Leading Researcher of the Department of problems of social and humanitarian development of the regions of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine; Professor of the Department of management and social-humanitarian disciplines of the Faculty of Finance and Management of the Lviv Academic Institute of University of Banking; Professor of the Department of management and social security of the Academic Institute of Economic and Social Relations of the University of Banking
Ensuring the social resistance of the country is a fundamental prerequisite not only for improving the quality of life of the population and its well-being but also for minimizing the social vulnerability of certain categories of the population and territories, reducing social tension, and increasing the level of satisfaction of citizens’ interests. The presence of systemic destabilizing influences on the development of socio-economic relations complicates the implementation of mechanisms and policy tools to weaken the social vulnerability of the population. The article aims to create and test a methodical approach to assessing the level of social vulnerability of the population of Ukraine (spatial approach) and identify differentiated gaps in the values of social vulnerability of the Carpathian region and other regions of Ukraine. The methodology for assessing the level of social vulnerability of the regions of Ukraine provides for the use of an innovative composition of indicators, a multiplicative form of the integrated index, and a formalized verification of the weighting coefficients of indicators. The transformational changes taking place in the economic system and social sphere of the country and its regions have led to the choice of the appropriate structure of the system of social vulnerability indicators for a territory: (1) social tension; (2) employment and labour market; (3) income and expenses of the population; (4) social infrastructure; (5) education. The results of the empirical study show that the oblasts of the Carpathian region have a much higher level of social vulnerability, which correlates with socio-economic trends in the region. Among the regions of the Carpathian region of Ukraine, Lviv region has the highest values of indicators in terms of components ‘Social tension’, ‘Employment and labor market’, ‘Education’, and Transcarpathian region – the lowest. According to the ‘Social Infrastructure’ component, Ivano-Frankivsk region is a leading region. Overcoming the identified destructive influences objectively requires the substantiation of scientific and applied provisions for the formation of an effective mechanism for strengthening the social resilience of the territory in conditions of economic turbulence.
vulnerability, social sphere, resistance, security, integral coefficient, Carpathian region, indicator
The problem aspects of the environment of educational emigration in the oblasts of the Carpathian region are determined and the directions for their regulation are substantiated. The problem aspects of the environment of educational emigration are outlined across the main determinants (defining factors): educational migration capacity; academic environment quality; educational migration motivation; cooperation between universities and industries in the research; institutional conditions in education. The paper suggests the calculation of the Regional Index of Forming the Educational Migration Environment (RIFEME) to evaluate and analyze the environment of educational migration that pushes the young students abroad. It is calculated across 28 parameters by the data for 2017-2018. The selected parameters characterize various conditions of forming the educational migration environment: educational, educational–scientific, informational, socio-economic, political, socio-demographic, innovative, institutional. An aggregate estimation of determinants (integral index) shows the place of the oblasts of the Carpathian region by the condition of forming the educational migration environment. Systemic RIFEME calculation (calculations are performed for 2017-2018) forms the information base for monitoring the environment of the population’s migration activity and condition of educational services market based on academic mobility of students, teachers, and researchers and their cross-border mobility, for detecting the problems of the educational emigration environment, and for determining the ways to regulate it. Main directions to regulate the environment of educational migration in social, scientific-technological, economic, educational, and informational public policies are substantiated. The suggested tools and measures of regulation of the educational migration environment aim to reduce the paces of educational emigration and prevent possible losses of resources capacity and human capital of domestic higher educational institutions and scientific schools.
Analysis and consideration of current migration trends in our country, in particular mass interstate migration movements in the context of Ukraine's participation in the European and world migration space, are considered among the important factors in shaping its national policy. Educational migration is a special threat to the socio-economic development of the country and sustainable development of society, as the formation of highly qualified personnel, accumulation of intellectual capital, and increasing scientific and technological potential of the country are among the important factors of economic and social progress. Due to the intensification of interstate migration flows and the development of the quality of the higher education system in foreign educational institutions, migration for education takes a larger share, which is mostly accompanied by constant migration and departure of Ukrainian citizens for permanent residence abroad. The analysis of publications on this issue proves the urgency of educational migration research, and today it remains important to analyze trends in educational migration, find mechanisms to counter the transformation of Ukraine into a country of origin of educational migrants, as well as their repatriation. The article analyzes the educational migration processes in Ukraine in the regional context. The main regional centers of higher education are identified. The focus is on the migration intentions of the population to study abroad and a comparative description of the educational systems of different countries. The order and stages of the admission campaign in foreign educational institutions are described. The essence and features of educational migration are studied and the main reasons that help Ukrainian students to choose foreign higher education institutions are highlighted. The main causes and consequences of educational migration, as well as potential opportunities for educational migration, are identified. Certain benefits and costs associated with educational migration processes are justified. The directions of development of educational migration and effective migration system in Ukraine and its regions, which should take a worthy place in the migration policy of the state, are offered.
The role and importance of the educational migration environment in activating migration movements of the population is described. The main components of the educational migration environment of the population are identified, and their features are outlined. Indicators have been proposed and the conditions for the formation of the educational migration environment of the population have been determined. It is proved that «freedom of knowledge movement» motivates students, teachers and researchers to combine educational and research activities with future employment abroad. The processes of educational migration in the form of cross-border education and academic mobility are presented. The concept of educational migration environment is defined and five main components of its formation are described: quantitative measurement of educational migration potential; quality of the academic environment; motivational conditions; opportunities for universities and industry collaboration in research; institutional conditions in the educational sphere. The list of indicators offered by the Ukrainian statistics is provided for quantitative representation of each component of the educational migration. Based on the method of multidimensional (cluster) analysis, the regional index of formation of educational migration environment is calculated. Using this method allows to move from the assessment of educational migration environment on 28 indicators to the construction of one synthetic indicator. Application of methodical approach allows to see the place of the region by the important parameters of development of the environment of educational migration of the population, to evaluate the attractiveness, opportunities and threats of formation of this environment in the regional dimension. It is proved that the «most favorable» environment in the Carpathian region has the Lviv region (4th place in Ukraine). Other regions of the Ukrainian Carpathians occupy in the ranking the lower places: respectively Ivano-Frankivsk (15th place), Chernivtsi (21st place), Transcarpathian region (24th place)
migration, educational migration, environment, indicators, integral index, region, Carpathian region
The preconditions for the formation of the knowledge economy by indicators, which reflect the development of the sector of increased demand for knowledge in Ukraine, are studied. The peculiarities of attracting knowledge factors into the Ukrainian economy are drawn in the context of separate indicators of the development level of the increased demand for knowledge sector (development of high-tech sector, investment in the knowledge sector, employment in the field of science and high technologies, volume and structure of venture capital, participation of private capital in R & D funding, R & D expenditure structure according to the stages of scientific research, cross-country flows of knowledge, as well as international cooperation in the field of science and innovations, strengthening of cooperation between firms we research organizations and universities, the mobility of scientists and engineers, especially students who go to study in other countries, etc.). The analysis of the attraction and use of knowledge factors in the Ukrainian economy (based on certain indicators of the level of development of the sector of increased demand for knowledge) showed a multifaceted and, in some cases, a disappointing picture of processes and phenomena in the field of innovative development of the country in recent years. The analysis of the calculated parameters of economic and statistical models of the knowledge factors’ influence on labor productivity in the period after 2008 with its complex political and socio-economic problems and events is made. The results of calculations provide that the best model of economic development of Ukraine is uncertain today. There is no clear strategy for using and developing the country’s scientific and technical potential; unformed legislative field for the effective functioning of national and regional innovation systems. Solving problems requires the following subsystems of the national innovation system: generation of new knowledge (academic, higher education); education and training; production of products and services; innovation infrastructure.
knowledge economy, factors of knowledge, OECD indicators, economic and statistical models, labour productivity, national innovative system
The changes in political and economic situation in Ukraine have aggravated the problem of integration of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in new place of residence. The quantitative assessment of IDPs can be interpreted as an assessment of their potential as an integrated assessment of labour, educational and professional, intellectual, social, civil potentials. The experience solving similar problems in the countries of post-socialist space (Georgia and Moldova), the most important aspects of social protection of IDPs is a state of legislative support, employment, housing, social and pension provision. The forms, methods, techniques, in other words, the mechanisms for successful integration of migrants at the new place of residence are needed, the implementation of which helped to provide decent housing, formed willingness to adapt, would facilitate their employment and recognition of those persons from the society. The implementation of state social, cultural, migration policies must develop and implement scientific and reasonable arrangements integration capacity IDPs at the new place of residence. Mechanisms of integration of IDPs potential in host region are the sets of forms, methods, techniques, tools, ways to influence subjects (participants) of intra- and interregional movement within the country, which in case of existence of relevant laws are implemented by State and regional governments, employers, civil society (humanitarian organization) and displaced persons themselves. The purpose of these actions is the guarantee of specified in the Constitution of Ukraine the rights and freedoms of IDPs; the restoration of economic, financial, political, social, informational, cultural and other ties with the citizens of Ukraine residing both temporarily occupied territory and in other regions of Ukraine (new place of residence); provision of social needs (broadly defined), including social, labour, voting rights and the right to education after leaving by IDPs the temporarily occupied territory. The concept of the mechanism of integration of IDPs potential is formulated on the base of an analysis of various sides of scientific knowledge, namely integration (socio-cultural integration), institutional, life safety, human factors, industrial relations, employment and decent work, civil society, informational, systemic approaches.
migration, internally displaced persons, potential, integration, mechanism, new place of residence, region
At the end of the XX century – at the beginning of XXI century the processes of globalization and European integration transformed values of the people called “fifth freedom” – the freedom of movement of knowledge. In Ukraine, free choice of education opens up new opportunities for a young man in integrating linguistic and cultural space, familiarity with the history, religion, traditions, way of life, and also determine the specific social integration of educational migrants. In the article the main policy measures modernizing social sphere of the region, the formation and implementation of which is due to the latest events in the development of educational migration (context: values, freedom of movement of knowledge, integration). In politics, social and cultural modernization of the region should take into account the significance level of satisfaction and value orientation carrier’s intellectual capital of the region. The gap between importance and satisfaction values author considers as an indicator of poor quality innovative culture Ukrainian citizens. Politics socio-cultural modernization of the region should include mechanisms to ensure quality of the new culture of innovation. A great role of cooperation in education, science and business environment in the region, it will enable efficient sharing of innovative mechanisms in the “university, business, the state”. Academic mobility of students, teachers, researchers improves the quality of education and research, promotes intercultural understanding, increasing employment opportunities for young people. Politics socio-cultural modernization of the region should include mechanisms to attract intellectual potential of youth in an innovative environment of the region. The deployment process of educational mobility in Europe requires the study of issues related to the relationship education workers in the local culture and environment of life. In the study of the interactions of the host society and immigrants is the most common integration model that different countries have their own characteristics. But common is the fact that education and training abroad can not only acquire new knowledge in different areas of science, but also promotes closer acquaintance with another culture allows better learn a foreign language, get irreplaceable learning experience life in an international team. This year’s political situation makes some adjustments in the educational process migration causes a substantial increase in educational migration from the Donetsk region to other regions of Ukraine. So, the newest phenomenon in the development of education as an important migration patterns of globalization, European integration, which is characteristic of new, innovative in content values, the phenomenon of “freedom” movement of knowledge “and the integration process should be reflected in the policy of modernization of the social sphere of the region . Its activities are important: facilitating the creation of conditions for self students, intellectual and creative development of the individual young citizen of Ukraine, the growth of its innovative culture; formation educational - scientific complex region, development of mechanisms for the integration of education, science and business in the region; support innovative research initiatives of students, expanding forms of incentives for students studying in Ukraine and abroad; develop mechanisms to attract foreign Ukrainian intellectual potential students for the needs of the region; create innovative cultural environment as counter depreciation and preservation of intellectual capital; organization and conduct of international and national creative and educational activities for students; development of the network of cultural and educational and patriotic youth, especially in small towns and villages; promoting the patriotism of spirituality, morality and formation of human life principles of youth.
modernization, modernization policy of social and cultural sphere, region, education, migration, values-freedom movement of knowledge integration
Article deals with preconditions of formation and development of the Lviv School of Economics of labor and employment among the scientists of the Institute of Regional Studies of the NAS of Ukraine. Periodization of topics and research of the representatives of this school is conducted. The evolution of the object of study in the light of changes in the ideological imperatives of Economic Modelling and public administration is specified. Attention is paid to the progressive views of scholars on the role of the human environment and its existence in the manufacturing process, the innovative search developments in the field the formation and use of labor potential, in the sequence of deepening theoretical knowledge of management processes of labor and employment (via modeling of regional social and labor systems, development and implementation of employment programs, decent work, quality of life, etc.). In paper is emphasized on new factor of regional economic development and policy, globalization and regionalization environment of work and employment. The work, dedicated to the development of conceptual and terminological and methodological tools for the study of human capital of the region (the value of its evaluation to simulation scenario used in the economy) is mentioned. Research shows the names of an entire era of young scientists and followers of the Lviv School of Labor and Employment.
New geopolitical and economic challenges of regional research in the field of labor and employment are outlined. Is emphasized on high responsibility of followers of scientific school in achieving the goals of the European choice of Ukraine. Emphasized that the political and economic situation demonstrates a dramatic struggle of political labor and employment spheres. In the twentieth century in advanced economies establishes the ownership for knowledge, intellectual property is indicated. Since this factor is a change in the field of labor, along with it, new forms of organization (private, public, social, educational), the transition to a more rational model of social and labor relations is not just any other types of employment, but also existence of a mechanism of income. The perspectives of Lviv Scientific School of Labor and and employment in the light of the complex crisis that permeates the whole world since the late XX - early XXI centuries is critically assessed. The world is a new economic equilibrium, which makes the new role of Ukraine as well as its individual regions in its support through the use of skilled labor (the basis of economic modernization, the development of transport networks, communications) is specified.
The mechanism of regional educational policy is defined and the basic methods of the regional educational policy in higher education sphere are formulated. Measures of regional educational policy in higher education are analyzed and the consequences of their implementation for the educational services market in higher education sphere in the context of globalization are identified. Based on the research the model of the mechanism of regional policy of educational services market development in the context of globalization in the sphere of higher education is formed. It characterizes basic directions of key actors’ and institutions’ activities at the regional educational services market in higher education directed at improvement of higher education competitiveness and provision of regional economy sustainable development.
higher education, regional policy of educational services market development, model of the mechanism of regional educational policy, higher educational establishments, quality of education, competitiveness
The basic educational determinants (factors) that reflect the qualitative changes in the education system of Ukraine at the turn of the XX-XXI century are defined. Special attention is paid to the features of the traditional tasks of education that influence the development of socio-demographic potential of the Carpathian region. Bologna process and the related academic mobility of teachers and students are examined. Transnationalization of education and intellectual migration, the growing role of universities in shaping the new economy in Europe and the idea of «knowledge triangle» are outlined.
educational determinants, higher education, human development index, index of competitiveness, academic mobility, transnationalization of education, knowledge triangle, Carpathian region
Approaches to research of knowledge-based economy peculiarities, which pull out the special requirements to labour activity and labour conduct, are outlined. Basing on the produced by world practice indicators, which represent the development level of the sector of increased demand on knowledge and on the whole economy of knowledge, the approaches to estimation of knowledge factors’ influence on labour activity, which are based on the use of cross-correlative regression design, are presented. The developed regressive models allowed checking hypothesis that differentiation of the new knowledge creation process (production and transmission of knowledge, distribution of knowledge, use of knowledge) exposes the new verges of research of labour activity features in terms of transition to the economy of knowledge.
labour activity, knowledge factors, economy of knowledge
In the context of globalization the role of educational migration as an important intellectual by its content form of migratory movements of population gains more importance. In Ukraine the lion’s share of educational migration lies within the country and has specific peculiarities at the regional and intraregional levels. Assessment of the volumes of regional and intraregional educational migration is provided on the basis of the statistical indicators (number of visiting students on the full-time education basis who live in student housing, the share of rural youth in the total number of persons, who enter the higher educational establishments; number of structural subdivisions of major higher educational establishments in the regions, the number of foreign students involved in the study). The analysis revealed the active role of regional and intraregional educational migration in forming of the contingent of higher educational establishments in all regions, but primarily in major regional centers. As a result of expert survey the attitude of the representatives of intellectual elite to migration in Western Ukraine is assessed. The proposals over the state regulation of teachers and scientists migration are made.
The approaches to the assessment of the world countries readiness to transition to economy of knowledge are analyzed. Influence of higher education on formation of the human capital of the state and regions is described. The key activities of high schools which create necessary conditions for formation and the prevention of losses of the human capital on state and regional levels are studied. The innovational character of higher education development is stressed. The equal access to the education is considered as improvement of human capital of the state and the regions. The continuous education is way to create the human capital in different age groups. The quality of the education is determined as basis of profitable investments in human capital. The features of staff quality improvement and its connection with the results of research activity are studied. The realization of the State program of integration of science and education at universities for 2008-2012 «Science at universities» is analysed.
socio-economic determinants, modernization of higher education, human capital
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