema zabezpechennya sotsial'noho zakhystu mobil'nykh katehoriy naselennya [System of social protection maintenance for mobile categories of the population]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 86(4), 37-45. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 7

The features of the mobile categories of the population were determined in the article. Mobile categories of the population are individuals who have already implemented or are planning to implement a high level of their spatial mobility in the near future. The main segment groups of mobile categories of the population were selected. These are persons who are legal in the status of a tourist, an internal or external migrant, a foreign migrant in Ukraine, in a special legal status in Ukraine and abroad, in a closer social environment of actively mobile persons. The definition of social protection of mobile categories of the population was formulated. At the same time, the basic approach is to consider social protection as a management of social risks that may arise in connection with illness, disability, maternity, family expenses for the maintenance of children, unemployment, old age, death, widowhood, accident, occupational disease, poverty, need for third-party care etc. Social protection of mobile categories of the population should be considered as a system of relations with the management of social risks and ensuring the rights and freedoms of active mobile persons with a certain legal status, as well as members of their closest social environment, regardless of their place of residence. The basic conditions for the social protection of mobile categories of the population were singled out. These are the legal status, regulatory and legal framework (agreements), the legal culture of active and mobile people and their living conditions. The functional and institutional model of the system of social protection of mobile categories of the population in terms of the main components (social insurance, provision and assistance) was proposed. Such a system includes three levels: I – general action; ІІ – mobile categories of the population in the state; III – mobile categories of citizens abroad. Administrative, regulatory, socio-economic, monetary-financial, socio-cultural and information mechanisms of social protection of mobile categories of the population were described. Provision of social protection of mobile categories of the population is carried out using such tools as: guarantees, standards; cash benefits, social benefits, personal assistance; services – charitable, informational, legal, medical, linguistic, educational, financial and insurance, etc. In the sense of the effect of interstate agreements on mutual employment and social protection in the system of mechanisms of social protection was actualized. Areas of contractual regulation in the system of social protection of mobile categories of the population were investigated. These are employment, retirement benefits, compulsory social insurance and other forms of social protection. The need for the development of mobility of social protection was justified. 
social protection, social security, mobile categories of the population, spatial mobility, mobility of social protection 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 331.55:314.7:316.772.4(477); JEL F22, J61, R23
Teslyuk, R. T., & Seleshchuk, H. P. (2017). Suchasni tendentsiyi ukrayins'koyi mihratsiyi ta samoorhanizatsiyi hromad mihrantiv [Current trends in Ukrainian migration and self-organization of migrant communities]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 86(4), 46-53. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 22

The military conflict in Eastern Ukraine and occupation of Crimea led to significant changes in dynamics and vectors of migration flows, brought about new trends in migration processes. They primarily concern the recently increased internal migration. Another trend refers to Ukrainian external labour migration, the intensity of which can be considered as a reflection of the economic position of the state. The main peculiarity of the current migration situation in Ukraine is a combination of the two mentioned tendencies. As a result, an intense pressure is put on regional labour markets and, especially, on the social sphere of regions accepting internally displaced persons. This accelerates the existing international migration processes, forms migration orientations (aspirations) among local people and does not contribute to re-emigration. Main features and trends in current Ukrainian migration in terms of self-organization of migrant communities are defined in two focuses – external labour migration and forced internal displacement. 1. Recent events led to a significant transformation of external migration vectors. By 2014, the international migration processes in the Western region of Ukraine were much more intensive than in the East. Furthermore, the Western region tended to both the European and Russian vectors of migration, but the Eastern region – mostly to the Russian one. As a result of a significant deterioration of economic conditions and the war in the Donbas, the trend has distinctly changed – the number of Ukrainian migrants in Russian Federation substantially declined, although still making up more than 1 million people. 2. In previous years the topical issues were concerning the labour migrants’ return, their reintegration and self-organization. There were certain organizations of labour migrants-returnees which were building up strong cultural and socio-economic ties in the homeland. However, since the beginning of military aggression of Russia, the tendency to return has vanished completely. There is only a permanent trend for emigration under any conditions. 3. Formation of internal centres of self-organization of the displaced persons’ communities is currently taking place. In the west of the country, there are much less displaced people, although at the beginning of hostilities in the Donbas the Western region was actually the focus for IDP. The region was considered to be not as much the place for permanent settlement, as to be a sort of a transition point to the West. 4. The core trend in the labour market is the labour force cheapening, which causes serious anxiety and tense relations with the local population. It mostly refers to Kyiv, Odesa and Vinnytsya regions. The conflicts between internally displaced persons and local people force an application of new approaches and methods of analysis of integration processes in the recipient regions or in any countries. 5. In general, the processes of self-organization of migrant communities can occur at different levels: at the level of small organizations (micro-communities); territorial communities; at the macro-level of the state. The main reasons for differences in the processes of self-organization of migrant communities are: the character of migration (the «voluntary» migration with the purpose of earnings or the forced one to preserve life and health); orientation on the paternalism among most of the IDP, whereas the external labour migrants are used to rely on their own strength or help from relatives or friends; the host society (predetermines the necessity or inexpediency of formation of such communities, presence or absence of the corresponding legislative norms). Further practical decisions for the solution of the mentioned problems lie in the search for optimal mechanisms of self-organization of migrant communities in terms of their employment and decent living standards provision. 
international labour migration, internally displaced persons (IDP), self-organization, migrant community, labour market 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 331.556.4; JEL J11, J61
Ryndzak, O. T., & Makhoniuk, O. V. (2017). Ekonomichni faktory zovnishn'oyi mihratsiyi naselennya Ukrayiny [The main factors of external migration of the Ukraine’s population]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 86(4), 54-64. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 24

Intensification of emigration, deepening of the demographic and socioeconomic crisis actualize the need for applying adequate mechanisms of the state migration and socio-economic policy to slow down the pace of mass departure of population from Ukraine. This requires research and analysis of the main factors of external migration in order to regulate them. The article is devoted to analysis of the main factors of Ukraine’s population external migration. In particular, the following issues were analyzed: the dynamics of the average monthly nominal wages in Ukraine per one full-time employee (2002-2016 years) in hryvnia and dollar equivalents; the minimum wage in Ukraine in comparison with neighboring countries and the most attractive countries for Ukrainian migrants. If the level of wages in hryvnia is growing rapidly, then it falls in dollar terms, especially in 2014-2015 years. Totally, in spite of wages increasing the general level of households income is decreasing (according to their self-assessment) and the deterioration of purchasing power of the population takes place. During the last period Ukraine has the highest unemployment rate in comparison with neighboring countries. At the same time, our country occupies almost the last place (before Moldova) in the list of human development index of some countries (neighboring countries and countries which are the most often visited by Ukrainian migrants). Thus, low wages and high level of unemployment are the main factors that «push» Ukrainian citizens to neighboring countries. Liberalization of the visa regime with EU countries as well as migration, education and other kinds of policies of some countries (for example, the repatriation of persons of Polish origin, the creation of favorable conditions for the training of foreign students in Poland, Germany, Hungary, etc.) only intensify the existing emigration trends in Ukraine. In order to prevent the mass emigration of the Ukraine’s population, it is necessary to reform the wage system in the direction of increasing its level and improve the conditions of employment on the national labor market. 
migration factors, wages, unemployment, human development index, migration policy 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 331.55:[331.5:332.1]; JEL О15, R58, J14
Bachynska, M. V. (2017). Adaptatsiyni mekhanizmy rehulyuvannya mihratsiyi v konteksti transformatsiyi rehional'nykh rynkiv pratsi [Adaptive mechanisms of migration regulation in the context of transformation of regional labor markets]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 86(4), 65-71. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 12

The article deals with the theoretical basis of internally displaced persons’ adaptation processes in the host society. The definitions such as «adaptation», «social adaptation», «adaptation mechanisms» are studied and supplemented. The views of scientists and psychologists to study the process of adaptation of internally displaced persons in the new environment are outlined. The number of internally displaced persons, their location and concentration in different regions of Ukraine is analyzed. Adaptive mechanisms are examined and adaptive model of internally displaced persons in the host society is suggested. The process of adaptation of internally displaced persons in various regions of Ukraine is described. Specifics, socio-cultural traditions and peculiarities of the host region are outlined. The projects that organize and ensure the adaptation and development of internally displaced persons in the region are analyzed. 
adaptation, social adaptation, adaptive mechanisms, internally displaced persons, host society, adaptation model 

Rural Development

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC [332.122:338.43]:316.422(477.8); JEL H10, O13, Q10
Bas-Yurchyshyn, M. A., & Tsymbalista, N. A. (2017). Osoblyvosti zaprovadzhennya mekhanizmiv sotsial'no-ekonomichnoyi modernizatsiyi sil's'kykh terytoriy zakhidnykh oblastey Ukrayiny [Peculiarities of implementation of social and economic modernization mechanisms in the rural areas of Ukrainian Western regions]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 86(4), 72-83. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 16

The article aims to investigate peculiarities of rural areas development in the Western region of Ukraine in the context of implementation of their socio-economic modernization mechanisms. The main attention is focused on identifying problems and preconditions for the formation of new approaches to economic development and organization of social sphere in rural areas of the seven Western regions of Ukraine. On this basis priority areas of activation of rural areas’ socio-economic modernization are identified, which lie in implementation of a comprehensive program approach that includes formation of favorable economic conditions, stimulation of the economic activity of local population, creation of proper provision of the needs of citizens in the social sphere and identification of the competitive advantages of individual rural communities. 
region, rural areas, modernization, territorial communities, socio-economic development, western regions of Ukraine 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC [332.122:338.43]:159.9(477.7); JEL M31, R22
Pavlova, I. O. (2017). Psykholohichnyy instrumentariy brendynhu sil's'kykh terytoriy Pivdennoho rehionu [Psychological tools of rural territories branding in the Southern region]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 86(4), 84-90. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 18

The article substantiates the key role of the psychological toolkit in creating and promoting the brand of rural territories of the Southern region as attractive territories for consumers. Based on the analysis of research of marketers and brand managers, it is proved that such an image of these territories is formed on their positioning as maritime territories that have recreational and tourist resources. At the same time, limited access to these resources in rural territories of the base and district levels remote from the shoreline of the seas and estuaries is not taken into account. At the same time, such factors of the development of these natural and socio-spatial entities as an advantageous geographical position, the availability of favorable natural resources and natural and climatic conditions, a developed agro-food complex and labor resources, which together favor the positioning of these territories as predominantly agro-food ones, are not fully taken into account. It is the branding of the rural territories of the Southern region as agro-food ones that corresponds not only to the interests of the rural population, regional and national interests, but also to the interests of foreign investors.
Creation and promotion of the brand of rural territories of the Southern region as agro-food territories is facilitated by the use of a psychological approach to the disclosure of branding technology for these natural and socio-spatial entities. Attention is also paid to such psychological branding tools as mental mapping, image passport of the territory, map of landmark sites of the territory, mythological characteristics of the territory, model of presentation of the territory’s image.
In the context of subjective measurement of the of rural territories’ image in the Southern region, their image does not look so positive. Therefore, according to the results of the study, a conclusion is made about the need to reformat this image from the mostly negative to the positive and attractive for a certain country’s specific territorial product.
The fulfillment of this task requires further scientific technology development for rural territories branding in the Southern region from a position of interdisciplinarity and with reliance on psychological tools. It is important that the positive mental image of these territories does not differ from their actual state. 
brand, branding, image, mentality, psychological tools, rural territories 

Cross-Border Cooperation

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC [332.122:339.9]; JEL О18, F15, R22
Prytula, Kh. M., Pasternak, O. I., Kalat, Ya. Ya., Tsisinska, O. B., & Demedyuk, O. P. (2017). Osoblyvosti sotsial'no-ekonomichnoho rozvytku prykordonnykh oblastey v umovakh diyi Uhody pro asotsiatsiyu mizh Ukrayinoyu ta YeS: za rezul'tatamy ekspertnykh otsinok [Peculiarities of social and economic development of bordering oblasts under EU-Ukraine Association Agreement: according to the experts’ assessments]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 86(4), 91-101. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 2

The results of experts’ survey of local authorities’ representatives regarding the issues of social and economic development of border oblasts under the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement are outlined. The Agreement influence on the development of regions (cities) of border oblasts is evaluated. The spheres most influenced by the Agreement according to experts are examined. Respondents’ evaluation of the Agreement advantages is studied. The types of economic activities that are believed by experts to obtain the most advantages due to DCFTA introduction are defined. Structural changes in exports and imports of goods and services under the Agreement as well as exports geographic structure are evaluated according to experts’ opinions. The list of countries, cooperation with which is seen as most perspective for the development of respective regions (cities), is formed. Assessment of the instruments of social and economic development promotion is outlined. 
European integration processes, border oblasts, social and economic development, EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, experts’ assessment, Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC [332.122:339.9]:[330.322+330.341.1](477)(438); JEL H77, O31, O52, R11
Babiy, H. Ya. (2017). Osoblyvosti vplyvu suspil'no-psykholohichnoho seredovyshcha na investytsiyno-innovatsiynyy potentsial rozvytku ukrayins'ko-pol's'koho transkordonnoho rehionu [Features of the influence of social-psychological environment on the investment-innovative capacity of Ukrainian-Polish cross-border region development]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 86(4), 102-109. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 10

Investment-innovative processes have a considerable influence on the economy of Ukrainian-Polish cross-border region. They define the ability of adjacent border regions of Ukraine and Poland to accumulate enough human and financial capital in order to form and increase their own investment and innovative capacity. Meanwhile, under current social and economic conditions, social and psychological environment has increasing influence on the efficiency of this capacity exploitation. It includes major social groups attracted into cross-border cooperation process as well as the established forms of business relations between them and cultural norms, which define their features and application efficiency in cross-border goods exchange and in terms of cross-border investment-innovative projects’ implementation.
Opportunistic behaviour, which has the most significant destructive influence on the efficiency of exploitation of investment-innovative capacity of Ukrainian-Polish cross-border region’s development, is emphasized. In particular, principal defining factors and major extension mechanisms of main types of opportunistic behaviour in Ukrainian-Polish cross-border region are outlined. These include information asymmetries, corruption and smuggling, illegal cross-border operations peculiar to modern forms of border trade and small border movement, cross-border circular migration as well as activity of cross-border institutions in Ukrainian-Polish cross-border region.
The means of opportunistic behaviour elimination in the context of social-psychological environment improvement in Ukrainian-Polish cross-border region and increase of its investment-innovative capacity are suggested. Special attention is paid to improvement of the capacity of human and social capital, elimination of corruption, adaptation of modern organization-economic means and institutional leverages of investment-innovative capacity increase in the regions of Ukraine adjacent to Poland, in particular cross-border clusters, cross-border educational, training and scientific centers, cross-border networks of technologies transfer and knowledge exchange and cross-border business incubators, etc.
Particular attention is paid to the necessity to conclude the administrative-territorial and educational reform in Ukraine. The author proves the fact that these reforms are intended to lay institutional foundations for the development of social-psychological environment in Ukrainian-Polish cross-border cooperation and therefore to bring the state’s border regions closer to the requirements and standards of the EU in order to give new impetus for activation of investment-innovative processes and to increase investment-innovative capacity of Ukrainian-Polish cross-border region’s development. 
socio-psychological environment, Ukrainian-Polish cross-border region, investment-innovation capacity, cross-border cooperation, opportunistic behavior 

Economics and National Economy Management

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC [332.122:339.9]:[330.322+330.341.1](477)(438):615.12; JEL I10, M21
Kit, L. Z. (2017). Chynnyky vplyvu na rozvytok merezhevykh aptechnykh pidpryyemnyts'kykh struktur [Factors influencing the development of network pharmacy business structures]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 86(4), 110-120. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 22

The article observes the main approaches of scientists who were engaged in determining the list and characteristics of the factors of development of network business structures. The influence of factors on the development of network pharmacies’ entrepreneurial structures is analyzed. The classification of factors of influence of exogenous (at macro and micro levels) and endogenous character is developed. Also, the study of the main factors influencing the development of pharmacy networks in the current conditions of functioning. Systematization of the basic scientific approaches has allowed to develop a universal approach to grouping of factors of development of these structures. It is proposed to use the existing approach to the division into exogenous (at macro, micro levels) endogenous factors with the definition of branch features and conditions of network activity for analyzing the state of pharmacy networks. 
factors of development of network pharmacies of entrepreneurial structures, factors of influence of network business structures 

Economics and Business Management

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 334.012.64:334.722(477.83); JEL R11, R32
Lazanovskyy, P. P., & Oneshchak, O. Ya. (2017). Analitychna otsinka nadiynosti provadzhennya pidpryyemnyts'koyi diyal'nosti malymy pidpryyemstvamy L'vivs'koyi oblasti [Analytical assessment of the reliability of entrepreneurial activity conducted by small enterprises of Lviv region]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 86(4), 121-130. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 9

In the article the issues of entrepreneurial activity conducting are investigated, in particular, the analysis of its reliability. The topicality of this issue is determined by the current special role of entrepreneurship in forming of the financial, economic and social development indicators of both the state as a whole and of its individual regions. The generalized analysis of the main statistical indicators of enterprises in Ukraine and Lviv oblast was performed for 2010 and 2016, and it showed that small and medium entrepreneurship is dominant in it.
Reliability of conducting business activity is one of the most important characteristics, therefore it is necessary to have an objective assessment of it. The author’s study of reliability as the ability of objects (processes) to maintain the necessary properties for a long period of time has shown that it is not sufficiently studied in relation to economic systems, and especially at the macro level – the level of region or of state.
In the paper the methodology for analyzing the reliability of entrepreneurial activity is proposed and tested on the example of statistics of small enterprises of Lviv region. The value of partial and integral index-coefficients of performance reliability estimation for the activity of small enterprises in Lviv region is received. The scale of assessing the degree of reliability of entrepreneurial activity is recommended, depending on the value of the reliability index. Conclusions regarding the directions of increasing the reliability of entrepreneurial activity at the regional level and the necessity of its analytical research are made. It is determined that the prospects of further investigation of this problem should concern certain types of activities, subjects of entrepreneurial activity, etc., using new qualitative methods of analysis and economic and mathematical methods. 
entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial activity, reliability, small enterprises, analysis 

Foreign Experience

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC [332.021:338.48]:339.97(23)(477); JEL L83, Q26, R58
Hulych, O. I. (2017). Yevropeys'ka polityka rozvytku turyzmu i rekreatsiyi v hirs'kykh rehionakh: dosvid dlya Ukrayiny [European policy for the development of the tourism and recreation in mountainous regions: experience for Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 86(4), 131-138. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 6

This article deals with formation of a modern policy for the development of tourism and recreational sphere of mountainous regions of Europe. The EU’s policy is carried out taking into account the two key strategic factors, such as the development of tourism in Europe in the long-term perspective and the policy of supporting the development of mountainous regions by the European Union.
It is noted that in conditions of growing competition, Europe has determined on the prospect of the formation of a stable high-quality tourist offer based on its comparative advantage, which in particular emphasizes its landscape diversity and extraordinary cultural riches. This task should be realized on condition of sustainable tourism development, taking into account the difficulties associated with climate change (for mountainous regions it is a decrease in snow cover and, accordingly, a reduction in demand for winter tourism types), the risks of biodiversity loss and the threats faced by cultural heritage. For mountainous regions, these difficulties and threats are particularly noticeable.
This paper focuses on the implementation of sustainable tourism practices for mountainous regions (use of alternative energy, landscape conservation, garbage control, etc.). In our opinion, sustainable tourism practices are extremely important due to the increased vulnerability of mountainous landscapes to violations of the conditions of nature use and the need to preserve a unique cultural and natural heritage.
The instruments of implementation of the tourism development policy in mountainous regions in the legal acts of the European Union state are presented. The author also makes an attempt at systematizing current research on the instruments, which can be divided into the following two lines: providing incentives and support for initiatives that promote the development of high-quality tourism, preservation of the natural, economic and social environment, as well as heritage and culture of mountains districts; promotion of development of high-quality tourism taking into account the ecological specificity of each object and creation of infrastructure and service facilities that would correspond to its scale; promotion of multi-season economic activity; normative regulation of forms of active rest, which include an element of danger or can cause damage to the ecological balance.
This article considers the importance of the Carpathian Region for the sustainable tourism development of the Carpathians. The growth of the role of tourism in the economic development of the more backward areas of the region has been explored as well. It is noted, that the Protocol on Sustainable Tourism to the Framework Convention on the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Carpathians defines the objective to reduce the negative impacts of tourism, to develop and implement common quality standards, to establish the sustainable tourism development policies, as well as to integrate them into other sectoral policies, to form the concept of the Carpathian Region as a tourist brand and to create sustainable tourist products, services, packaging, etc.
It is emphasized that in the long-term future development of tourism aimd at the general development of the Carpathians should be based on the same common goals: long-term economic prosperity of local communities, preservation of the basis of tourism – the natural and cultural environment with the provision of tourist needs. These objectives are perfectly complementary and relevant for all (potential) tourist destinations. The basic position of the regional development of mountainous areas is described. It is emphasized by author, that Ukraine should become involved in the process of developing unified approaches and standards for tourism development in mountainous regions as soon as possible, and should be engaged in the development and promotion of common tourist products of the Carpathian Region at the European and the World tourist services markets. 
tourism, recreation, mountainous regions, European policy of development of tourism and recreation, Carpathian region 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC [332.122:338.43](23)(477); JEL O10, O18, Q28, R58
Kolodiychuk, I. A. (2017). Rozvytok sil's'koho hospodarstva u hirs'kykh rehionakh: yevropeys'kyy dosvid i propozytsiyi dlya Ukrayiny [The development of agriculture in the mountain regions: European experience and suggestions for Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 86(4), 139-147. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 13

The modern approaches to solving the problem of mountain areas in European countries are considered. The decisive role of agriculture in their development is emphasized. The analysis confirms that the problems of economic, ecological and social kind within mountainous areas of European countries are solved either by means of active agrarian policy or within the framework of regional mountain policy realization aimed at compensation of negative influence of natural and climatic resource properties of mountains territories, through providing of investment support for the development of priority types and spheres of economic activity, in particular agriculture. The Common Agricultural Policy costs of 2007-2013 for improving the rural conditions and agriculture in Austria and the integrated approach of Switzerland to rural development and mountain regions are considered in detail. The conclusions are that the majority of mountainous countries form a mountainous development policy strategy aimed at compensating for the negative impact of the natural and climatic resource properties of the mountain areas, providing investment support for the development of priority types and spheres of economic activity, in particular agriculture. We position the implementation of comprehensive accounting and monitoring of the land resources condition as a determining, driving and stimulating precondition for achieving progress in socio-economic development of mountain areas. This will allow changing the character of economic activity and improving the investment climate in mountainous regions. Considerable attention is paid to the issue of agricultural manufactures stimulation in the mountainous areas. The main disadvantages of the national system of the mountain agriculture stimulation, which do not allow disclosing the possibilities of these territories to the fullest extent, are identified. The directions of agricultural producers’ economic support in the mountainous regions of Ukraine were suggested in order to prevent the decline of the agrarian sphere of local population employment, which is traditionally leading for such territories. We are convinced that the policy of mountain farming in Ukraine should be guided by the principles and fundamentals of the updated Common Agricultural Policy of the EU, and that by granting the state support to the agrarian sector of the mountain regions economy it is possible to approach the resolution of the extremely important problems of compliance with the environmental requirements in agricultural production. The directions of agriculture ecologization in the mountainous areas were suggested. 
mountain territories, mountain policy, agriculture, stimulation instruments, agricultural producer support 


Repository of Institute of Regional Research Teslyuk, R. T., & Levytska, O. O. (2017). Etnodemohrafichna ta sotsiolinhvistychna kartyna svitu ochyma ukrayins'koho vchenoho [Ethnodemographic and sociolinguistic picture of the world by the eyes of the Ukrainian scientist]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 86(4), 148-151. [in Ukrainian].


Repository of Institute of Regional Research (2017). Akademiku NAN Ukrayiny Burkyns'komu Borysu Volodymyrovychu – 75 rokiv [75 anniversary of Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Borys Burkinskyy]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 86(4), 152-153. [in Ukrainian].

Repository of Institute of Regional Research (2017). Profesoru Pysarenko Svitlani Markivni – 80 rokiv [80 anniversary of Professor Svitlana Pysarenko]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 86(4), 153-154. [in Ukrainian].

Repository of Institute of Regional Research (2017). Profesoru Butku Mykoli Petrovychu – 70 rokiv [70 anniversary of Professor Mykola Butko]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 86(4), 155-156. [in Ukrainian].

In Memory of Scientist

Repository of Institute of Regional Research (2017). Pam’yati O. V. Karavans'koho [In memory of O. V. Karavanskyy]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 86(4), 157-157. [in Ukrainian].

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